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AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

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    AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

    Morning Abbers

    To say thank you for being there for me this last couple of days and to celebrate happy 29 and tomorrow's big 3-0 I have decided to just go all out and rent us our own Starbucks.

    So, until Shue comes back you can each have a coffee and a treat of your choice per visit as long as you promise to form an orderly line and mention what you are having and what it tastes like.

    Menu | Starbucks Coffee Company

    My mom's not doing too badly and I got her a cancellation appt at her pdoc as she is going on maternity leave (!) Mom's on several medications and have been hospitalised twice so we have her monitored and have tried everything except shock treatment, something she is very scared of, probably rightly so.

    I haven't spoken to bf yet. He is probably under a lot of stress and he did act out of character but then so am I for not talking to him. I don't really want to talk about it now. Perhaps I just want him to have some time to think about the way he's been acting.

    Sorry, I didnt keep up yesterday but Shue - I get so angry when people's spouses do that. I met a friend in rehab and her husband threatened DIVORCE if she didnt go and she cried every night as he missed her two small kids. After 90 days sober what did he do? Say, come on Jo, I think you are ready to start having champagne at parties again - :durn:

    Have a great day everyone.

    Love and chocolate sprinkles,


    AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

    Hi, Dizzy and all to come!

    Thanks for the coffee choice today! Wow--our own Starbucks! Love it!
    You sound good, and I am so glad to hear it. I just love all the support we give and get here. Hope all works out for your mom. Mental illness stinks!
    Had a great day at work yesterday! The assistant manager and the young woman coming back for her fifth season are GREAT!! Assistant is a huge animal lover, and she and husband have just about every kind of animal you can imagine!! Hubby is in the miltary and has been deployed twice and hoping he won't have to do another tour. We cleaned and talked for six hours and the time flew! Nice to be with hard workers who are also nice! There is another woman whom the owner hired, but she'll be coming on board later. That's it--four of us. Can't hire any friends, unfortunately.
    My friend who got back from rehab over the weekend came by and we had coffee and a good chat after I finished work. I had hoped that she'd get a job with e, but she did apply at a high end clothing shop across the street and I am also sending her to the Castle where I worked last summer. Had a voice mail from the manager yesterday, and need to email him today, I know he wants me to come back, but this job will be much better for me. May get a huge shipment today, so we may need to stay longer today.
    Okay--off for the day, but will try to check back later.
    "One day at a time."


      AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

      Good morning sunshines!
      Dizzy- thanks so much for renting out our own Starbucks. I'll have a grande skim latte. Big day coming up for you!!! Glad your day turned out a bit better than you expected. I can't believe the story of the person you met in rehab. What a doofus that DH was!

      TDN-Loved the balloon story. That would certainly be cheaper than a boob job. If I grew tired of them I could pop them. Seems simple enough...Have a great day at work!
      Lav- the pic. of Miss Matilda is precious. How could she ever do wrong???
      Papmom- you poor thing. What a day! Well, by the time you read this, it will be a (much better) new
      day. Hugs!
      Kas- you could write and I could edit. However, how in the heck would I even know if one of your Miss
      Science Pants (panties?)words were spelled incorrectly? Love the new pic. Keep em coming!

      Sausage- even though I posted congrats on the other thread, I wanted to give them here as well. Way to go on your big 6 0!

      We have company coming in a couple days. They booked there trip before they knew we were putting it on the market. At least it's only a couple nights. They both drink beer and wine. I might be a bad hostess and buy beer only. Can you believe I bought a 6 pack of beer for DH over 2 months ago and he finished the last beer this weekend? I'm grateful that he barely drinks.

      Alrighty kids, I'm getting in line for my latte. Happy Tuesday!
      AF since 2/22/2012


        AF Daily - Tuesday April 24


        Good to see everyone dealing with their stuff and giving it space. I used to drink and avoid, drink and ignore, drink and overreact, drink and sweep it under the carpet.... It's so good to just look at it and navigate it, isn't it?

        Diz that is sad that your mom's life is difficult for her and those who love her. One friend who was bipolar had awful swings until they found the right med. Maybe the right med is out there for you mom too. :l

        Shue, it's great that you are giving yourself what you need.

        Famous, what if someone wants to look at you house when they are there?? EEk!

        TDN, that party for the 80 year old sounded like a blast. laughter is so good for the soul. Your job is really coming together for you and you sound really happy about it.

