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AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

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    AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

    Good morning, affies,

    I am so happy so many of you had a great mother’s day on the other side of the pond.

    Weather took a turn last night (rain and only 8 degrees Celsius) – so you’ll find the coffee inside. Actually I am going to join Pap for a hot cup of tea. No treats, no sweets, I OD-ed last night on hubby’s excellent steak and kidney pie.

    I have a really busy week ahead in work – but I am planning to alleviate any stress by going to yoga tonight.

    Wish you all a great week.
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

    Hey ho fabbies! Hope everyone is well and happy and thriving!

    Had a lovely trip and now it's catch-up time; how can the house get dirty when I wasn't even here?!

    Have a spectacular day to start an even better week!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

      Good morning, Shue and all to come!
      Sorry about the weather, Shue! Kind of like what we've had here off and on. All weekend it was close to 80F and now it is clouding up again and it will be showers for a few days. Hoping it holds off until I get my walk in in an hour. The steak and kidney pie sounds nice--hubby treated you, I guess!
      Pap3, I did see the story about the pittie saving her owner's life. When I first heard it, they did mention the fact that the guy rescued the dog for his mother to help with her drinking. Haven't heard that again. However, my immediate reaction was that the woman had been drinking--walking home from a friend's at what, 1:00 a.m.? And didn't look like it was any nice place to be walking! And she fell unconscious near the train tracks. I'm thinking that the son just didn't want to have any more publicity focused on the mom. I was so touched by that poor dog and what she did and what she went through. The woman must be in a terrible state of guilt. This disease is terrible. Good thing is the donations they got to help with the expenses of the surgery and rehabilitation, etc.
      Not sure what I'll be doing today, as I have the day off. The assistant manager is alone (to cut down on payroll) and if she gets a shipment, she will call me. Owner and her mother and another store manager will be coming tomorrow, so we'll both be in then. I want to experiment with making my own chalk paint and trying it out on a mirror I've had for a long time. Really want to do over a dresser in our cottage--Mr TDN won't be happy with that:H Is anybody familiar with the Annie SLoan chalk paint? It is very expensive and not sold anywhere in NH or ME. Would have to order it from MA or RI, but a friend shared a "recipe" that uses paint, plaster of paris and water, and it supposedly comes out great.
      Okay, check back in later. Where are all the MIAs these days??
      "One day at a time."


        AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

        Cross post, Greenie! Hope to hear about your trip!
        "One day at a time."


          AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

          Hey Greenie-welcome back!! WE've missed your royal arse!! :H

          TDN-I totally forgot about the timeline of this accident. Yes, she has got to be dealing with horrible guilt. Will this be the kick in the pants she needs to get sober? One can only hope. And yes, the donations came in at 76K!! More than enough to cover surgery/rehab and lots left over to go toward's Angell's charitable org. They do such great work there!

          Off to work I go!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

            Hi everyone

            I'm afraid its a very grumpy Dizzbutt checking in today. In fact, I was contemplating just staying away but I thought I'll just let you know I'm sober, just pissed off.

            I've been diagnosed with PCOS and had to borrow money from the bf/ex-bf, it was never quite resolved as I don't have any insurance and all the tests and crap completely wiped me out. Also my translation job said they will take another MONTH to prep the next batch for me so now I'm broke and sick and I honestly can't find much to be grateful for today.

            Well, I did find out something major about the argument I had with bf and why he was so angry with me, there was a huge misunderstanding which change EVERYTHING (I wouldn't advise arguing via email, ever) but otherwise I still feel very much deflated.

            So now I'll just slink back to my desk and try and find some other work.

            Hope you guys have better days than I'm having,


              AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

              Dizzy, big virtual hug from me, everything will be OK. Vent away here, do not stay away !!! We?re here to listen to you.

              You always bright up my days with you enthusiasm and oodles of interesting things you write about. We all have our lows, this too will pass ? you are smart and strong, you?ll know what to do.

              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

                Good morning Abbers,

                Cloudy & damp here as well TDN. Looks like it's going to hang around for a few days too. The weekend really was nice so I'm going to try to keep that in mind
                I haven't heard of chalk paint - sounds interesting!

                Thanks for the coffee as usual Shue!
                I need to cut back on my eating this week as well. I baked a batch of vanilla/almond biscotti & chocolate shortbreads this weekend & had to try them......

                Dizzy, sorry to hear about the PCOS but with a little effort you can manage that, it's quite common. Being female is definitely not easy......
                I hope the lines of communication open up even further for you & your BF

                Good morning Papmom, welcome back Greenie!!!! Hello to everyone dropping in today!

                I am going nuts with another case of poison ivy & am heading to the Doc for some steroids this afternoon . That stuff grows everywhere here in cow country

                Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

                  Hello FABs.. happy Monday (or something like that)

                  Shue.. thank you for the coffee.. would you be a dear and put on another pot or five?
                  Dizzy, very sorry about the diagnosis; my daughter was (mis)diagnosed at age 16. At the time I researched the meds that were prescribed and didn't like the sound at all. Is there a chance you could be treated with alternative methods?
                  Lav... we will just have to put you in a bee suit before we let you out, that's all there's to it. Hope the steroids will clear it up quickly!

