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Friday 9 February

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    Friday 9 February

    Hi Abbsville

    I can officially move back in again, after camping on the outskirts for a while :H Thanks to all the support here, there is no doubt it really works and AA thanks for stating the obvious that I need a plan to cope; Rocky, I've got all the supps, CD, topa, but obviously wasn't using them, but slowly building back on to them and Rags, your comment about the light always being there helped me greatly.
    :thanks: again all
    back on drink tracker (didn't have anything between 10 and 15, so didn't post before! )
    looking forward to hearing from you all as the day progresses. And where's Weemelon????

    Friday 9 February

    here...............under a pile of washing!!!!
    Good to see you back my little Antipodean scrumlet!!!!!!!!!

    Much love sweetie xxx:h


      Friday 9 February


      Happy Friday everyone
      Been busy this week so not posted much, but have just spent an hour reading all the posts...
      Wow such a lot been going on here.
      Well done eveyone, it is great to see those days adding up.

      Day 44 for me.
      Have been socialising a bit this week and been surrounded by people drinking, BUT did not feel tempted to join in. I am really starting to believe in the A Carr message that drinking is not something good i am missing out on but something Evil - that I have escaped from. For me this really keeps me focused.

      I know in my heart that abstaining is the only thing that works for me.
      Alcohol hurts me - over and over again.
      I have to stay away from it.
      Hope everyone has a healthy weekend


        Friday 9 February

        Good Morning Everyone - day 26 for me and I honestly wouldn't have believed that I could do this when I started - it's so great to come here and get support; I honestly don't think I could have got this far without you guy! Thank You! x

        Victoria - I have just read your post from yesterday about going to your girly party - I was worried about that sort of thing too. But I was determined that 'not drinking' was not going to control me in the same way as 'drinking' used to. I'm not sure that makes any sense but what I mean is that I wanted the freedom to go to the pub and be with my friends but have the confidence that I could drink soft drinks and enjoy it. I prepared myself by lots of visualisation and things; and as soon as someone said - why are you not drinking; I just said because I wasn't at the moment / because I got fed up with drinking all the time. This seemed to work really and they kind of just seemed to except that. It gave me enormous confidence and a boost be able to do that - and maybe it would you too?? Go for it!! In many ways it doesn't matter what other people think about us and our not drinking - this is a personal decision that is right for all of us as individuals at this time in our lives......

        I am beginning to almost worry about when my 30 days are up now - I feel like I am in some sort of comfort zone at the moment. I feel the need to test myself to see if I can mod - but equally I'm frightened that I'll go back to square 1...

        Have a great day guys

        Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


          Friday 9 February

          Good morning Blondie, Wee, Changeling and Ilex....and to all yet to arrive!

          Positive thoughts for me today...gonna face reality and continue to sort out the mess i have made of my life!!
          Ilex...i hear you on the trying for mods thing, im now on day 32 and am so tempted to just see if i can do it....but i know i wont be able to stop if i start again so im going to an AA meeting tonight, havent been for ages but i feel that i need the extra support at the moment...just incase i go off the rails!!

          Loves and hugs to all hope you have a great day

          Lou-Lou x x x
          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


            Friday 9 February

            Morning Blondie, Weemelon, Changeling, Ilex and Lou and everyone still to come,

            Positive thoughts to all of you...Lou for facing reality and sorting your life out, Change for 44 days AF and socialising too, and Wee ...for the laundry!

            Ilex, you seem to have the same issues that Bear73 has, have you read the thread on todays monthly mods? Anyway, well done on nearly 30 days!

            The parts have come for my Dyson (Never Loses Suction Ever!), so hopefully I can fix it and rid this house of the 4" dog hair that's coating the carpet...Anthea Turner I'm not !

            day 6 for me

            have a good one everyone


              Friday 9 February

              Hello all, day 28 for me, glad to have a full 4 weeks on the calendar. I understand where you guys are coming from on the mods thing, I too feel like 30 days is kind of an invitation to test the theory, but I also, having never tested the theory before, think it might be an invitation to throw away 30 days of sucess, so i think i will just skip the whole alcolhol thing and just stick to af for now. And Ilex thanks for you response to my post, makes a lot of sense.

              Oh...and by the way...I haven had a ciggarette in 28 days either. For those of you who want to quit I have been using the commit lozenges, they taste like ass the first couple of days but they work really well.

              It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
              James Gordon, M.D.


                Friday 9 February

                Hi Blondie,
                Looks like it's a bit brighter for you to see your way.
                I'm so happy that you're back and on track.
                Do you have a plan yet?
                Please kep in touch.
                Geez, melon does the laundry the same time as me.


                  Friday 9 February

                  Good morning Abbers,

                  I'm going to say hello before this group gets so big that I can't name you all!

        's a good thing!!!

                  :l to Blondie, Weemelon, Change, Iles, Lou, Pebbles , Victoria, and Rags!

                  I think I'm the old lady of the group here!
                  My kids tease me about saying their names all at once and mixing them up! I really don't do it as much as I used to when they were all at home.

                  I'm happy to see you ALL here in Absville! It is the only place I can live.. and I love my neighbors!

                  Have a great day and stay warm!

                  :h NAncy
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    Friday 9 February


                    Good to hear you post today and with a positive notion.

                    Get back on the day at a time.

                    Victoria...Great job on the 28 days...very proud of you..on day 13af for me today...the old body is starting to come back alive...I feel like getting out and doing things again. Before I only wanted to stay home and drink, and was too tired to get out and about.

                    Blessing to all!!!
                    Control the Mind


                      Friday 9 February

                      I'm with Blondie... Jumping back in again. Starting over at day one..... But hanging in this time. I've had 10 AF days out of 14. Not a stellar perfomance but I gotta be positive, right? I doubt I can get into too much trouble this weekend as we are buried under a pile of snow that keeps on falling, and falling, and falling.....

                      Good luck to all, and have a great weekend.


                        Friday 9 February

                        Good morning all! Up EARLY today. My darling rooster - oh, I mean darling daughter was up early.

                        I haven't tried the Commit lozenges. I am currently using the nicorette - 4mg Fruit flavoured gum. I find it works really well and keeps my mouth busy so I am not shoving food down it constantly. Good for you on your 28 days with the not drinking and smoking!!

                        Day 42 for me. Nothing too spectacular to post this morning. Just want to wish you all a very happy Friday!


                          Friday 9 February

                          Wynot, you absolutely have to be positive! If my calculations are correct, that means in the last two weeks you have not been drinking 75% of the time - sounds like a heck of a good start to going AF again.

                          Have fun digging out, and build a snowman for me (I saw on the news you were expecting another foot or two of snow).

                          Have a great weekend, all. Day 25 for me!
                          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                            Friday 9 February

                            Thanks AAthelete, Congrats on 25 :goodjob:

                            The Snowman is in the works!


                              Friday 9 February

                              Morning all,
                              I need a secretary to keep track of all the names, our group has grown so big and that's a good thing.
                              We have had so much snow that the ploughman does not know where to put it anymore. If they put another shovel against my neighbors shed, it will surely collapse.

                              It's so good to hear all your positive reports, you are all doing great and I'm so glad for you. My nose is somewhat out of joint. I thought I would loose some more weight, given the fact that I have been AF for 39 days.
                              What else must I cut out? Perhaps I have to buy a Gym membership after all. I hate Gyms, they smell.

                              I have got to run as there is a lot of work waiting for me and laundry is the least of it.
                              Wee, please define "Scrumlet", thank you.
                              Have a great weekend.
                              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

