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Sunday 11th Feb.

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    Sunday 11th Feb.

    Good morning all.....

    I fell off the wagon big style last night. I went to bed at 5 am and it's now7:45am.

    I really didn't want to start this thread but I'm off to work in 10 minutes.

    Silly really.

    I'm taking the positive view......1 nights drink every three weeks isn't to bad. but I need to

    do better and I will.

    I hope you all have a peaceful and happy Sunday.

    Sunday 11th Feb.

    posted at same time!! popeye you can do this - try and learn from the slip - what was your trigger - i slipped slightly last night with drinking slightly more than planned but big slip with fags and junk food.
    I don't want to go back to how i was!!!someone said progress is like a wiggly line not a straight one - wise words i think.take care and you can do it
    one day at a time


      Sunday 11th Feb.

      Hi bear.
      The trigger.....
      I was supposed to be working all day yesterday, but when we got to the job, it wasn't ready so we came home and I had nothing to back up plan, the little voice of 'Drinking Paul' quickly out-foxed me and the rest is history.

      I'm going to be OK today though. Busy,busy, busy.


        Sunday 11th Feb.

        Popeye and Bear, you guys are two huge inspirations for me, don't worry about the slip, you are doing wonderful anyway, just keep going in the right direction.

        day 30 AF

        I hope everyone has a great Sunday.

        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
        James Gordon, M.D.


          Sunday 11th Feb.

          Something I read this weekend...

          Fall seven times, Get up eight. - Japanese Proverb

          I guess that's really what it's all about.


            Sunday 11th Feb.

            Hello there Absville,

            It's always a bit quiet in these parts on Sundays. Guess people are sleeping in or doing other things.

            I love that Japanese proverb, and it is so true. I stumbled and fell so many times that I couldn't even count them. And here I sit, with almost 5 months AF, and I know that I could stumble yet again. Drinking Mike is still inside me -- he still talks to me once in a while -- and my greatest fear is that someday I might start to listen to his lies again. It's like a scales.... on one side is my drinking and on the other side is my sobriety. It's up to me where I want to stack my bricks. Each time I do something to support my sobriety, it's putting weight on that side of the scale. Each time I give in and start to fantasize about drinking, it puts weight on that side of the scale. Right now, the scale is tipped fairly heavily to the sobriety side... but that could change in a very short period of time if I let it.

            Anyway, that is all to say that no matter how many times we've fallen short of our goals, we still have the option of getting back up, and making the commitment to stay sober.

            And Victoria, CONGRATULATIONS on your 30 days! That's a wonderful milestone~ :goodjob:

            "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


              Sunday 11th Feb.

              Hi everyone,

              Congratulations Victoria:goodjob:

              Paul, I slipped on Tuesday, but am renewing my efforts and like Mike I also fell down so many times but I kept getting back up. As long as we keep getting back up. Thanks Mike for your inspiration. We should be proud for any kind of progress along the way to our goal.

              Have a great day everyone.

              Enlightened by MWO


                Sunday 11th Feb.

                Hi all.

                I had a rough shift but I came home and went to bed for a while and now I'm fine and back to normal.
                I'm having a quiet night in......Yipppeeee!


                  Sunday 11th Feb.

                  It has taken me 1000+ falls (literally sometimes) to finally learn from my mistakes. This is a slow learning process.

                  "Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things & move forward with your life. " Dr. David Burns

                  Day 52....have a great day
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    Sunday 11th Feb.

                    "The Feeling Good Book" by David Burns... I way back when in 1998 ordered his book and his work book. He has a lot of good advice. I just didn't know what to do with it at the time.

                    Anyway - day 44 for me.................. blah blah blah.... nothing exciting to report. Except about my starting my own home based business. My dad (yeah I know...) has funded me the cash to persue my life dreams! So although I haven't had to spend anything - I will definitely have to prove myself!!

                    Did you know for daycare - it is going to cost me over 700 dollars a month! HOLY! But this is for a licensed daycare - which is money worth spent - OUCH!!


                      Sunday 11th Feb.

                      Hey guys

                      hello to all you lovely people, well day 34 for, never thought id do this well...just don't wanna be negative now and encourage the thoughts of maybe moderating, i know its not possible for me so i have to wipe out those thoughts completely. Been a good girl today and worked really hard at the gym...i also have an aerobics class at 10 am tomorrow....I'm somehow hoping that if i work my ass off between now and wed ill lose my horrid tummy in time for my date...wishful thinking i s'pose...well i can but try!!
                      Its prob not as bad as I'm thinking it women tend to over exadurate....and he really likes me anyway so what am i worrying about??? oh yeah...the fact that i can hardly fit in to any of my!!! Ah well there is always the closet of fat clothes that i can turn too!! I feel stupid really cause i'm not huge i just have to go from a 12 to a sizes.Anyway im rambling again...sorry, i'm just so nervous.

                      Loves to all

                      Lou-Lou x x x x
                      "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                        Sunday 11th Feb.

                        Hi and congrats on day 34, well done and have a good time on your date.



                          Sunday 11th Feb.

                          Hi Everyone!

                          Day 107 for me Wanted to start with that cause my positive feelings about me are a little weak at the moment. Third blind date set for yesterday ( my neighbor's friend) was a bust. She didn't get in touch with him - she had been out of the country for a month- so he wasn't available.
                          So I went to dinner with my neighbor instead. Turns out he doesn't even live in Atlanta - but in a town two hours away!
                          I'm doing an internet dating service too- joined on 12/31. So far, not one date.
                          The most interest I've gotten is from someone who isn't "quite" divorced yet. Dating is hard. I thought I was ready for this but maybe not.
                          I guess being alone isn't the worst thing in the world.
                          I kind of felt like drinking yesterday and today.
                          It was a fleeting thing. Once I was driving and went past an Applebees and thought about going in and having a glass of wine with lunch (yeah it was mid afternoon). Then just now I went to the grocery store and for the first time in awhile I allowed myself to look at the wine aisle. No alcohol sales on Sunday so I couldn't even if I wanted to.
                          I'm fine now. No thoughts of drinking.
                          Right now I'm having Birthday cake ice cream.....pretty good.
                 me all about me....
                          Lots of great successes going on around here- special 30 day congrats Victoria! Quite a milestone.

                          Hope everyone sleeps well tonight and have a great Monday!


                            Sunday 11th Feb.

                            Hi Lisa

                            Well done on day 107!!!! What a feeling! I had a quick "look" on an internet dating site and it was horrendous; the men seemed to be either still married and after one thing or single and, well, after one thing...:H So good luck to you. It'll happen when and where you least expect it and probably when you've given up looking They don't know what they're missing!
                            Having a great Monday already


                              Sunday 11th Feb.

                              thank you Blondie....guess these things happen in their own time.

                              107 felt pretty darn good.....looking forward to 108