                  Looks like a slow day work wise... going to clean my truck and get it ready for tonight; son and future DIL will come and get it to pick up their son tomorrow. Later today, I'm hoping for a bit of time with the horses.

                  Hello to all checked in and all to come!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

                    Greetings precious FABberinos!

                    Work, work work is keeping me indoors today, but tomorrow I hope head down to the wild yard yonder and see what wonders nature is bringing up out of the ground. It's been very cold here. I am really ready for our short, but sweet summer to begin.

                    Dizzbutt...I am sorry about the PCOS. Lav is right - it can be managed. It is really fortunate you are now an AF babe. Alcohol causes all sorts of havoc with our hormones and also results in inflammation....two primary factors in PCOS and - a whole lot of other health problems, for that matter. Alcohol is a toxin. We know that. And we do well by always remembering that.

                    Greenthang...glad you are back babeee! We sure miss you when you're not around...

                    Hugs to Pap, Sunni,TDN, Lav, Shue and all the rest of you who come through today!
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

                      Hi all
                      Very quick post from me too.
                      Dizzy, I too am sorry to hear about your diagnosis and just wanted to agree with the others in that it is good that you are living an AF life.
                      Not much news, was reading some of my old posts from 2009 last night and it was really useful / enlightening.
                      Will drop back tomorrow after work.


                        AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

                        Lav is back & on STEROIDS now :H

                        Every outbreak of poison ivy I get seems to be worse than the previous & I've about had it already for this season
                        I know it will take a few days to get some relief but at least it's a start.

                        For those of you that don't get the DailyOM delivered to your inbox I thought I'd share this:

                        May 14, 2012
                        Missing Our Old Habits
                        Enduring Discomfort
                        by Madisyn Taylor

                        Sometimes when we break a habit or addiction we find ourselves missing it like a dear friend.

                        Whenever we make the effort to free ourselves of an addiction or a habit we no longer need, we are often surprised to find ourselves missing the old pattern as we would a familiar friend. This sounds counterintuitive, because we think we should instinctively gravitate toward that which is good for us. And yet, it makes a lot of sense when you consider that we humans are creatures of habit. This is why we gravitate to people and places—and patterns of behavior--that make us feel comfortable. Therefore, many of the habits we form are not conscious and are based instead on learned behavior from role models who were not always making the healthiest decisions.

                        Most addictions begin as a way of avoiding feelings that are extremely uncomfortable, so it makes sense that stopping the addiction means, for a time, a fair amount of discomfort. The same, of course, is true of habits that we have developed over time that we are ready to release. Just knowing that this is hard, and having compassion for ourselves as we work through this process, can help us to stay the course when we feel the urge to backtrack. It’s also helpful to remember that in time we will establish new, healthier patterns, and the yearning for the old ones will disappear. Eventually, we will instinctively reach for things that are good for us, and the longing for positive change may form the basis of a new habit.

                        The only way to get to this new place is to endure a time of difficulty, which is a challenge we can confidently handle, if we remember that it will lead to the change we seek in our lives. Our bodies, hearts, and minds always need time to adjust to a new way of doing things, but they will adapt, and even become our allies, if we remain true to our vision of a new way.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

                          LostLady made it through another day. You know, what you all said about it getting harder and harder with each attempt seems to be true. I've gone 2 years AF and 6 months AF after visiting Rhonda Lenair. No cravings either time. Both times ended because of serious illness of my partner and my own silly rationalization that just one drink won't hurt.

                          Then last year I went 6 months AF pretty painlessly after day 4 or 5. Now here it is day 19 and I'm still having to swallow supplements and talk myself down. Drinking lots of water also.

                          Looked on Web and got really discouraged when I read cravings (which is more or less what I am experiencing) can last for a year or longer. Oh please no!

                          But better to keep on than to get to the point where I have to start this over, or worse, get to the point where I CAN'T start this over.

                          Reading the Toolkit... lots of good suggestions.

                          Has anyone else had to white knuckle at 19 days... I mean really white knuckle physically, not just mentally?


                            AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

                            whew! a manic MOnday, yet thankfully AF

                            Lostlady, sounds like something dietary maybe? getting adequate protein and good fats? exercise?

                            well, speaking of diet, I must make a concerted effort to 'just say no!' when they come by with the dreaded bread basket when I'm at restaurants this week (another biz travel week as usual).

                            I have this horrid habbit of saying 'screw it' when I'm travelling when it comes to the hi-glycemic carbs. then once I've had the first piece of bread it's all downhill for the night and I have horrible carb cravings and wretched sleep and wake up feeling like flotsom and jetsom.

                            must go pack....

                            be well everyone
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily - Monday, May 14th

                              Safe travels this week Det

                              I am going to try your flatbread recipe as soon as I can locate some hazelnut meal........may not be easy here in cow country. There's always Amazon I guess.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

