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May Flowers - Week 2

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    May Flowers - Week 2

    Good morning everyone

    Just thought I would start us off on our 2nd week journey. What a way
    to start the week - our very own Papmom celebrating her 2nd anniversary.
    Not good with the graphics and will post on the other special thread but
    wanted to say what an achievement and congratulations :goodjob:

    Talking about good jobs, Chill another A, congrats too and what a wonderful

    Everyone else big hello and have a great week. Rushing but will catch you
    all later.


    May Flowers - Week 2

    Thanks Rustop!! I can't quite believe it myself! I've come a long way from white knuckling through those first months-wondering if I will be successful "this" time but knowing deep down I had to be. No more poison for me!

    Thanks for starting us off. Great job Chill!! You will be competing with DG for valedictorian of that I am quite sure!! Thanks for my special thread-I can't wait to get a quiet moment today to revel in the accomplishments and the good wishes!!

    Have a great day everyone!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      May Flowers - Week 2

      Congratulations, Papmom3!!!

      What an awesome accomplishment!! Not only have you achieved for yourself, but you have helped so many others along the way. You have trudged through many adversities and didn't let any of them derail you! You are one very strong lady.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        May Flowers - Week 2

        Hello blooms and pilgrims in Week Two! Thank you dear Rustop for the launch. I am so happy to hear of the ANNIVERSARY OF PAPMOM3. As I have said before you help me every day and I am in your corner cheering you forward as you sort through work and dogs and health and huts and hoarders and money. I thought of you over the weekend when I met a lovely woman ?demo-ing? in front of my favorite pet store ?Long Leash on Life?. She had great bits of dehydrated meat and fish from ?Stella and Chewy?s? and my doggies fell in love with her. She was having such a pleasant time with the customers and their humans, it seemed like making money was just a side effect. I look forward to hearing about your time with it and again congratulations on your accomplishment in kicking our habit.

        We are just coming off another thirty-six hour wind storm and I am frazzled from hand wringing and lack of sleep. I don?t do well in the big wind. It wasn?t the seventy-five mile an hour killer of a few weeks ago but relentless gusts in the high fifties. I had a funny insight in to the differences between the psyches of Lord Bird Heart and me. I projected all sorts of terror and sadness onto my baby plants and new little tree while Lord Bird Heart thought they were at an amusement park saying ?weeeeeee?. I think I?ll take his unconscious over mine:H. Off to exercise formally rather than just carry an f-ing isometric contraction in my brain. Love, Ladybird.
        may we be well


          May Flowers - Week 2

          Good morning to all!

          Hate it when I have to catch up - busy weekend with the garden market and unfortunately was called into work on top of all of that! Going to enjoy a mini-vacation with hubby this weekend to celebrate our wedding anniversary (29 years - where does time go???) I am so ready to get away for a while and just RELAX!!! Wish I didn't have so long until retirement:upset:

          Papmom - CONGRATULATIONS! You are awesome! Such a happy day for you and hope you are darn proud of yourself! You inspire us all :h

          Howdy to Dill, LBH, Rustop, Lav - sorry all I've missed - haven't had time to go back and read (sneaking a minute at work here)

          Catch up later but hope you all have a great day!
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            May Flowers - Week 2

            Hi Everyone

            This course gets more intense each day and just when Im getting it they teach us something else. Its great fun too and good exercise for my "new" to learning brain, I guess Im just grateful I didn't kill ALL my brain with the alcohol.

            PAPMOM - Im so so happy for you and very proud. We were working today on determination and both Starty and I relived the determination it takes to make the decision to go AL and stick to it. Once we have applied that to such a challenge we can apply it to other things in our lives and achieve so much. You're ability to pick yourself up every time you get a knock is relentless and so admirable. You rock SISTA!!!!
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              May Flowers - Week 2

              Hi, Folks,

              I've been away physically, but thinking about you all every day. Funny, Dill, I had the same thought - must be my previous service in our country's Navy that linked me to the sea.


                May Flowers - Week 2

                May Flower or May Weed???