        8:00 off with the robe.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

          Good Tuesday morning Abbers,

          Happy to report the sun has made a comeback here

          Thanks for the Starbucks Dizzy, very nice!
          Tomorrow is a big day for you, congrats!

          TDN, so happy to hear your first day went so well, hope the good feeling continues!!!

          Almost, I think people pretty much know to BYOB when they come here. I haven't stepped foot in a beer or wine store since Feb. 2009. You can't buy any of that in supermarkets around here & I'm grateful for that. Let your guests take care of their own AL needs

          Greenie, I'm going for a haircut today - will think about you

          Have a terrific AF Tuesday everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

            Wow! our own Starbucks! Can Shue be the head honcho? i confess I dont know much about Starbucks. The nearest one is 400 kms away. So I would like to have a cappacino, but only if someone in America will explain the difference between a wet Cappaccino and a dry one. This was the choice I was offered last time I ventured into the big US of A floating down to the south of me there.

            Diz you sound much better. Im glad your mom is getting some immediate help. Re your friend Jo...what I dont understand is why do rehab people not give spouses, partners, etc a talking to about what to do to HELP over the recovery period. Or if they do, does it go in one ear and out the other.??? Anyway, congrats on your BIG DAY!!
            Big hello to TDN, Greenie, Lav and Almost... Im with Lav re alcohol purchases.... People coming here to stay get the same story and they seem to respect it.

            Everyone have a great AF day.... On thing is for sure.

            Kaslo, MSP

            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

              On a very quick work break.

              Green- they have been forewarned that I may be chasing them out of the house with vacuum in tow. I have a friend that was having a Birthday party at her home while the house was on the market. Some people begged to come through and see it. The lookers ended up buying it even with a house full of people! We will vacate if anyone comes.

              Lav and Kas- they spent a lot of money on flights, rental car, blah, blah, blah so I feel bad making them pay. I will not be indulging. I plan on buying myself some juice and seltzer for my daughter and I to have while they have their "poison." This is going to sound nutty but I'm ready for this test. Oh, and I will pass it because the alternative ain't pretty.

              Ok I'm back to work.
              AF since 2/22/2012


                AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

                DBee - this is indeed a magical Starbucks - no one in line! Thanks for the set up. I will have a WHY BOTHER? (Venti, Skinny, decaf latte, no flavoring.) Some people drink fake beer. Me? The fake coffee still gives me the thrill. I drive through a local latte stand once a week with my black pug who gets treats. I actually do it more for the dog than me. He is just so darned thrilled. I think I will take a picture this Saturday when we do our thing. It is so cute. The owner, makes a big deal over him and he is twitterpated with her. He starts bouncing and twirling the moment I touch my keys.

                I am always lifted by the way all of you are dealing with life without alcohol. The updates are affirming and the pictures are just great. Makes me feel like I'm a little more a part of your 3D world.

                We seriously need a meet up someday. I keep saying this. But I mean it. I am willing to help organize. There are a lot of good people who go to the Chat Cave on a regular basis who would also love a meetup. Right now...I am throwing out 2014 for the general target. I know this seems like it's a long way off, but in terms of planning for travel and time off and budget really is just about right. Whaddya think? I guess we would call this the PRELIMINARY brainstorming stage.

                I am taking the bike out for a spin today. I hope to actually use it more as transportation these days. Why not, ride to the gym, for example? Makes sense. The roads are still full of rocks and gravel and some of the bike trails still have snow, but hey - you gotta push the season around here or before you know it - snow will be falling again.

                Warm weather and gardening were huge triggers for me before. Now? Not so much. I am really grateful that I started my quit last summer and have had some time behind me. I still take a bunch of supplements, although I have left some behind (Kudzu for example) I have reduced dosages and eventually I hope to rely on my good, healthy eating to give me what I need. I am willing to be patient while my body continues to heal. I even like my body more now that I am reshaping and strengthening it with weight training.

                mi amor la vida AF!
                Sober for the Revolution!
                AF & NF July 23, 2011


                  AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

                  Hi everyone
                  Thanks for the Starbucks Dizzy - I'll have a cinnamon frappacino as I fancy a cold drink just now.
                  Late check in from me as I've had a long day at work, and I've not eaten yet either.
                  Haven't had chance to read properly but wanted to say thanks for all the congratulatory messages on my 60 days yesterday, it means a lot. I've posted an update on my thoughts at 60 days on the My Story section.
                  Must get something to eat (or I'll get AL cravings)!
                  Will try and drop back later.


