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April AF Flock - Week 4

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    April AF Flock - Week 4

    Good morning everyone

    :l:l:l and :h to Rusty. Nobody here judges and am so glad that you felt that you could come back and share with us. Just wish there was more that we could do to help. All a lot of us can do is listen and support. Dont worry about bringing anyone down that wont happen. We all know that it is much easier to post when things are going well and about the everyday stuff. However, this thread is first and foremost a supportive one and venting is encouraged. As Chill says it is one of the few places that a lot of us can be completely honest. Hang in there Rusty my friend.

    :goodjob: Chill an A is nothing to be sneezed at. Wishing you continued success at your studies.

    Sooty - good to see you back and hope all is well on the home front.

    Lav, Dill, LBH, Star, Cyn, Jolie, Fly, Blonde, Sunni, Papmom and anyone else I missed have a great week-end.

    Nothing major planned. Going to a classical concert with a friend tonight and the weather is not promised too good so going to try and get my walk in early. Have a great Saturday.



      April AF Flock - Week 4

      Good morning...

      Rusty, please feel free to share whatever you need to...just good you are determined to get back to being AF. Sending you support and energy for the present and future! I know that you will find a new path, something wonderful where you will use new talents and abilities, meet new people and have new adventures.

      Chill, good job on the A. I am telling you again (sorry) that attending school as an adult is the best, the learning experience, the good grades, the thrill of learning, nothing beats it. I am signed up to start a new area of study and I am very excited, I am definitely a lifelong learner. The older I get I realize the more there is to learn and how little I really know.

      Blonde, I envy you actually planning to make a change to an area that is a better fit for you and your husband. My husband and I just never did that and now wish we had...but now we are older and need to stay where we are at till retirement. It IS so important to take the time to just be together, it was wonderful to hear about your efforts in your relationship.

      Lav, you busy girl you, please take a little time for yourself, although I realize your grandkids are only young for a little while...

      Pap, have fun at agility today, I know that is a energizing activity and a source of joy in your life.

      How crazy is this, I am watching something on TV where middle schoolers are distilling hand santizer to get the alcohol...

      LBH, aww your poor kitty. No big winds here, just rain all day, on and off.

      After my walk this morning, and WW, I am going to the library today, post office, and the hated Walmart. We hope to have a dinner out with friends, will find out later today. Just quiet and peaceful here, focusing on being content, tranquil, and peaceful.

      To all, have a great day.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        April AF Flock - Week 4

        Morning all,

        Wasn't planning to be up & at it at 6:30 this morning my EB had other plans :H
        He stayed overnight, not for any special reason, just because he'd been asking to do so.

        Rusty, still thinking about you & hope you are OK.

        It was 32 degrees this morning - frosty. Hope the garden survived.
        I also hope to get outside later to get some things done.

        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          April AF Flock - Week 4

          Hey all,

          Almost Saturday afternoon here - been cleaning around the house and will be heading out to a spaghetti dinner at church a little later. Sat out on my porch this morning and drank my coffee in the beautiful warmth and sunlight - what the heck happened? It's now overcast and cold! Oh well - I'll deal with it.

          Rusty - I think about you often (even when I'm not on here) and honestly - I don't think anyone here can pass judgement (me especially!). Make that email the final negative for you - things can only go up from here - right? Sometimes I think God sends these disappointments just so we can appreciate the good stuff that is waiting around the corner and I know things will turn around for you - you are just too darn special! Lots of hugs coming your way - don't you dare beat yourself up - The absolute best thing you could have done was to come here and share that experience with the rest of us - we are all still learning and I know I'm good on my own but out in a social situation, I don't know how strong I will really be until I'm tested I guess. We'll see. Anyhow, please hang in there Rusty

          Star - I did the grocery shopping yesterday and I'm finding I am really avoiding our local Walmart these days. Just hate, hate hate it (and I couldn't wait until it opened!)Hope you have a nice dinner this evening!

          Rustop - have fun tonight! I absolutely love classical music but have never been to one. Will have to put that on my list of things to do.