                Hi there, not sure where to post. Cant say that I'm "Starting Out" as it was 5years ago on 28th April that I first found this site. Rustop, its so good to 'see' a familiar face!! Just wondered if I cld join your group...I wont explain the last few years but take it from me I need to be back. :new:
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  May Flowers - Week 2

                  Whoops; hit Enter before I was finished. Anyway, I've been away and missed you all. I wish congratulations to those who've met some impressive goals and accomplishments lately!

                  After being away for a few weeks, due to work travel and other distractions, I plan to stay closer to MWO, as I feel that it increases my ARF (alcohol resistance factor) exponentially.

                  Your dog stories were/are enjoyable reading - Mrs. B rescued a couple of adult SHih-Tzus a while back. We had them for 5 or 6 years before they both developed serious health problems (cancer in one and Cushings in the other). They were both deathly afraid of storms, and that's how they ended up sleeping on our bed. It's been about a year since they went off to their rest, and she is looking on Petfinder for more when the time is right.

                  And I enjoy your gardening stories as well.

                  Happy May, Everyone. This month is already flying past.

                  All the best,

                  Bouv :h


                    May Flowers - Week 2

                    Hi Bouv. I love ARF! Welcome back to MWO Janice, this is a fine thread to sort things out, and you are correct, Rustop is a particularly good reason to stay with us. I am looking forward to a simple night after a lot of restless feelings today. Sometimes I just can?t rest in the present for more than a nanosecond but at least I will stay away from booze and hope for a gentle night and a more settled tomorrow. I feel better already just writing that down! Love, Ladybird.
                    may we be well


                      May Flowers - Week 2

                      :yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS, PAPMOM ON 2 YEARS AF!!!!!!:yougo::jumpwow::bday3:

                      My dear beloved Papmom,

                      Congratulations on 2 years of AF living!! I am in awe of your energy, strength and commitment. Despite facing, and overcoming, herculean financial and job-related barriers, you have successfully risen above these crises and have set an example of accomplishment and perseverance for all of us here. Your energy most of all demonstrates what anyone can achieve with an AF lifestyle. Of all the many qualities about you that I love, the one I love most is your unselfishness. You make time for all of us....despite your inordinately busy schedule, which you balance with incredible aplomb. I think I speak for all of us here. Tonight, as my previous career officially came to a close today, I am proud to know you. What could have been a very sad day for me has instead been one of celebration on your special birthday. Your unconditional support has buoyed me through many of my darkest days. I am so grateful for your, tomorrow, forever. Happy Birthday!!!!




                        May Flowers - Week 2

                        Posted on last weeks thread this morning......

                        Thanks for starting us on week two rustop - you always remember

                        papmom, hope you had a good first day of your third AF year
                        Time flies when you're having so much fun!

                        Greetings Dill, LBH, Jolie & Chill! Rusty too!!!

                        Welcome Janice, glad to see you back! What's your plan?

                        Bouv, glad to see you again as well!
                        I also live in southeatern PA (are we neighbors?)
                        I just my new puppy from Delaware Puppy Rescue. The foster family lives in Newark so it was a short trip for me. Take a look at

                        Hope everyone has a good night!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          May Flowers - Week 2

                          Nice of you to notice I was gone, Lav. HAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kiddin.


                            May Flowers - Week 2

                            OOOOOOooooppsss...where are my manners? A A cheery hello and welcome to Janice!:welcome: We would love to have you here. May Weed? HAHAAHH!!

                            Bouv, hey, it's great to see you. I love ARF, too!

                            Rustop-thanks for starting us off....and I met two women from Meath today at the airport.

                            Lav, I am so glad you got Matilda. You sound so happy when you post. Unconditional love, right?

                            Cyn-where are you? I miss you. Please check in.

                            Chilliwonderful...I am glad you and Starty are enjoying the class. Lav had to translate NLP for me. Thanks, Lav.

                            Hi to Jolie, SD, LBH, Dill, Star, Sooty, Shelley, Blonde, GG, Mr. G, Turnagain, ....wait. I have to sit down....I'm out of breath.:H I'm missing someone.

                            If you are the missing person, please let me know.


                              May Flowers - Week 2

                              I am so glad you are back, Rusty, you irrepressible force:l. Love, Ladybird.
                              may we be well

