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AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

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    AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

    Hello Fellow Abbers,

    Thought I would hijack the thread start today from Shue as today is my 100th AF day

    Dishing up coffee, tea, hot chocolate and all types of yummy cakes to celebrate.

    Hope everyone has a safe happy and AF day.

    AF life rocks!!


    AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

    Mom of 100 AF days, you rock!!!!


    Many thanks for the coffee + treats, I?ll have that to go . I have a full day in work then my son?s 8th birthday party. Somehow he invited 30 kids ? it will be a wet mayhem ? raining like crazy today.

    Dizzy ? how are you feeling today?

    Lost ? great to hear of those 19 days, and I am in awe of the 2 + half years AF. White knuckle or not you must have done the right thing.

    Lav on steroids, this I need to see ?
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

      Hey folkies, ust a quick checkin and and a olla to you all, I've een an avis reader ths week not so much a writer

      Mom of2 congrats, delighted for you

      Shue enjoy the kiddies

      Lost I read your post last night, I hear you on it gettin harder, I was the exact same and this time I found it so hard to give myself credit for any AF time for so long because I had got so much time before and fallen, it was easier before but maybe too easy for me, I felt I was back on top of things and could go drinkin again. Had to do a wee bit more soul searching this time, getting in touch with mysef if you know what I mean, I seemed to be stickin plasters on myself before and this time I want recovery not a quick fix. I want to be able to look at all aspects of my life and be ok with it so when stuff (big or small) or just a feckin normal bad mood pops up I won't lose myself and want to run away and escape to drink. I know the deal, I'm an alcoholic and it ultimately never ends pretty if I drink and I'm addicted to it, but I was as I said plastered up and not recovering and could convince myself that that madness wasn't there and grab a drink. Hell its a complicated business but I do know that I'm feelin a of alot better today and in an awful different head space to day 19-20, if I can do it anyone can, so good luck you and we're all here for you

      OK 'nough of my ramblings, have a groovy day one and all
      "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


        AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

        I don't feel like posting. I feel like feeling sorry for myself a little more.
        I'm a bipolar alcoholic who now also has to deal with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
        The new Glucophage meds is messing with my tummy and hormones, has caused my period to return after it just stopped, and is making my mood blacker than night. I'm not drinking, I'm just depressed as hell.
        Thanks for all the well wishes, I do appreciate them.
        I'll be back as soon as my pity party ends.


          AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

          Good morning, Abbers.

          Raining again here. Supposed to let up tomorrow, and clear by Thursday.

          Shue--30 kids??? Good luck! And in the rain? You are one brave woman ! Have a little extra java this morning!

          Mom2--:thumbs: 100 days is pretty amazing!! Triple digits!!

          Sugar, your post is very inspiring this a.m. You really have a hold on this disease. Thanks for sharing that.

          Dizzy, I give you so much credit for hanging in with all that is going on. I hadn't heard of the polycystic thing, but it is messing you up. Just keep telling yourself how much worse it would be with AL in the picture. And stay here with us. We are all here for you!:l

          Lost, you came to the right place! Glad that you are here. We've all been there, done that!
          I come here every day for strength to get through yet another day!

          Lav, thank you for sharing the inspiration post yesterday. I read it over several times. Makes so much sense to me! Everything you share is so meaningful!

          Det, I will checkout health food store for the hazelnut meal. I love hazelnuts--but mostly when mixed with chocolate:H I have had such a craving for chocolate in the last few months--I'm convinced that it is replacing the AL cravings:confused I try to eat well otherwise, but need to put more effort into that.

          Have been off the Paxil for just over a week now. Yesterday I felt so tired and pretty depressed, but know that is to be expected. Will start the Amoryn soon. Have been going to the tanning booth for the last week now--and am one shade darker than stark white. LOL! And the St John's Wart makes you sunlight sensitive, so need to be careful.

          Got a call for my assistant at the shop yesterday just as we were passing by after errands. It was already 12:30, so I had DH drop me off and there were a bunch of boxes of gifty things. Turns out she had lost a baby goat the day before and wanted me to talk to her and kind of comfort her. Poor kid--she's just 22 and has been married for 4 years.Family is in CA. She is in alone today, after we thought we would both be there, as owner and her mother and another manager were supposed to come. Nope. So I am going to open my friend's shop for a few hours, then go to "my" shop for an hour or so to observe the closing process, as I only did it twice over the weekend, and it takes forever. May get to an AA meeting with a friend tonight.

          Anyway, as DG says: One thing is for sure!

          "One day at a time."


            AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

            Good morning Abbers,

            Mum, CONGRATS to you on your 100 AF days :yay:
            That's awesome. keep going friend!

            Shue, Lav or steroids will be right over to help you with the 30 kid BD party :H
            Hope you all have lots of fun!!!!!

