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May Flowers - Week 2

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    May Flowers - Week 2

    Oh Sunni, those photos are lovely! Hi Beck, you stay around, nobody is going to let you lose the prize (you are the prize). I have my cheerleader pompoms flying around for you Bouv and Janice . I certainly understand how one can get used to drinking at a certain time of day whether alone in the house in the afternoon or unwinding after work. By the way Bouv I imagine you work with some colorful and interpersonally challenging individuals, I know that I did, and while many high profile, outwardly successful people were wonderful and kind others were so narcissistic and entitled my interactions progressed more like a Saturday Night Live skit. I remember being alone in my dining room at the end of the day and shaking with frustration (while I poured a stiff scotch) over a particular bully whom I even hired (he was really good at his job:H). All that aside, suddenly each of us here has been faced with not drinking during our own habitual periods. It feels very weird at first to most people, but now as I have relapsed and started over several times, I can ?compare and contrast? and I know that it is possible to enjoy those times more than I ever did while drinking, I usually look forward to that time of day rather than dread it. There are very cool secrets and discoveries that come with sobriety. And Lav, in spite of my blond braids, reasonably lithe limbs, and splendid gorgeousness in body and spirit, this earthly being will qualify for Medicare in September. Don't tell anybody. Love to all, Ladybird.
    may we be well


      May Flowers - Week 2

      Happy Hump Day to all!

      Welcome Janice and Beck! Great group you've joined - glad you're here.

      Bouv - you, Lav and I definitely should meet up - we are probably all right around the corner from each other! I'm about 40 minutes from Oxford, PA.

      Busy day (again) at work - every day is just as stressful as the last. Good thing my kids are grown cause I definitely wouldn't have the energy to keep up with them and be so busy at work these days!

      Sunni - beeeutiful flowers!

      LBH - wise words and ever so true. I am now picturing you like some beautiful blonde swede with attire straight out of the Sound of Music:H

      Shout out to Star, Dill, Sooty, Sped, Papmom, Rustop, Chill, Rusty, Blondie - anyone I missed.

      Have a great night everyone!
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        May Flowers - Week 2

        Thanks for the welcome. I don't intend to let the voices win...they are just thoughts and I do not have to act on them. I do believe that I need to "out" them when they come back. Sunni, they seem to be is warm, gin and tonic is "refreshing" non-sense really. I do believe that alcoholism is a chronic condition - I don't get cured and it can come back if I become complacent.

        Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


          May Flowers - Week 2

          Good Morning Guys

          A BIG :welcome: to Bouv, Janice and Beck, I hope you stick around and I look forward to getting to know you.

          Starty and I were talking yesterday about the determination in us getting and staying sober and one of main drivers was actually imagining what life without AL would look like and being accepting of that as our future. We had to let go of that niggling doubt that AL free live will be empty or difficult or not fun. Our desire to change absolutely everything about our lives was stronger than our desire to keep drinking. This course is highlighting so much about how our brains work and has given a lot of clarity in how I already look at the world.
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            May Flowers - Week 2

            Good morning everyone

            :welcome: Beck, good to have you on board. It is probably wise to air that stinkin thinking and focus more on the joys of being AF. I still give thanks every morning that I wake up clear headed, there is no better feeling.

            Janice - hang in there. The one thing I can say is that it does get easier. Even with slips, the AF life is now the norm for me, whereas a few years ago it was having at least one bottle of wine a day. It is very easy to go back drinking and stay away from MWO. I decided to stop doing that, found this wonderful thread and things have never been better. By the way there are a lot of us in our 29th decade, I was 50 last October.

            LBH - love your description of yourself :H. Not sure when medicare starts but in my mind you are just a young one, 29 like the rest of us.

            Chill - you seem to be learning/enjoying this course so much. We all benefit as a result when you impart your wisdom so thank you.

            Sooty - hope the tooth is a bit better today. Glad Mr S got a diagnosis.

            Lav, Rusty, Star, Dill, Sunni, Blond, Jolie and anyone else I missed big hello.



              May Flowers - Week 2

              Morning everyone & thanks again for such a warm welcome inspiring seeing your AF dates under your signatures!! Well Day 1 under my belt!! The one thing I absolutely LOVE abt not drinking is the different sleep I get. Slept sooo well, no waking with hot sweats/palpitations, just a really deep comfortable sleep!! Did feel like I had a hangover when I woke up though!! Feel much better after my swim & ready to face Day 2. Will pop back later later today...xx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                May Flowers - Week 2

                Had a nice long post that I forgot to send last nite, added some things this morning and when I went to send I had lost internet connection!!:upset:

                I'm with you Beck-those thoughts do still rear their ugly heads but we are so strong now we can kick them right down!!

                Welcome back Janice! You can do this and with our help you will be successful!!

                Chill-love that you are loving the course and your time with starty!!

