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Mon 12th

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    Mon 12th

    I ain't got those Monday morning blues...
    Day 47 for me - nearly 50 don't know why but it seems like a magical number to me.

    I was thinking over the weekend about how alchohol altered my values, changed the way I saw the world and ultimately led to me lowering all my standards. Now I want to do things differently, set new rules and start using all that potential that was wasted. Start discovering how much I can acheive when I really set my mind to it.

    Hope everyone had a good healthy weekend.
    Regards Changeling

    Mon 12th

    Good Morning Everyone! Day 29 for me and I really, truly can't believe that I have almost made it to 30! Couldn't have done it without this site and your guys support. It was only by stumbling over this site to begin with that I actually began to think that I too should do something about my drinking - and that I wasn't happy with the amount that I drank.

    Bear - I so relate to what you were saying over the weekend

    "i guess if i was thin and didn't drink or smoke i might really need to face my problems and not divert myself with putting all my energy into those things and trying to change.maybe that's what i'm scared of..."

    - that is so what I feel like very often - half the time I don't want to admit it to myself though. Like the drink, it is so tempting to think that 'if I was thin / if I was fit / if I didn't smoke' - that we would all be magically fixed of all the things that are 'wrong' with us. But it doesn't work like that and I guess all the 'wrong' things manifest themselves in our self-destructive behaviours whether they be drinking or eating to much etc etc

    Lisa - I too am alone; and I had a thought this weekend that I was putting the 'everything will be alright' scenario onto meeting a man - i.e. - suddenly all will be well when I find my soul mate. I am thinking that like giving up drinking it won't be the magic pill that will cure all. That's not to say that I've given up on finding someone (although sometimes it feels like I might as well!) - but I have now decided to consciously 'live each day as it comes' - and not just pay lip service to it like I have in the past. To really, really throw all my energy into every minute - and not live in my fantasy land of me being thin and fit, with man (and babies). I will hold these as a dream but I need to be realistic about where I am starting my journey from. Right here, right now - and as this is my life and I'm taking responsibility for it - there is NO OTHER place that I can start from....

    Anyway - enough ramblings for one morning - I'm not sure that they entirely make sense - it has helped me to put it into some sort of words anyway.

    Right now I am preparing for 'drinking' later in the week - the time has come (after my 30 days) when I need to test myself and see how I get on. I'm actually quite scared. I am also 'thinking' positive and am going to try the gym again and prepare myself mentally for the next month or so of my journey.

    One step at a time.....

    Happy thoughts to all before and all to come

    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


      Mon 12th

      Changeling, me neither! Nearly 50, amazing.

      Nothing so deep for me, day 9 so just hanging on in there at the mo! Still smiling about yesterdays hand in the boiling water analogy though!

      Well done to Victoria, 30 days. Fantastic.


        Mon 12th

        Changeling;95527 wrote: I ain't got those Monday morning blues...
        Day 47 for me - nearly 50 don't know why but it seems like a magical number to me.

        I was thinking over the weekend about how alchohol altered my values, changed the way I saw the world and ultimately led to me lowering all my standards. Now I want to do things differently, set new rules and start using all that potential that was wasted. Start discovering how much I can acheive when I really set my mind to it.

        Hope everyone had a good healthy weekend.
        Regards Changeling

        Your post this morning is a wonderful lead off. It's really quite amazing what abstinence allows us: potential, discovery, passion for life and learning.

        I am impressed by your AF success, as well as so many others here.



          Mon 12th

          It is quiet here on the board! I have been awake since just after midnight - YUCK! When I felt like I could go back to sleep at about 4am my daughter decides she wants to get up - DOUBLE YUCK! I need to excert more energy during the day, this will probably help me sleep. Tired of the constant rain and feeling trapped inside... but anyway...

          So,day 45 for me. Today I am posting ads in the papers looking for clientele for my new business. Pretty exciting! I think I am ready for this. Now that I have kicked the drinking out the door, I will put all of my 'old drinking energy' into this business. I worked on a business plan over the weekend. I also re-organized my home office. So I think I am pretty much ready to start this whole adventure.

          I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

          (Fan, thinking of you today. :h )


            Mon 12th

            Good Morning Changeling, Ilex, Pebbles, Capto and Accountable-
            Changeling I completely understand what you mean by lowering your standards- alcohol really can'alter your standards' as you so rightly put it. You sound great- thanks for the nice positive start off this morning!

            Ilex - It helps so much to know I am not the only one feeling this way. So funny too cause I have been doing just what you said...I quit smoking, stopped drinking, been regularly going to the gym and have lost what?
            So now I think, ok, I'm not getting rejected for any of those reasons's just me! But that is the negative side of this. I should be enjoying these changes I have made for myself. And I am. I'm going to take your advice and enjoy today and not worry!
            Pebbles - congrats on 9 days! Tomorrow will be double digits for you!
            Capto - always good to see you here. How are you?
            Accountable - sorry you aren't sleeping well. Do you take melatonin? It has helped me tremendously with getting to sleep.

