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AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

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    AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

    Hi SKendall, I am in the west Kootenays, but have worked pretty much all over BC, so which parts do you fancy?


    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

      whew, just checked into my hotel. must now forage for healthy sustenance. maybe I'll hunt sewer rats. hmmmmm be good exercise probably.

      Mum2 hooray to you hon!

      Hilary, always glad when you can pop in for a cuppa tea

      Kas, thank you for the adventure picture

      Dizzy, ditto the wisdom already conveyed. you can do this better sober

      back in a bit.....

      repeat to self: no bread thank you. no bread thank you. no bread thank you.

      be well
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

        evening fabbers!!

        Mum2-HUGE Congrats on 100 days! you rock!!

        Dizzy-so sorry about your diagnosis. Kas hit the nail on the head with the match on the gasoline analogy. Sure hope you are feeling better in the psyche tomorrow. I've done the self pity, down in the dumps, pissed off thing and did it for way too many days. I never want to go there again and I hope you can leave that place real soon! :h

        Sugar- I am so loving your attitude these days!!

        Almost-welcome back! Crossing my fingers for the negotiations to go your way and end soon!

        Fly-great to see you. Please keep popping in even if you don't acknowledge everyone.

        Kas-gorgeous pic!!

        Shue-hope the Bday party went OK!! 30?????? Ewwwww!

        TDN-Sounds like the owner of this shop is pretty much hands off-hope all goes well when the crowds descend in a few weeks. With you at the helm all will be well!! Don't even talk to me about sugar cravings!!

        Lav-steroids kicked in yet?

        Hey Skendall!!

        Hidee Ho to Sunni, Greenie, Deter, and everyone else who stopped by today. Glad to see youse all!!

        Interview tomorrow at 11am. That is all!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

          Pap3--just want to say "GOOD LUCK!!!" Positive vibes your way!!
          "One day at a time."


            AF Daily - Tuesday, May 15th

            Papmom, your going to give a stellar interview!

            wow, tonights restaurant was definitely exotic. dinner at an Vietnamese karaoke joint.
            and VERY authentic meaning due to communication issues I accidentally ordered 10 shrimp rolls in addition to my entree. anyone want some shrimp rolls? I have extra!

            and they had this murderously hot fresh chili paste. I recognize the flavor but it's been a long time since I've had this chili. in Australia we called it a 'birds eye' chili. it's very small, bright red and will dissolve cast iron I'm pretty sure. yowsa! but so good.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)

