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Sat 10th

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    Sat 10th

    Happy Saturday
    Oh the bliss to wake up on a Saturday morning without a raging hangover.
    A good weekend planned where I can use all my time productively.
    Such a huge contrast to 'before'

    There is a whole world out there where people are busy doing millions of things, having a great time and alcohol is not involved. We can all be part of it.

    Hope everyone is feeling good today, enjoy your weekendl

    Sat 10th

    morning - I'm up too and off to gym in a bit. I LOVE LOVE LOVE waking up about 9 feeling rested and not ill and able to make plans. It's day 29 for me now - I was planning to have a drink to test myself tonight but actually I am going to see how I feel.I've done 28 days which was my initial goal - tonight is a special occasion, as is next sat, the next one is mid march and then beginning April.
    I want to just drink on those special occasions and moderately.

    I want to just have 3 drinks max as gym tomorrow and don't want to end up back where i started.
    gym again tomorrow in the morning. I have so much more cash to to buy things. That has been a huge revelation, no more mysterious cash point withdrawals, no more money for cigs as I'm not drunk I'm not smoking. No more getting in huge rounds and buying drinks for people sometimes who I may not even be that fond of.But best of all is the feeling of calm and feeling free of having to do it, and feeling like I have no time to do stuff. I think I have about 7 hours extra each weekend now due to not being hungover and am doing twice the amount of exercise that I was and I love it.
    I'm losing weight slowly, and bizarrely I feel more confident socially - weird as I was partly drinking to give myself confidence.I think sometimes if I was really quite pissed I'd get a bit paranoid abou stuf - not so much now.I'm sure I willl again as I am quite sensitive - but I won't have a big hangover with the blues to compound it.anyway bla bla bla!good day to all of you and see you tomorrow morning with no hangover - otherwsie imagine how long that message will be!!!!
    one day at a time


      Sat 10th

      Morning, Day 29 here, I am up early as usual. I gotta go run this morning, unfortuanately it cold as hell outside, I have pulled out every bit of cold weather gear i have, I am going to look like an idiot, but i dont care, i will be warm out there!!!! Then I am meeting a friend at 8:30 for some shopping (which i would have been too hung over, or in a rush to get sober for before) and then at 12pm and I am going to look at some property. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!

      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        Sat 10th

        Great work, Bear and Changeling! Yes, Bear, it is good not to have that feeling of paranoia, isn't it? Anyway, good luck tonight, whatever you end up deciding to do.

        I'm up early to finish sewing flags. I'll be glad when they're done, although I have another 5 to sew after that. Ugh! But I'm not pressuring myself. It's going to be a busy weekend otherwise, and I too, and glad that I'm not impeded by a hangover.

        At any rate, I've gotta scoot. Love to all who come later!



        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Sat 10th

          Good Morning all.

          Isn't it great to feel great? Good to hear and see your progress.

          Best to you this Saturday,



            Sat 10th

            Good morning all,
            Changeling, Bear and Victoria isn't it great that we can make plans now for the weekend, starting to enjoy the morning without a headache. You are right, there is so much to do and experience.
            It is still freezing cold here and supposedly getting worse next week. Ah well, this too shall pass. It is so cold here that as I exhale, my breath forms ice crystals in the air almost immediately and they fall like pixie dust.

            My hubby informed me that WE are having a dinner party on Wednesday and I will be doing all the cooking, but after all it is his birthday and he has been well trained as my sou-chef. I don't mind and I like the company of some good friends. I have made up my mind that I shall have one or two glasses of wine and I won't feel bad about it. It is just for that night only.

            Kathy I wish you well on your sewing job. The flags must be starting to get to you by now. All that straight sewing gets boring, but you'll be so proud of yourself, once they are blowing in the wind.

            I want all of you present and yet to come to have a wonderful, fun filled weekend.
            Be good.
            Love Lori
            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


              Sat 10th

              Taking a little break from sewing--Victoria, we were posting at the same time. Good for you for runnning in this cold weather. It's making me cold just thinking about it! My exercise (unfortunately) was just chasing the squirrels away from the bird feeder!!

