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tue morning

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    tue morning

    hello everyone didn't get to make it on here yesterday.
    just weighed myself and I've put on 2 pounds - but i feel thinner, have been going to the gym.
    I wanted to have lost haf a stone by this point and am actually back where i started on new years day!!
    oh well - feel like a big failure as i smoked on sat too. i need to really watch myself becuse when i 'fail' at one thing i give up on the rest too.want to try and lose a stone by birthday in 6 weeks.
    how do you change those thinking patterns??anyway have a good day all - run tonight then off to cinema.
    one day at a time

    tue morning

    Bear, don't despair

    Excuse the poetry. if you have been going to the gym the weight is probably muscle gain. When I started running years ago. I did not lose weight at all. But I looked heaps better and everyone thought I had lost weight. If you feel like you have lost then you are probably on the right road.

    You are doing great compared with only a few weeks ago.:l
    Enough is enough


      tue morning

      Good Morning All - day 30 for me and I really never thought I'd get this far; I've just had to re-count the days to double check - Thank You all for your support!

      Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


        tue morning

        Hi everyone, my lifeline!

        Day 10 for me (still can't get the drink tracker to work, so have a little secret diary). Was hoping to feel a bit better by now, but still coughing from last weeks virus and yesterday the viscious headache kicked in big style and is still here. I know people have posted about them before and they don't last...but it feels Soooo unfair, I'm being good and I feel worse than if I'd been drinking ! whinge, whine ....sorry!

        hey, though well done to everyone else, Rivergirl, Snowcaves and climbing sounds fantastic ! AA - get back on the bike, we're with you all the way. Popeye, I know what you mean about the showers, somedays I couldn't even be ar~sed to brush my hair...

        Bear, things will start to turn around, as you get fitter and cut down on booze you will lose weight, unless of course you're eating all the pies!

        Ix - 30 days - Magnificent ! keep up the good work xxxx


          tue morning

          Hello All~ waiting for a major winter storm (first one this year).

          Pebbles..sometimes you need to log on 2x for the tracker to work.

          Happy sober day! AF 54.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            tue morning

            Hey everyone. Congrats Ilex!!!!! Bear, don't worry, Pebbles do take care of yourself,

            Day 32 here, made it through the little test last night, went to a friends house for a little girls get together, it wasnt as bad as a thought and definitely a little different from my new perspective. I had fun. Any it was nice to drive away with no worries for the evening.

            I hope everyone has a wonderful tuesday!

            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
            James Gordon, M.D.


              tue morning

              Morning all!!
              Good for you Victoria! Made it thru with flying colors.

              I understand about not losing weight too. I have lost about 8 lbs but have now been at this weight for about 2+ weeks. I have been working out lots lately though and people keep asking me if I've lost weight.
              My clothes are loose and I have gone down alomst two sizes (depends on what it is ).
              So, some of it could be muscle. I just keep telling myself that working out has to be better than not - regardless if I am losing weight. But I'd love to lose about 4-5 more!!
              Worked out with my trainer this morning and I may not be able to walk very well tomorrow - yikes that was tough!

              We are having a little luncheon tomorrow to celebrate all the employees of the month - for 2006 - and announce the employee of the year. I had 2 employees who were emp of the month last year - we are supposed to get up and say a few words about each one and then they take our picture. Public speaking!!! I have been worried about this for a week. And it is literally a 1-2min little speach. I would gladly pay someone to do it for me. I can talk in meetings and in small gatherings...but for some reason this worries me to no end. Anyway....thought if I shared that it would help. Still nervous though!

              Have a great day everyone!!!!


                tue morning

                Morning Bear, Waves2, Ilex, Pebbles, SeaBreeze, Victoria and Lisa and all yet to come.
                I am glad you are all doing well.
                Am in a great rush once again. New tenants are moving into my moms apartment tomorrow and I need to get it ready. Oh, man I will be so glad when this is over.
                Lisa, don't worry. Everyone in the audience is thinking, thank god it's her and not me. You'll do fine. Just blow them away.

                All have a great day and I see you later.
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  tue morning

                  Okay, I feel like a new man now. Back on the AF bandwagon, just got a 5 mile run in (on the treadmill, since there is a frickin' blizzard going on outside)...

                  Happy Tuesday to everyone - may it be healthy, happy & fulfilling (although not necessarily in that order)!
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    tue morning

                    Happy Tuesday Absville,

                    Its great to be here and "hear" from you all!

                    As you know I made it over 1000 this week! Love the crown but look forward to giving it to the next "oldie"!
                    You are all so sweet and I love you bunches.

                    I've been thinking about what it was like to come here almost a year ago and also about all the people who have come and gone over the year. Do you wonder where they are today as I do?

                    I hope that something found here has helped them and enriched their lives in some way. I know my life has been enriched by all of you and the things you have shared.

                    This is not a cure all for anyone.
                    We have to look honestly at ourselves and take action. here and else where to succeed in our sobriety.
                    That is our number one goal...........
                    Please please please..............lets not ever give up striving toward the goal!

                    Thank you for all you do.
                    :h Nancy
                    AF the only way for me to be!
                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      tue morning

                      Hi all,

                      I'm feeling good today.
                      I got a sort of promotion at work. After 9 years of shovelling outside in all weathers, my boss has decided that I am to be taught 'the trade'. I'm getting 'brought inside', as he put it, to learn how to lay the floors that I have been mixing. It's still hard, dirty work, but once I'm trained up, the money will be a lot better.
                      I'm getting a bit of a ribbing for being a 45 year old trainee, but I can take it.
                      Bear, don't worry, you're not a failure to anyone here.
                      Lisa, I had to do a 'Best Man' speech a few years ago. I was really nervous, but I had prepared well, as I'm sure you have, and it went down a treat.
                      Well done on all the AF days, the little numbers as well as the bigger ones.
                      A journey of 1000 miles starts with the first step.
                      I hope everyone has/had a good day.


                        tue morning

                        Congratulations on the job promotion Popeye!!!! That is just wonderful.
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          tue morning

                          Congrats deserve it!!
                          Well i have decided that I'm not gonna have wine with my valentines meal tomorro...i know i can do without it and as iv said before, he knows all about my drinking business so he will not question the fact.
                          Have to say I'm a bit scared he's invited me to meet his kids nxt wk...don't get me wrong i LOVE kids I'm just a tad scared in case they don't like me!!!! but him being the sweetheart that he is said "not to worry you have such an infectious personality that anyone who meets you is bound to love you" lovely is that!! Aw....oh dear guys help...i think i might be falling for this one!!!


                          Lou-Lou x x x
                          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                            tue morning

                            CONGRATS Popeye, and Lou that is sooo awesome...I am sure you have nothing to worry abotu as well
                            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                            James Gordon, M.D.


                              tue morning

                              Congrats Popeye on your new promotion!!! That definitely should bring some 'spring' into your step!!

                              Lou, have fun on your date tomorrow night! Also, it can be nerve racking meeting a fellow's children, but just take one thing at a time, and let things fall into place naturally. Relax, love.... just relax. Things are going to be just fine for you.

                              Nancy: I came on here this morning and read a post or two about people 'moving on.' I think no matter what, this site is a place where one can really come to terms with this problem and communicate with others in the same or a simular predicament. No matter if one leaves this community, I personally think they take with them a better sense of themselves. Alcoholism is a disease which leaves one lonely, lost and in despair. Participating in a group such as this helps with these feelings immensely. People move on for many different reasons, but all in all, I believe they take a bit of MWO with them. I have no doubt in my mind.

                              Happy Tuesday all!