            Sugar, nice to see you, hope you are doing well!

            Dizzy, I understand the need for a little self-pity, I really do but please don't let it go on too long :l
            Everything you mentioned is quite managable but you need to remain focused. Stick with us, we want to help!

            TDN, you are one busy lady & that's a good thing!
            I have discovered that a bottle of Nivea self-tanning moisture lotion does wonders in place of a lot of direct sunlight

            I have a bit of work to do this morning then will be playing with kids & doggies this afternoon - life is good AF!

            Itchy Lav over & out!!!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

              BIG CONGRATULATIONS MO2 on 100 days AF, fantastic!

              Shue, 30 is about 29 too many for me, I am afraid. I hated my kids birthday parties, the noise, the palaver, holy cats. And by the end of the night I had self medicated myself, with a vengence. Hope you enjoy it though. I was never fond of other peoples kids for some reason. My own, fine, loved em. A horde from the neighbourhood....not as much.

              Sugar, love your analogy to sticking yourself with plasters. (we call them bandaids), its such a great way of describing the earlier approaches to quitting, as opposed to just plain quitting. Love your attitude too. Your post was very inspiring to me.

              Diz, I jad polycystic. If the meds are causing you to spot you should check with the doc. Its a cross to bear, and the worse part of it is the potential for anemia and fatique not to mention the discomfort. Putting alcohol in with all of the issues you face is like throwing a match into a gas can. So be glad you have your wits about you. You can get through it. AL is not the answer thats for sure.

              TDN tanning bed + st johns wort = trouble, that is all.

              Lav you are my hero.

              Hi to all who follow. Im out on my beach study, and dont have time to post more. Here is the crew from a distance..... I got some sun stroke and heat stroke as usual, from first day out.


              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

                I am actually working very hard during my pity party. :durn:
                Sometimes being in a bad mood is very good for productivity and I hate feeling indebted, so in a way its therapeutic.
                I'll play nicely again tomorrow.


                  AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

                  MumofTwo... Whoooohooo! Happy 100 days!

                  Dizzy... :l. Be nice to yourself and don't forget that you are a SOBER, intelligent, lovely woman with medical issues that can be managed. Totally hear you on the bad mood/productivity. I get tons done when I'm pissed off :H

                  Gotta run... great shot, as always, Kas... have an awesome day, everyone!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

                    Ahh dizzy i hope ur sunshine comes back soon, I reckon u should put a time limit on on da old self pity,.we all do it but to throw in the obvious that we are all blind to sometimes you're not being very nice to yourself or doing yourself any favours. You're a great person, and really interesting and funny actually, so remember that, u know what to do yourself
                    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                      AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

                      Good morning all. I thought I would pop in and say hi to my old friend, Det and ask Kaslo where she lives. Kaslo, your pictures are gorgeous. I am planning on moving back to B.C. this summer.

                      Hello to the rest of you also.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

                        Hi all! I just got home and it's good to be back. I missed reading about all the goings-on here. I remained af and feel great!

                        Big congrats to Mum and hugs to Dizzy.

                        We are in the negotiation process with a potential buyer. So hopefully....

                        I love going away, but gosh this catch up business is never fun!
                        I have a boatload of errands to tackle but wanted to pop in and say a hearty hello.
                        AF since 2/22/2012


                          AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

                          Mumof2--Congratulations on 100 days!

                          Shue--Good Lord, 30 kids? I'm with Kas on this one. About 29 too many! Sheesh! :H

                          Sugar--That's a great analogy you used about recovery in the past as compared to today. I'm with you on wanting to look at the totality of it all and heal all wounds.

                          Dizzy--Sorry to hear that you're having health issues. I totally understand not feeling like posting. I go through that too. Positive vibes to you. :l

                          TDN--I had a Nutella-Chocolate souffl? the other night. Hot and gooey with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream. OMG! I thought of it immediately when I read your post! I have definitely been craving sweets since I stopped drinking. I hope the Amoryn works for you.

                          Dear Itchy Lav--I can't imagine a Lav on steroids! Yikes! Hope you're feeling less itchy soon.

                          Kas--Gaw-geous photo as usual. Love the different textures.

                          Hi Almost. Hope your negotiations go your way.

                          I'm doing well, approaching 3 months in a few days. I have been trying to limit my computer time lately, but I have been reading here although not posting. Major headache today but i'm not surprised. I seem to get them every damn time it rains.

                          Take care my loves. AF energy to you all. :h


                            AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

                            Very late check in
                            Long day, haven't had time to read properly but wanted to stay accountable.
                            Sausage x
                            Day 82


                              AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

                              I would just like to say a HUGE thank you to all the wonderful ladies and gents here, I would not have been able to do it without you :h:h