              Lori, the sewing isn't boring at all, actually. I get to sew with some beautiful fabrics and colors, and the patterns often have curves that can be pretty challenging. My challenge is that they are wanted for this afternoon's show, and I thought I had until next week (gasp of exasperation!). I am pacing myself, though. Trust me, though, last February, I drank my way through sewing them, because the other woman who sews a lot of flags came down with pneumonia, and I sewed 42 of the 52 flags for the whole show. This time I am lucky!!

              Capto, it is nice of you to pop on over and say hi!

              Good luck looking at property, Lori!

              Take care all!


              Kathy (huggie smilie)
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Sat 10th

                Nooooooooo, don't make me look at properties. Noooo, not today, it's Saturday and it's my day off.
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  Sat 10th

                  Ooops! Got you confused with Victoria! Sorry, it's clear I've got sewing on the brain! :-0
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Sat 10th

                    Good morning all! Sounds like everyone is pretty chipper here - good stuff. Day 43 for me - although I almost blew it!

                    WOW! I have to say I was battling a HUGE craving for wine ALL DAY yesterday!!! I couldn't shake it for the life of me. I cleaned every single nook and cranny in my house, including washing both bathroom walls and light fixtures. I was STILL craving.... I went to grab some groceries early yesterday evening, and I purposely went to the grocery store which has a liquor store right beside it because I was INTENDING to grab a bottle of wine. I couldn't believe the state of mind I was in. All in all, I did my grocery shopping and FORCED myself to walk straight to my vehicle. It was the HARDEST thing I have ever done!! Good Grief!! I looked like a wounded animal that was limping ever so sluggishly to my vehicle.... it was so pathetic, but I managed to not buy any. I felt good when I got home, but I am finding I am replacing the alcohol now with a huge amount of caffeine!! I am a true junky. :H

                    Anyway, I am hoping today will be better craving wise. Have a great day everyone!!!


                      Sat 10th

                      Hi Accountable, thanks for the directions.

                      I have had those cravings too. It's like you can't get away from them, unfortunately a big slap up meal is my only solution.:H

                      Have a great weekend everyone.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Sat 10th

                        Hi everyone, you're all doing good today!

                        I'm in the middle of a major craving...dying to jump in the car and get a bottle for the evening. If I leave it long enough, everyone will be home and I won't be able to get out so I'm madly reading the posts I've missed since yesterday.

                        Day 7 for me...ouch it hurts!


                          Sat 10th

                          Hi all!!

                          Nice to hear everyone sounding so positive for the wkend..Acct well done on walking past that store...i know i myself have lingered far to long in the booze isle of my local supermarket...its hard but you did it...give yourself a huge pat on the back girl!!!
                          Well i am still in my happy little bubble.....i cant believe things are going so well for new bloke has just asked me round on wed night, then i checked my diary and realised that its valentines.... im thinking i might have a go at sober you know what...yiikes...all this new dating business is so alien to me, but im just gonna go with the flow and see what happens...iv got little butterflies at the thought of seeing him. Youd think i was 16 not 29 (nearly April)!!!
                          Anyways enough of my waffling for now!!

                          Loves to all

                          Lou-Lou x x x
                          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                            Sat 10th

                            P.S.....Day 33!!!
                            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                              Sat 10th

                              Hi Absville!

                              Sounds like some craving going on here....I too had a couple of days this week that the thought just would not leave! I got on here and checked in on chat and roamed around until bedtime. Whew! Made it!
                              I've been taking a 2mg Melatonin about 30 minutes before bed time. It starts making me feel sleepy and then I can go to sleep when I hit the bed around 10:30.
                              I've got to ask this....Am I the only one here that feels intimidated by chat sometimes? I don't know why but sometimes I do. OK...Just tell me to grow up!
                              Cap, Lori, Lou, Kathy, Peb, SK, Hil, and all to come...
                              :h You!!!

                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10

