Wow Rusty - where the hell did you find that?! :H Thank you for posting it, I too need to be reminded of these choices. It is so "Rusty" to bounce back the way you have, you are an amazing lady and I look forward to the next chapter.
Sunni - Sounds like an incredible weekend, love the photo, these Trainers must be awesome.
Sausage :hello: great job on 66 days! :yougo:
Star - I too was interested in Rusty's realisation about eating poorly. I know Im probably becoming a bore about it but from all the reading I'm doing on health and nutrition its no wonder our poor minds and bodies struggle with what we put into them. Now that I realise what our digestive systems have to cope with I have a lot more respect for my internal organs and feel complete horror at what I put them through when I was drinking. I know too much salt and I crave salt, too much sugar and I crave sugar, too much fat and I crave fat! When I eat a fresh nutritious diet with no additives I have no cravings and I feel amazing!
Papmom - You sound great! I know the agility means a long day but you always love it

Rusty when my world turned upside down I was 7 months sober and one day. I remember vividly coming back from the Lawyers office after being told there was virtually nothing he could do to help me. I remember it felt like the world had stopped and the house seemed empty and there was just this silence like the volume had been muted and even the birds weren't singing. I wanted more than anything to drink to oblivion. It was like a million monsters were inside of me screaming for their fix. Why didn't I? Whatever I was going to loose, they were not going to take my sobriety from me, that was all I had but it was huge. I knew I had to hang on to it with all my life or I would drown. I came here, I went to AA, I paced the floor, I talked to God. If i had picked up and if I ever pick up I won't ever put it down again....With every crisis I encounter I must always remember that.