To say thank you for being there for me this last couple of days and to celebrate happy 29 and tomorrow's big 3-0 I have decided to just go all out and rent us our own Starbucks.
So, until Shue comes back you can each have a coffee and a treat of your choice per visit as long as you promise to form an orderly line and mention what you are having and what it tastes like.
Menu | Starbucks Coffee Company

My mom's not doing too badly and I got her a cancellation appt at her pdoc as she is going on maternity leave (!) Mom's on several medications and have been hospitalised twice so we have her monitored and have tried everything except shock treatment, something she is very scared of, probably rightly so.
I haven't spoken to bf yet. He is probably under a lot of stress and he did act out of character but then so am I for not talking to him. I don't really want to talk about it now. Perhaps I just want him to have some time to think about the way he's been acting.
Sorry, I didnt keep up yesterday but Shue - I get so angry when people's spouses do that. I met a friend in rehab and her husband threatened DIVORCE if she didnt go and she cried every night as he missed her two small kids. After 90 days sober what did he do? Say, come on Jo, I think you are ready to start having champagne at parties again - :durn:
Have a great day everyone.
Love and chocolate sprinkles,