                Rustop-my nephew missed his flight yesterday!! Can you believe it? He thought it was today because it said they arrived today!! Sis didn't double check as she was trying to be handsoff. That'll teach her!! They are sorting it out today. He can catch a flight today but arrives in a strange country alone or he can go on Sunday with a professor who couldn't go until then. He'll miss all the fun times but que sera sera!! I'll keep you posted!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  May Flowers - Week 2

                  Congratulations, Janice! :goodjob:

                  I know what you mean about the sleep - as a huge fan of quality sleep, there is no night like an AF night.

                  So proud of you! I'm ready for an AF Day 2; should we go for it?!?

                  Good morning to all May Flowers, or Mayflowers, as the case may be. Thanks for the beautiful flower photos, Sunni. You are very talented.

                  The sun is out in Pennsylvania for the first time in a while and it's a beautiful day. Maybe our Phillies will benefit from the warmth and start winning some baseball games.

                  Lav and Jolie, a meeting would be fun! I'm amazed that I've met nice folks here from the U.K., Australia, Canada, all over the U.S., and my own back yard!

                  And Lady B, I can relate to your work experiences. I have to remember that for every person here that wants to spread their unhappiness, there are probably ten that are pleasant, gracious and upbeat. But, the few will always test my colleagues and me every day. I just have to remember that the reward for getting through the day is not a gin and tonic or glass of wine. It's a good book, time with my family, working in the yard, etc.

                  Wishing every one a pleasant day.



                    May Flowers - Week 2

                    Good late morning everyone!

                    Somehow I just don't feel compelled to help YB. He's doing just fine painting the living room all by himself :H:H

                    It is a beautiful day here in cow country, think I 'll go check on my veggie garden.

                    So grateful there is no AL in my life anymore
                    Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Thursday!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      May Flowers - Week 2

                      Been cleaning my kitchen all afternoon (yes, including inside cupboards!!!), this would be the time that I would pour my glass without feeling guilty convincing myself I especially deserved it today, and have to say, the thought crossed my mind....especially when I saw the half empty bottle in the fridge (not because I didnt finish one bottle, it was what was left of the 2nd bottle!!). Came straight on the all your posts (including the ones I read this morning!!) & you've got me back on track. Off to put the kettle on...Bouv Day 2 is a little further on over here in England, but you can do it!!! Thanks lovely people xx
                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                        May Flowers - Week 2

                        I really like what Chill said about getting a really clear vision/mental image of one?s best self. Steep yourself in it. I think the idea is that if one then assumes that this image is already true, it radically changes our thinking and intentions and the behavior that supports that (healthy, AF, altruistic, calm, happy?whatever you envision) ideal person naturally follows. I realize how much I marinate instead in a mental state that is completely counterproductive; if rumination and worry and fretting had a tenure track I would be a world class neurotic. So today as I do my simple things in the garden and house, I am going to practice stopping myself in my internal babble and shift over. Janice, I think cleaning is really good for all of this, your world will sparkle. I am so glad you and Bouv and giving it a go. It takes some getting used to because drinking is such a part of our lives. Enjoy your house painter, Lav, I?ll bet he is cute in his way. Love, Ladybird.
                        may we be well


                          May Flowers - Week 2

                          LBH, what's wrong with being a little neurotic? :H
                          I think we all are probably way too hard on ourselves, in one way or another. Getting that inner voice to SHUT UPi s hard but doable. I think the hypnosis helped me a lot with that.

                          Hey Bouv & Jolie - here's what's blooming in my backyard right now!

                          Well, the paint job is done & I will get my living room put back together tomorrow. Looks great!!!!
                          YB was decent, didn't do too much moaning :H
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            May Flowers - Week 2

                            Good morning everyone

                            Lav/Sunni - your beautiful photos brighten my day, thank you.

                            The sun is peeping out so hope its a bit better today. Think the week-end is ok.

                            Papmom - hope your nephew gets here ok. It is very hard as a parent to step back but I am trying to do it with my oldest daughter who is as her sister says 'book smart but ditzy'. A lot of the time her ditizyness has no impact on her but has on others. I am trying to step back and let her face/deal with the repurcussions, not easy.

                            I have somebody coming in to repair a leather couch and perhaps clean two others but hope to get a walk in later.

                            Have a great week-end everyone.



                              May Flowers - Week 2

                              Hi, Day 3, feeling good - more energy, more 'go' about me than usual & feeling positive. Felt quite proud of myself last night...hubby came home after stressful day & asked if I'd pour him a glass of red...I did & I felt no urge whatsoever!! Hope everyone has a good day...yes the sun is finally shining in England Rustop!!!! Hoping to get some gardening done over the weekend. xx
                              AF since 9 May 2012
                              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                                May Flowers - Week 2

                                Hello everyone, quick check in here before I get my youngest out the door.

                                Lav, lovely pics, my dog eats my they are contained to the deck for now...until i can figure out a better way to contain the dog. regarding the voices, I used to beat myself up for them...thought i wasn't doing something right because they come back. The best thing I have learned is to "ignore me" when the voices start, I just distract myself for a bit and they go away.

                                Janice and Bouv, Happy day 3. stay positive.

                                I will get better at addresing everyone. not quite there yet.

                                Now I'm off to roust my 11 year old out of bed..

                                Be well,

                                Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter

