I was just coming here to ask about Blonde too. She hasn't posted in a couple weeks. Has anyone heard from her? I think her cruise is in June.
No announcement yet.
May Flowers - Week 3
May Flowers - Week 3
Hey Fly - where have you been? Or was I just not paying attention? :H
Hope you are well!
Blondie is on the MIA list for sure
I hate it when our friends go missing.......
Can't wait to get those shoes Rusty :H
Don't think I need anything that heavy but they probably would be useful stomping black snakes around here - eeewww.
Hello to neighbors Jolie & Bouv tooAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
May Flowers - Week 3
Hey all!!
Well my day/night is over and I just had to get on and tell you all about my night....I had a date!!:wow: I know...craziness!!! Before the date I was sorta, kinda nervous but then as it got near I was more like...whatever, I guess! I wasn't really all that worried about the drinking thing...I wondered if it would come up, but thought I would handle it if it did. Well..it did...and sort of out of the blue actually....we were talking about college days and one of the local bars...and he said, so back in the day, at one time you DID drink...I said yes. He asked so why don't you anymore...I guess that I wasn't expecting, I'm not sure why. I guess that would be a natural follow up question. I responded, do you think its odd that I don't drink? He said no, not odd I just was wondering if there was a reason. So like an idiot, I suppose, I told him about my dad...and about me wanting to raise Brayden in a different kind of environment (be a good role model)...and then said how my mom having her heart attack in November has really reaffirmed for me how important that it is that I'm "healthy". He said he thought it was cool how smart I was about all this and so knowledgeable about the affect of drinking on families and kids...and said he wasn't much of a drinker at all (nor was his dad or mom)...in fact, he ordered a coke with dinner. We ended up talking for over 3 hours...no weird, awkward silences....so i'd say overall a good night....seemed like a nice guy.
Alright...I just had to tell someone about my night....my parents know I went out but they just would never "get it"...what a first sober date felt like...he got to meet ME!
Chill--The Happiness Academy!!! That sounds like a place you belong FOR SURE!!
Rusty--have fun in California!! Do you have time to do any site seeing on this visit?? This summer will be spent, once again, playing mom taxi to my son!!
Hey Fly!!! I think we need to start making a list again of our MIAs and start sending out IMs!!
Lav--what are black snakes? Are they poisonous?
Alrighty folks...I need to head to bed...taking Molly in tomorrow am for her annual shots!!
SD"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
May Flowers - Week 3
Good morning to all...
SD, sounds like a great date, I loved the way you talked about alcohol naturally and honestly. It has been my observation that lots of people just don't drink much, or at all. It is just not a big deal to them. Your date sounds like a nice guy. Glad you had fun.
Chill, what kind of things would they sell at the Happiness Academy? Sounds interesting. I attended a conference last week and talked to lots of interesting people, it was energizing and a good change for me. I am so happy you have had this chance to attend and learn in subject areas that interest you. How have you been feeling? I hope the weather cleared up.
Rusty, you sound good, changes are hard but you are managing. Do you have to continue to travel much in your new work?
Rustop, cute puppy. I am probably the only person who favors cats, although I love dogs too. Just don't have any now that I work full time.
Lav, how's it going? You sound busy and well.
Pap, glad your interview went well, you handled everything with grace and ease. Wasn't it nice to have a new suit? Do you get time off this summer? I hope so.
I have been crazy busy this last week or so, reading but no time to post till now. Last week I attended a conference then went to a casino and spent the night with a friend who had comps so it did not cost me much, except for the gambling. May I say that casino's are very depressing places to me? Of course, like 99.9% of the people there, I lost all my money. I realize it is not logical, kind of like drinking alcohol. Ha. Then, a barbecue for a friend that was alot of fun. It was so busy, I am not usually really social so felt emotionally exhausted after two full days of being with people, constantly. Sunday I had some me time and it felt good. This weekend we are visiting relatives and will be gone for a few days, it would be nice to just stay home, but not to be.
I have been into, focusing on, loving the outdoors. I planted some herbs before work, transplanted some roses, and watered. I have been watching the sunrises, listening and putting my attention on the sound of the birds, and the miracle of spring. It is really amazing, and I am appreciating this change of the season like never before. Wonderful. Nature is so amazing.
For those of you who followed me in the past, my son is planning on moving out next week, let's hope this happens, as it would be so healthy for him. It is amazing to me how well he is doing, when you consider that about a year ago he was in such a different place. So, what I learned from this is, things get better over time, if you keep trying. He has friends, hopes, dreams, a decent job, and goals. Just wanted to share some good news.
To all, have a great day.Formerly known as redhibiscus
May Flowers - Week 3
Good morning everyone
Lovely to hear some good news. Delighted for you Star. There is a saying 'this too shall pass' and it sure does.
Chill - that sounds so interesting. I did a course once, the psychology of happiness and loved it.
SD - loved hearing about your date. He sounds like a nice guy. Loved the doggie pic. I dont use photobucket much and can never remember so always end up posting the link not the actual photo.
Lav - The Goldie gets a bit tired of Ms Layla at times and goes off outside. She will have to put manners on her at some stage. So far she has been very good and they have even started playing together.
Just back from swimming and now have to dash to pick my daughter up from an exam.
Happy Hump day one and all.
May Flowers - Week 3
Good morning friends!
Have been up for a while but getting my engines revved is another story :H
Very nice on the Date SD
I am such a huge believer in honesty........something my spouse always had a problem with....
I hope your friendship continues to grow (if that's what you want)
Star, like you I've never had any luck in a casino
Glad you are enjoying the outdoors, I am too except for the PI.
The PI is gone now, my skin is in the peeling stage (like after a sunburn). It ain't pretty but oh well.
SD, we have plenty of Black snakes around here & they are not poisonous but they sure do scare the hell out oif me because I've seen some that are at least 5 ft in length, Had one in my chicken house 2 years ago shortly after I got my current flock of girls.
Eastern rat snake | PA HERP IDENTIFICATION
Good morning Fly, Rustop & everyone!
Hope some of the MIAs check in today
Have a great AF hump day!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
May Flowers - Week 3
Hey Guys
Rusty - Never mind photobucket! When are you going to get yourself an avatar? I think Jessica Rabbit would be a great one for you.
Wishing you a good trip to California.
SD - Woo woo! Your date sound like it went really well, I love that he was understanding about how you want to live your life. Now come on... tell us if there were any chemistry going on and have you plans to see each other again?
Star - Good to see you. Your Son's story really inspires me, I can remember your frustrations when it seemed he'd never get it together, how wonderful!
Im feeling great thanks for asking.
The talk I was at the other night highlighted a simple recipe to put on your daily tick list to ensure you feel your best. They were:- Exercise, Personal Space (even just 10 minutes of quiet you time) Sufficient Sleep, Good Nutrition and your Environment. I know for sure when I can tick all 5 Im feeling great. In fact today is one of them.
Lav - these black snakes aint small!
Rustop - I was forgetting about your Goldie, it seems the season for pescy little dogs :H
Its getting to that time for suggestions for our June name.... any ideas?"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
AF - JAN 1st 2010
NF - May 1996
May Flowers - Week 3
Hi, Everyone!
Hello from JolieLavBouv Land, where the weather has been changing every hour. They are calling for more rain, but it has moved out for the time being.
SD, I love Molly's photo. She is really cute. And I appreciate everyone's dog photos. We're dog-less at the moment, but I assure you there will be more in our future.
PapMom, I love that little teardrop. Mrs. B. doesn't camp, but I'm thinking that, if I plan the right trip with lots of gardens along the route, I can win her over.
ChillGirl, yes, my drinking really took off while I was serving in the Navy. I worked on fighter jets, so my cruises were all on aircraft carriers. And considering all the ports we visited, I took little advantage of the opportunities to see the world. Shame.
I hope you're able to volunteer at the Happiness Academy and learn lots! We can all use more happiness, and I can tell that this group loves to spread it around.
Rusty, I don't sail per se, but Mrs. B did buy me lessons a few years ago. I learned on a DaySailor and hope to own one someday and really learn the craft. For now, it's me and my lake kayak. Love your description of working on the lake. I love the water, also.
SD, glad to hear about such a nice evening! I hope there is another one in the near future. Sounds like a really good guy. Where do they all hide, I wonder? I need one for a friend at work...
Star, I send best wishes to your son, and to you. I hope all goes well.
Thanks, Chill for the Daily Tick List - we can only be our best selves to others if our basic needs are met first. I think of this when I fly and the flight attendant says, "In the case of a loss of cabin pressure, masks will drop. Place your mask on first before helping others." They say that for a reason! But most of us put everyone else first and our batteries run down to nothing. Thanks, again; I wrote it down.
Hi to Fly, Sausage, Sunni (how's the weather up there?), Rustop, Dill, Cyntree, Blonde, LadyBirdHeart, Sooty, G-Bloke, TDN and everyone passing through.
Janice, I'm thinking you returned home today, probably tired and mentally spent. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip. All the best.
Have a meeting at church this evening - week 31 of a 32 week series. I agree with you guys who say that your church can be very helpful. Some of my best friends hang out there.
Have a nice evening, All!
