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Sat 10th

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    Sat 10th

    Nancy...i know exactly what you mean, i feel a bit like that too...most of the time if i do go in to chat i feel like i cant keep up!!!
    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


      Sat 10th

      Good morning-
      me too nancy....a little intimidated by chat. I can't type fast enough- then lose my place- or forget what I wanted to say...guess you just get used to it.

      For those having craving - glad you have been able to stave it off for now. Coming here usally helps. Smaller increments of time can help too. Wait to drink until 5pm,,,then wait until 7:30...then wait until 9pm.... Anyway..that has gotten me thru a few times.

      Victoria...good for you for getting into that cold and running! You are inspiring! Really, I look forward to hearing what you are doing - you have great determination.

      Lou- really happy for you- 33 day + a date with a great guy on valentine's day:h things are going well indeed
      Kathy...sounds like you are enjoying the flags this go round. It can feel great to finish a project like that...sorry about the unexpected early due date though yikes. You will get it all done though!
      Hi to everyone I didn't mention by name.
      So far today I've gotten a haircut and gone to the gym.
      Now I'm off to get a manicure...pamper me day I guess

      Have a lovely Sat everyone-


        Sat 10th

        I feel the same about chat. I type fairly fast, but I get totally lost trying to read everything and cannot make up my mind what to respond to. I guess one has to have an extra winding of brain matter to cope with chat.
        I'm afraid I didn't come equipped. Darn.
        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


          Sat 10th

          I did my run this morning, I was bundled up so much I looked like a monster ( or like a woman that wieghed about 400lbs running in 17 degree weather, and the wind chill was horrible!!!) I am proud I did it though, I usually run with another girl on saturday mornings and she said she couldnt run this morning, but i look forward to my saturday runs more than anything b/c I can talk about all sorts of stuff with her and it makes the time fly by, so pansy and lucky told me to run anyways and lucky told me to talk to her (haha..talked to a duck on my morning run!!!). I still have not found my nose, left ear, hands and feet, and when I took a shower i thought i might die. I then went shopping with a friend, then went and looked at some houses ( i am buying a house soon) I found a really cute house!!!! I am gonna take my boyfriend to see it to get a second opinion.

          Hopefully everyone is having a great day and staying away from those evil cravings...

          It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
          James Gordon, M.D.


            Sat 10th

            Hi guys made it through the cravings, just!

            I'm looking for a new house too, just trawling websites at the moment and then driving round and dissing the areas! Shame the ones I like are about ?100k too much!

            See youguys tomoorw


              Sat 10th

              well...I don't even know who might see this post, as it is probably the last of the night but...

              I am reading all over the site, as i often do. I am so in love with this program, but a horrible failure, statistically. I have had some success early on, with topa...then, back to my old drinking habits. Anyway, I think I know in my heart that I need to be abs...or at least pretty close to that. I have the issue of drinking in a very obsessive compulsive way...alone. I almost think if I could get over that, I might be able to drink socially (which I don't even do now) but who knows...anyway...I have come to the conclusion, reading the boards all the time, that although I totally love everyone on the mods boards...and will be on there as much as ever... I find that you all on the abs boards seem, in general, better, about where you are, regarding drinking. You seem less conflicted about it day to day, and seem to appreciate life without alcohol alot. I definately believe this is where I belong (abs) which I have known for a long time, but which is funny in that I can't put 2 AF days together!!!!

              Anyway..just sharing my thoughts on this Saturday night...

              formerly known as bak310


                Sat 10th

                Beth, hang in there! There are positives and negatives about being either Mods or Abs. You have to decide what works best for you. We are here for you no matter what.


                  Sat 10th

                  Beth................Abs is a mindset.
                  It is the ONLY way I can be. If I say I'm going to moderate then I would drink everyday and while I might be able to moderate some of the time, I would mostly be way over the limit.....
                  I walked into our house where we do our canning, wine making etc. yesterday about 3:30pm and my hubby had two bottles open. He was trying to decide if he could "fix" one kind by adding some flavoring to the whole batch. He wanted me to try it after he added blackberry flavor to it............Now he knows I can't just taste it and stop...Its a good thing that I made a big pot of chili yesterday and ate some before and after the "tasting", cause the whole bottle got "tasted"....I don't know who I'm more angry and disgusted with...him or myself....
                  I only got about 4 hours sleep because of drinking....the funny thing is I used to drink so I COULD stupid is that?
                  My head hurts and my tummy feel awful.
                  Stupid stupid stupid....
                  ok.........I'm done with my gripe....
                  Back to day one for me....
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10

