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May Flowers - Week 2

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    May Flowers - Week 2

    Good morning to all flowers...

    Many interesting posts to go through, love the new contributors, it is really helpful to visualize what we want. I also loved Bouv's reward of a good book, gardening, spending time with family, rather than alcohol.

    Chill, I did not realize that you created a vision of yourself AF, and appreciate that this process made the difference for you. Glad you are enjoying and learning this week.

    Lav, how great to get your living room painted, loved your flowers.

    LBH, I am focusing on what I put my attention on, and find that if I practice putting my attention on the good, positive things in my life, mostly in the present, I do really well. Shame about the past, worry about the future, fruitless and resulting in a bad mood. So, today, I am focusing on all the lovely good things in my life. We are due for a lovely sunny day in the 70s, and I will be outside as much as possible.

    To all, have a great day.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      May Flowers - Week 2

      Hi flowers!

      Not posted on this thread before ( did post on April Flockers a bit) I remember Beck and Janice from my spell on MWO in 08/09. It is definitely good to stay accountable here. Its when I don't stick close to MWO that things deteriorate for me and drinking thoughts creep in.

      I know others on here from some of the other threads so Hi! Some great garden / flower pictures on here.

      Janice glad you've got to day 3 and that you are feeling better already. I started to feel physically better around day 21 and mentally much much better at about day 65 - stopped worrying about things I can't change, and seeing stuff from a glass half full perspective.

      Have a great AF day everyone.

      Sausage x
      Day 78


        May Flowers - Week 2

        Yay, Janice! Give yourself credit; until three days ago, you couldn't see your way out of this. Now, look at your progress. And, you're inspiring me. Slept great again last night.
        Beautiful photos, Lav! I took some of Mrs. Bouv's columbines and lilac this mormimg, and my favorite tree. I'll try to post them later.
        Sausage, I agree with you. Checking in at MWO regularly is MOST helpful. I'm still overwhelmed by the love and support by people who are all fighting the same demon.

        Love to all,



          May Flowers - Week 2

          Witching hour & there's this nagging voice in the back of my mind......on my 2nd can of coke.
          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            May Flowers - Week 2

            Afternoon all,

            The sun is out again today, yay!
            I have been to Curves, the supermarket & the Vet with Matilda. She's up to 10 lbs - growing

            Janice, do whatever you have to do to ignore that voice!!!!
            Keep posting & reading here. Watch the 'Rain in My Heart' Documentaries........Just remember that AL is poison & not your friend. Wake up tomorrow morning feeling stronger & prouder

            Hello to Rustop, Beck, Star, Sausage, Bouv & all the regulars!

            I am expecting my DIL & 2 grandsons for dinner so I'd better prepare.
            The 3 year old called me this morning to ask if he could come over to play with Matilda - didn't mention anything about seeing me or anything else :H
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              May Flowers - Week 2

              Lavande..thank you. Just watched the first one of Rain in My Heart. That voice is well quiet now. Havent seen those before, OMG. Another tool I will be using. xx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                May Flowers - Week 2

                Great going Janice. I am so glad you and Bouv are together on Day 3, there is strength in it. I have been having a desire to drink off and on all week, and if I had not been here with you and our fellow pilgrims, I very likely would have brought something home only to feel lousy about it. Our best shot is together. Some times people fall off but nobody gets left behind. I seem to be a good example of that. Love to you and everyone. Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  May Flowers - Week 2

                  I like to watch Rain in My heart when I am feeling weak. They are very powerful documentaries.
                  Another good tool is the book " kick the drink - easily " by Jason Vale - hopefully he will convince you that there is no need to drink and you can become "free"


                    May Flowers - Week 2

                    I had forgotten about Rain in My Heart. Scary stuff. That is what happens when I go away...I forget just how hard it is to quit. Thank you all for sharing...

                    So much easier to stay quit than to quit again.

                    Well done Janice. Good to see you again Sausage! You sound great.

                    Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                      May Flowers - Week 2

                      Janice, happy to hear you managed to quiet the 'monkey mind'.
                      Those films are real life, grim reminders that AL is NOT our friend.

                      LBH, what can you do to get yourself out of the stinkin thinkin?

                      Hello Beck, Sausage & everyone.
                      Near bed time here & I'm glad.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        May Flowers - Week 2

                        Good morning everyone

                        Up bright and early as I am off out for the day. Great to see all the newbie/returnees here. Keep on doing what you are doing and slowly but surely you will get there.

                        The sun is shining and had a lovely walk with the goldie at 7 a.m. I am going to a BBQ cookery day so am looking forward to that.

                        Have a lovely Saturday everyone



                          May Flowers - Week 2

                          Morning everyone....watched 7 out of the 10 videos last night, dont know why I didnt see them before, very scary, Bouv if you check in today, you must watch them! Sausage, havent heard of that book before, I shall look out for it. Perfect morning here in England for walking the dog at 7am Rustop!! Hoping the sun will stay out ...cant wait to get some much needed gardening done. Will be checking in later & reading ..Saturday evenings start at 4pm in our house usually....thats when the first bottle is opened & we both have a glass. Not today though. Have a great AF Saturday everyone!! xx
                          AF since 9 May 2012
                          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                            May Flowers - Week 2

                            "So much easier to stay quit then quit again" Beck 2012 - So true, that might have to be my new signature!!!
                            AF since 9 May 2012
                            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                              May Flowers - Week 2

                              Good morning Nesters,

                              A nice sunny day here as well

                              Janice, my plan is to stay with my quits (both of them) because I'm pretty sure I couldn't go through al that again It is easier to just stay quit!

                              Rustop, enjoy your BBQ!

                              My plan for the day is to get as much done as possible outside........
                              Of course my arms are breaking out in more contact dermatitis, what can you do?

                              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                May Flowers - Week 2

                                Good morning, Everyone!
                                What a spectacular day - brilliant sunshine and mild temperatures. Our younger daughter came home for the Mother's Day weekend. She lives 3 hours away and brought her Jack Russell terrier with the BIG personality. It's always a treat to have a dog in the house. Looking forward to one or two of our own again one day.

                                Mrs. B is picking up our 6 year old niece this afternoon for a sleepover. She has never met this dog, so we expect fun and frolic.

                                Thank you for the book recommendation, Sausage, and thanks to all for telling me about Rain in My Heart. I saved the link that Lavande sent and plan to watch them.
                                I'm re-reading The Thinking Person's Guide to Sobriety by Bert Pluymen. Another good one.

                                "Some times people fall off but nobody gets left behind." Love that, LBH.

                                Heading outside to enjoy this gift of a day. Maybe later, my daughters will help their technologically-challenged Dad upload an avatar and the photos I took of Mrs. B's garden.

                                Enjoy the day - AF, of course!