          Lav, Blondie, LBH, Dill, Sooty SD, Chilll, Sunny - hope you guys all have a great day!
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            April AF Flock - Week 4

            The rain to the wind said,
            'You push and I'll pelt.'
            They so smote the garden bed
            That the flowers actually knelt,
            And lay lodged--though not dead.
            I know how the flowers felt.
            ~Robert Frost

            :lRusty, you have been through so much! I am so sorry you're having such a rough time. Hang in there. Jolie is right, there is good stuff around the corner for you, things will turn around.

            It's a dreary rainy day here in southern Ohio. I have decided to enjoy it by crocheting as I listen to an audio book, sitting by a fire.

            LBH, I thought of you the other day as Mr. Dill took a trip to the pet store to buy 2 oscars. I will keep them away from your shubunkins, I promise!

            Lav, settle down for a little while and take some quiet time for yourself. In fact, you should join me here by the wood stove.

            SD, you need to get to bed earlier dear!

            AF wishes to all,

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              April AF Flock - Week 4

              Sitting at agility waiting for our next turn and catching up worth you all.
              Rusty :l
              Will check in tonite when I get home.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                April AF Flock - Week 4

                Good Saturday Afternoon Fabulous Flocking Friends,

                I am feeling much better now. Thank you all again and again for your support.:h I feel much better now because I have just awakened from a non-AL induced nap. Wow, I slept for over an hour and I must have needed it, but now I feel so refreshed and I am going to the health club and then I am going to park my butt in the hot tub before having dinner out with my mom and sister.

                Lav-thank you for your sweet words. You must be exhausted with all the work you do, and to have EB spend the night. I know your days of babysitting meld into the nighttime, too. I hope you have some me time this weekend.

                Jolie-you're right....I appreciate everything a whole lot more and I have been humbled by this experience. I'm glad you're back with us. The thread is brighter when you're in it.

                LBH, Sooty, and Papmom-thank you so much for your lovely PMs and texts. I reread them several times.

                Papmom-I loved getting the mid-trial text. Congrats on the 1st place. Can't wait to hear about the rest of the trials.

                Chill-I will send you a PM to explain to you what I do for a living and the impact this situation has on me. I know you're studying furiously...and wondered how long the course is...what the certificate will mean for you.....and I bet you're the prettiest woman in your class, too.

                Rustop-have a great time at the concert. Do you like going to the opera as well?

                Star-what study program did you sign up for? I, too, find learning new things as an older person a fascinating venture.

                Dill-thank you for that lovely true....and it seems appropriate for today. You're right...we need a name for May. Magical May? Magnificent May? Mindful May? Mystical May?

                SD-what have you been up to?

                A big, warm, grateful hello to everyone else. You guys are lifesavers!:h


                  April AF Flock - Week 4

                  Rusty, I am not worried about you losing the path toward sustained good health. I am so glad you are feeling better with the things that we each thankfully have within our grasp, eating well, exercise, rest. You are a trooper, and I think you are also lucky in that taking a drink does not historically lead to a catastrophic bender or decline; in some ways it makes it hard not to go there (I am speaking for myself) but we are working our way out anyway. I am really glad you are here. I have always loved that poem, Dill, I think we all know how those flowers felt at one time or another but as a gardener, those little miracles are hard to kill. Roots. Love, Ladybird.
                  may we be well


                    April AF Flock - Week 4

                    hey honkers!! Back about an hour from the agility trial. Great but very long day. Next time Mickey and LM are coming with!! DD and I did very well. We had 4 runs and Q'd in 3 and got 1st place in all 4. Everyone was very nice and I bonded with 2 fairly local women who I hope to hang with at the next trial in June. The group that ran the trial made all the new comers feel very welcome and DD and I will have our picture on their FB page for being newcomers!! I snag it when they put it up and post it here. The judge was great and wore the cutes pair of purple camo pants. I want a pair-only in pink!!

                    Rusty-so happy to come home and see your post!! You do sound so much better and for that I am grateful. I know there is a fabulous plan awaiting your discovery. :h

                    Chill-congrats on that first A!! That's the way to start your new path!! Keep up the great work.

                    Hope everyone had a great day. I'm sore and tired and need to turn in early. So grateful to come home to you guys!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      April AF Flock - Week 4

                      Good mornong Flockers

                      Sunshine & chilly this morning!!!!!
                      Looking forward to more weed pulling later - exciting life, huh?

                      Glad you had a good agility day Papmom, sounds like fun!

                      Rusty, glad you are feeling more settled. Changes are hard, believe me I know......
                      But I also know we are both going to be just fine

                      Wishing everyone a terrific honking AF Sunday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        April AF Flock - Week 4

                        Good Morning Flocksters!

                        The sun's out here, it's a beautiful day, and I'm going for a run on the lake path before I have the uncomfortable task of finishing my reports and submitting them for my soon-to-become former clients.:upset: I've accepted it, though. I was thinking yesterday about what else made me so vulnerable that I drank 2 days in a row, and now I know. While I was studying for my exams this year (March and April), rather than think smart, eat right, take my supplements, I was eating crap food because I was so consumed with studying that I didn't want to take the time to shop/eat out sensibly....and I have been on this sweet and salt fix for the last 8 weeks. Hence, the addition of 6 pounds to my waist. Yesterday, just by eating right, and taking all my supplements, I craved neither sweet, salt or AL. DUH! I'm finally doing what all the smart people on this thread are doing.:H takes me a long time to catch on.

                        I have the utmost regard for Lav and Chill, and anyone I have missed with extended AF time, and wonder how you handle the crises in your life without AL? If anyone has had reasons to drink, it sure has been you two. Please share if you have time.

                        Lav-what are you up to, today? Is YB coming over for dinner? I think you deserve a nice visit with your daughter and Lily.

                        Rustop-I was reading over one of your first posts on this week's thread and you mentioned the Rose of Tralee. Well, back in the 70s, there was this hilariously funny movie called "Caddyshack." And in this movie, the lead, teenager and golf caddy Danny, is dating an Irish girl, Maggie, who speaks with a lovely thick brogue. Danny's golfing boss has a promiscuous niece named Lacey, who has caught Danny's eye....and one day Maggie catches Danny leering at Lacey and she says to him, "I've heard she's been porked (or something like that) more than the Rose of Tralee!" Now I know what the Rose of Tralee is. It's a beauty! Thank you!!:h You see, when I am especially sad or overwhelmed, I like to put on old movies like Caddyshack, Uncle Buck, Sixteen Candles, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Home Alone.....all the ones that make me laugh.

                        Papmom-how cool you will be on Facebook with DD. I saw another Papillon the other day when I was walking....such sweet little dogs. I tell ya, if I'm unable to work/travel, the first thing I'm doing is running out and getting myself a lap dog.

                        Blonde, Sunni, Sausage....please stop in and say hello!

                        Dill-what are oscars?

                        LBH-Taxes....UUUGGGHHH! Like Lav, I have to pay them quarterly, and I majorly owe this year. ((((SIGH))))

                        Shelley-come out, come out. We miss you.

                        Just wanted to let you guys know that this week is going to be kinda crazy for me after Monday. I'm traveling and flying to California for last two automotive clients....and I have to stay strong so I don't fall apart. Anyway, if I don't check in every day, I am just busy!

                        To anyone I haven't mentioned...Star, LBH, Sooty, SD, Mr.G, Jolie....have a wonderful AF Sunday!


                          April AF Flock - Week 4

                          Hi everyone
                          Sausage here
                          Just saying hello :hiya:
                          Haven't posted for several days on MWO, but I'm doing Ok, just very busy with work, kids, after school activities and Mr Sausage has been unwell (pneumonia) he's getting over it now, but I've been doing a lot of running around.
                          Anyway I'm ok, plodding on one day at a time!
                          All those days now add up to 66 in total.
                          Nearly at the end of April, that will be two totally AF months in a row.
                          Hope everyone else is OK.
                          Sausage x
                          Day 66


                            April AF Flock - Week 4

                            Hi Sausage!....Great to see you here and whoo whoo on Day 66.:goodjob: I hope Mr. S. recovers quickly. I've had pneumonia....horrible.

                            Today, I am feeling especially hopeful. I just decided this morning that I could put all my previous skills and abilities to good use and reinvent I will ask the director of one of the companies I contract with if I may be part of a relatively new program we're embarking on where I think I would be a good fit. As part of getting back on the AF bus and putting my recent disappointment behind me, I found this post by Chill 2/7/11....very pertinent for me, today. Thank you, lovely one.:h

                            I have decided to be happy!

                            I have decided to be happy.
                            It is a conscious decision.
                            Maybe it sounds like an obvious choice ? stale bread or hot croissants, ill-fitting clothes or the perfect
                            black dress, a friend who criticizes or a friend who congratulates but I was not always happy and so I
                            know that it is a choice. Too often we are caught up in the drama of suffering. We continue to tell the
                            same sad story or perhaps we love the honor of being the martyr who suffers for others or maybe we
                            believe we do not truly deserve. It is time to let it go. We must take responsibility for ourselves and
                            begin to nurture our own happiness like a precious and wonderful garden.
                            By purposefully looking for a reason to be happy ? even for a moment.
                            Everyday I decide something will make me happy.
                            I am happy when my dog greets me in the morning.
                            I am happy when my toast comes out a perfect brown.
                            I am happy when I sit down with my coffee and read an email from a loved one.
                            I am happy when I see people around me smile.
                            I am happy when I look up at the stars.
                            I am happy when a stork soars above me surfing the winds.
                            I am happy when I witness acts of kindness.
                            I am happy when my head hits my soft clean pillow.
                            I look. I choose ? period.
                            This is not to say that I am not at times worried, overwhelmed or fearful. I feel the breadth of human
                            emotion. I am not removed from life or the suffering that is at time part of existance but I decide to find
                            happiness anyway. Perhaps this is really what all those ancient teachers meant when they talked about
                            the witness state. I can observe, feel and respond but I have a choice in it all. I can even choose my
                            own suffering but instead I choose to return to that place of wholeness, peace and joy at the centre of
                            myself. I am a witness not a victim or better said, I am a creator. And for today, this moment, I have
                            decided to create ?happy?.
                            Sending you all thoughts of happiness on this day.
                            Chill x__________________
                            True nobility is not about being better than anyone else, its about being better that
                            you used to be.....
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              April AF Flock - Week 4

                              Wow, thanks Rusty for posting Chill's post, it is really powerful and illustrates that we DO have a choice in what we focus on and our mood. You are really courageous, and I feel sure that your idea will pan out, who knows, in a year you may look on this situation as a blessing. I was especially interested in your realization that eating healthy and taking supplements helps your mood. I wondered what supplements you take. I am currently struggling with eating right and portion control, so would appreciate any help I can get.

                              Pap, sounds like you had a joyous day with your doggy, great!!!

                              It is sunny and will warm up later today, I am planning a balanced day, and send greeting to all.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                                April AF Flock - Week 4

                                Good Morning, ya geezers!

                                I've finally had a chance to read back a bit... much has been going on with you all. And, what strikes me most, is the utter support and shared wisdom here. Thank you all... you are just a wonderful bunch. Rusty :l Chill... I'm printing the "I have decided to be happy" bit - thank you so much.

                                About my weekend.. Let's see in order of importance:
                                1. Remained AF and wasn't difficult at all. I ordered first at dinner, and asked for iced tea (so did almost everyone thereafter)
                                2. Learned tons!
                                3. Had my horses butt whipped :H Because he was such a doofus the first morning, Chris Irwin (who lead the clinic) asked me if I would be ok with putting Atlas in the 5 hour afternoon sessions "Train the trainer". That's where he teaches and observes his trainers with the horses as well as with each other. Do I MIND??? Really??? :H Hello no! So, I put about 2 hours on him in the mornings and then he was being worked with for 5 hours each afternoon. A better thing couldn't have happened to him. And I learned a lot from watching others work with him, see him pull subtle stunts and see HOW they happen and how to prevent/avert them.

                                All in all a fantastic weekend. But, I'm also very glad to be back home and back here.
                                Here's my favorite picture from the weekend.. It was a game where one horse was brought into the arena and let loose. The 5 trainers there would have to herd the horse over the jump, observing the horse and each other but unable to speak to one another. They would have to read each other's bodies and intent and then position themselves accordingly. Was great to watch!

                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