                    AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

                    Glad everyone enjoyed the Starbucks, I'll have a more detailed list to choose from tomorrow to make the choices easier. As to wet and dry cappucinos- I don't think I'm American enough to answer that one

                    More lovely sushi tonight. We have this new place in town that have had half price sushi every weekday for the last two months as an opening sushi. Monday is the last day of the special BUT I made FULL use of it and am choc a block of Omega 3 oil and yummy goodies now. Yum.

                    Cheery night everyone.



                      AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

                      Good evening peeps,

                      I am back in my posh hotel room after a day full of meetings. Went out 2 nights in a row and noticed how people took my cue at dinner and ordered soft drinks only. It might be bacause I am the boss or a big client but I also cannot help feeling they are somewhat reli
                      Eved they don't need to drink to keep me company.

                      Instead of polishing off the complimentary mini bottle of Moet in my minibar I went out for a nice long walk to clear my head. Love love love being out of the AL cloud.

                      Dizzy, outstanding job with the coffee, kas - you do live in the wild, incidentally the nearest Starbucks to where I am would be back home 445 km away.

                      Lav, I had big problems trying tonpersuade my puppy too that he has to pee outside, even if it's wet and cold. He would juts refuse to get out the door.

                      Tnd, so happy for the funny party and your good first day.

                      Sausage - congrats on the big 6 O.

                      Turn, i miss our early morning chats, damn the useless i pad.

                      Big kiss good night from me.
                      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                        AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

                        Today is Primary Day so I did go get my vote in

                        Since my polling place sits on the PA/MD state line, afterwards I went to the nearest MD gas station to fill up. Only $3.79/gal there - big difference.

                        Got my hair cut, met my friend for lunch & am now testing out a recipe from The Williams - Sonoma Soup book I got myself for Christmas. White Bean, Pasta & Swiss Chard soup - yum

                        I'll have to start looking for a chicken sitter if I'm traveling somewhere to meet all of you in 2014 :H
                        Chicken sitters are not easy to find :H
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

                          Hello Fabbies!

                          Quick check in from the land of airborne patio furniture. Mr. Wonderful asked this morning: "Is the barn still there?"

                          Very cool... forgot to mention last night.. we have a (pretty young, I think) fox hanging around the house. I'm wondering if s/he's made friends with one of the domestic critters here. I'm so damn blind, when I walked back from the barn I saw something brown-ish crossing the road and called out "Bubbles!" The creature stopped and looked back at me, then took off. That's when I realized it was no cat, but rather a fox. Saw him again tonight. I could see either Shelby or Boris wanting to play with him.

                          And, while I'm on the subject of being blind... Starbucks scares me :H I can never read those horrendous names and everyone stops and gasps if you say "I just want a coffee!"

                          Shue... very cool that your dinner companions followed your lead!

                          Lav, that pup of yours is simply adorable! How is Maxi now, that the honeymoon period is over? Is she pretty tolerant? And on the subject of BYOB... it's pretty much custom here in general... any gathering I've ever been to has been like that. And so it shall remain!

                          Turnip... pictures, indeed. Video would be even better :H

                          Sausage... get thee fed, pronto!

                          PapMom.. how's the psychedelically pap mobile?

                          Greenie, Almost, Dizzy, and everyone... hello and hope you had a great day (seeing it's drawing to a close here). I'll be working late tonight and most of the day tomorrow until it's time to load up the brat horse and bring him to my friend's place. We'll be leaving around noon on Thursday back Saturday night/Sunday morning. Ugggh. Not looking forward to that looooong drive. Not sure if I'll be able to get online, so if I'm MIA for a few days - no worries I'll be getting my butt kicked in private lessons :H
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

                            We are Fabinese, if you please.

                            Guess what! I thought I was mostly retired and that my main clients had moved to other jobs, but the replacement guy for my main client in a large industry I have worked for in the past 15 years called me up this morning and said they want me to do an aerial photographic based survey of vegetation change in response to lowered emissions. Bonus, he sounds like super guy and he is a kayaker!! Whoioo hoooo. This is a big deal, and its closer to home than the other work I am doing right now. Plus more interesting cause of pathology. This also allows me to provide employment for my staff who were understandably getting a bit nervous about where the next buck was coming from. Not only that but the company doing the flight captures are pilots and camera men that already work for me, and they rule the waves.

                            So I am truly pumped!


                            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                            Status: Happy:h


                              AF Daily - Tuesday April 24

                              Awesome Kas!! Whoohoo Congrats!

                              So we'll be sending greetings from the land of airborne Kas AND patio furniture! Cool :H
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013