Love, Bouv xo
May Flowers - Week 3
Great dog pictures, Lav, SD, and Rustop, that smart baby Jack looks like she will dismantle a few things in her time. I imagine these cuties are making you soulful-dog-broody, Bouv. We are having yet another windstorm here and holding our breath that no forests start burning. My garden is mostly sheltered but it is miserable out there. I came in around noon and then headed out for early voting, stopping on the way on a whim to have the piercings I have had in my ears since the mid sixties redone. I suppose I could have gone to a department store but somehow the idea of a teenager with a piercing gun and cheap earrings made me feel slightly ill. I am not sure why as my poor ears had been pierced forty-five years ago in a hippie days, kitchen table, sewing needle and thread, ice cube, and cannabis affair. The left one has always been catawampus (is that really a word?), and recently I bought some gorgeous gold earrings that I could not even wear, pushing me toward this tipping point. I checked on the internet and it turned out the most highly rated ?urban piercing studio? in the state is less than a mile from my house. It?s somehow trendy in the hood. They are primarily accustomed to people getting procedures that I can not pronounce in remarkably personal locations but seemed somehow delighted by me and my silly request anyway. Their clients were young, intensely decorated people whose paths would ordinarily not cross with my own (my idea of personal body art at this point might be a burqa and Rusty?s famous steel toed shoes) and we had the best time, I even let them choose my earrings (classic opals) and left with care instructions for two months (so much for the old hippie week of thread pulling and whisky swabbing). The point of all of this in any case is that the clients and staff were talking about ?addiction? (all kinds) and were so compassionate about it, knowledgeable about treatments including rare ones, and cynical about the forces that are keeping it going one way or another. It was good, they were darling. I did also vote. Chill, love the Happiness Academy and you, really missed you when you were away. Pappy, love teardrops, saw one last week, blond wood, green fenders, precious little rolling world. Star, thank you so much for the update on your son, I have thought of him often, with the challenges of his disability and the added stressors of making peace with his sexual orientation, trying to negotiate the already complex transition to being adult. Through your eyes I like him a lot, I am in his corner and yours, you are one fine mom. Catch everybody else later, in the meantime peace and affection. Love, Ladybird.
may we be well
May Flowers - Week 3
Hi everyone, back home but yes very tired. Physically & emotionally it is always very draining. Mam (cant remember who asked if she was my grandmother - 'mam' is my mother, a Northern England way of saying "mom" or "mum"....anyway mam is doing okay but she has another uti which she is very susceptible to as a result of all the years of drinking. Last year she was seriously ill & I was told she had only a few weeks left to live...but thankfully she's a tough cookie & she pulled through. I am hoping that anti-biotics will blast the infection straight away. Didnt feel as if I wanted to reach for a drink at all - had my Jason Vale book to thank for that!!! Night night everyone...xxAF since 9 May 2012
Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)
May Flowers - Week 3
Welcome home Janice:l. Being as you are with your Mam transcends how scary things have been with her illness, you are a sweet daughter, nobody could ask for a better companion in these last days. I am so glad you are AF, those lights on mean all the difference for both of you. Love always, Ladybird.may we be well
May Flowers - Week 3
It's after 11 pm but I'm still winding down from a busy day
It was all good, just a bit too much, if you know what I mean.
Janice, glad everything will be OK with your Mam ~ such a sweet name, we should use that here too.
Hope you can get some rest now, take care of yourself.
LBH, I wish I had been with you today!
I'm sure those young folks will remember your visit for a long time to come
I am always amazed when I see people wearing what I call 'face jewelry'. What the hell is the point?
My daughter actually had a boyfriend years ago with eyebrow rings - not attractive at all.
Bouv, I really wonder about the wisdom of sending young people out to sea for long periods of time like that. My nephew (who is the same age as my son) went into the Navy & basically drank his way through his entire enlistment. I felt bad that he came out with no usable skills & was unemployed for a very long time & still drank, ruined a marriage, etc. I'm not even sure what he's doing now, my brother & his wife don't talk about him - sad!
I hope you can get back to doggy ownership soon & risk having your shoes chewed up by a frisky puppy :H
The AC is on at my house - I am a heat & humidity wimp!
Star, good news about your son! I really hope everything works out for him!
Chill, I never knew anything about these black snakes until I moved to this area 9 years ago. I just can't get over how BIG they get!!!!!
OK, calling it a day. Wishing everyone a good night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
May Flowers - Week 3
Good morning to all...
Janice, wishing healing and peace for your Mam, it is such a hard time when a parent is so ill. Just make sure to be gentle with yourself and focus on self care to keep up your morale and physical strength.
Thank you everyone for the kind words and support regarding my son. It continues to be a long journey and who knows where it will go. It is so funny, he is moving out with a girl, going on a trip with a girl, without a guy in sight....I guess I just don't get it. One thing I learned is that sometimes it takes time to find a job with the right environment...you can't give up and have to keep looking. It is amazing to me, the rude inappropriate behaviors that are tolerated, even encouraged at some places of employment.
My favorite time of day is early morning, and here I am. A full day of work, then four days off. I feel so lucky. To all, have a great day.Formerly known as redhibiscus
May Flowers - Week 3
Good Morning Guys
Janice - A big well done on staying AF in a stressful situation, its these hurdles when pieced together that become our strengths.
LBH - oooh your description of having your ears pierced 1st time around reminder me of a time when I was just 14 and I pierced some poor guys ear with a needle and some ice cubes, I can still see his face wincing in pain.
Lav - Im not a fan of face piercings and always think they might catch of something, ouch!
Have a great day everyone, the sun in out here and Im going to take my books into the garden where thankfully the wi fi also works. My subect for the week is proteins and all different amino acids."In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
AF - JAN 1st 2010
NF - May 1996