            Well...Happy Monday.... Let's make it a really good day.

            Love and good wishes for everyone today-


              Mon 12th

              Well done Changeling!!!
              Control the Mind


                Mon 12th

                Happy Monday!
                Congrats to all Abbys! I'm happy to say that there are TOO MANY to mention!

                AF 53...
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Mon 12th


                  Hi guys.....good going on all the AF days...theyre certainly adding up here!!
                  AA don't beat yourself up over one slip, i think we've all had at least one..and if anything i think it makes us stronger the next time round x
                  Well day 36 for me...OMG...I still cant quite believe it!! Think i might test my self on valentines...i know my new guy is cooking me a meal and so there will prob be wine....i may see if i can just have a glass or two. Well i wont be able to go mad if I'm with him and it is quite a special occasion...ill have to mull it over a bit more, he knows all about my drinking and problems so no explanation would be needed if i refused.
                  Am slightly p****d off today...i dont know if iv mentioned but my new guy is my mums husbands best friend...has been since school, so yes he is older than me I'm nearly 30 and he's 42 which to me means nothing. But i called by my mums today and my step dad wont speak to me..apparently he's not happy about me dating his friend and thinks i'm going to hurt him!!! surely i'm just as vulnerable to get hurt?? plus were both adults and its up to us what we do...Grrr wanted to confront him but my mum talked me out of it...its none of his bloody business and if anything, as my step dad and knowing all iv been through you'd think he'd be more worried about me!!!
                  Sod him anyway...i really like this guy and i'm gonna go with it!! got myself a lovely new outfit for wed and i'm really excited!!!
                  Sorry i didn't mean to go on that much!!!

                  Love you all

                  Lou-Lou x x x
                  "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                    Mon 12th

                    Really glad I found this post tonight.....congrats to everyone...... Very inspiring. One month and 13 days myself. Best part of sobriety is no heavy hung over head in the morning....more energy....more sleep.....can always drive everywhere...concentration has improved.....breaking negative patterns and much more. Good luck with new business plans accountable. Sounds really exciting! Thanks for posting this changeling.....made my day.


                      Mon 12th


                      You really are all so inspiring to me, did 7 days AF then went for it (cause I'm not a REAL alcoholic - obviously) and therefore was on Voddy from Thursday night to this morning.........ho hum, after long weekend off work am thankfully back tomorrow - why oh why do I associate having annual leave with drinking time??? Thanks for the sharing it really DOES help! Lorna x
                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        Mon 12th

                        It is so funny - I keep checking the calendar - I can't believe I am at day 44 AF. It seems so effortless. I have gone over the last weekend and I keep thinking - I must have a had a drink. I spent the weekend camping in a snow cave and practicing avalanche rescue - got home Sunday night after dark, tired and cold with lots of unpacking and gear stowing to do - and had to fly out for work at 5:50 this morning. EVERY other time I have had a weekend climb or a snow sleep out I have "rewarded" myself with a bottle of champagne. Last night I made pumpkin bread and took a hot bath...NEVER even missed the champagne. I am So grateful but a bit amazed. Just to see the days add up without - I have to check a calendar to make sure it is true each time.

                        Thanks to all of you - I read your posts everyday I am near a computer and I feel what you are feeling and I read your wisdom and try to learn from all of you. Thank you so much.



                          Mon 12th

                          Hi Lisa, thanks for asking. I'm doing great. Like Rivergirl above, I can't believe it: 73 days AF. I don't think I miss drinking, though I am not taking it for granted. At least for now, I just can't imagine ever taking a drink again. It just feels too good not to worry about it anymore.

                          There are some pretty impressive scorecards here. Let's keep going.

                          Best to all,



                            Mon 12th

                            Hi all,

                            Changeling. Re. your post. It got me thinking. My standards had dropped to rediculous levels. Basic stuff like getting washed in the morning and brushing my teeth, making sure I had a clean shirt; I just stopped caring.
                            Don't get me wrong, I was having a bath every night, only because of the dusty and damp environment that I work in, but I really couldn't care less what I looked like. This carelessness carried on through other areas of my life, right up to the point where I just didn't care if I woke up the next morning. I wasn't suiicidal, I just hated what I had become.
                            Now I feel better about myself. It is sometimes a struggle to feel positive. I had to give myself a shake and stop pondering on the blue aspects of life that the mind of a drinker tends to bring to the fore. I think I'm getting to where I want to be, but it's a slow plod rather than a sprint for me.
                            Anyway, I'm pleased that most of us are doing well. I'd like to thank you for all your input. It is most appreciated.


                              Mon 12th

                              Popeye, You are a rock. I am so glad you are here.

