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May Flowers - Week 3

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    May Flowers - Week 3

    Hi Guys

    Rustop - A new puppy! ooooh I cant wait to see Layla!

    SD - This is specially for you.....[/video]]Alice Cooper - Schools Out (the muppet show 1978) - YouTube

    LBH - I loved your story about the magnum of champagne! What will you do with it? Living in my friends house I have no control over whether she chooses to keep AL and a bottle of champagne is winking at me from a corner of the kitchen. She doesnt keep much else in the house thankfully. Last night I cooked for us and she had bought some wine. I topped up her glass at one point and realized that I cant even remember the last time I touch a wine bottle. There were absolutely no blips in my mindset but still an uncomfortableness in the experience. I prefer it when wine bottles are as far away from me as humanly possible.

    Bouv - I love all the things about AF activities. I swear I watched 3 seasons of House when I was drinking that I could watch again now as if I had never seen them before! Books took me forever to read as I had to reread them so many times to remember them.

    I completely over did it at the gym last week after being away and havent been able to walk for 3 days! Today I can finally bend again, I keep forgetting Im not 21 anymore....
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      May Flowers - Week 3

      Good Morning Flowers!

      Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted....I can't imagine all the time I've saved you.:H

      Papmom-I loved reading your perception of your interview and thrilled you got such a nice compliment on your new suit. I know you looked smashing in it. Thank you, also, for caring about me, despite your inordinately busy schedule.:l

      Rustop-you're getting a puppy, too? Geez, I missed that. What kind of puppy are you getting?

      LBH-I smiled at the Magnum story, too. Whoa.....I don't know if I could have turned away from it because I love good champagne. Kudos to you for you and LordBH for not popping the bottle open.

      Hip hip hooray to Bouv and Janice on all your AF time!:goodjob:

      Well, I must say I was very mistaken about how I would be received at the conference. Everyone was so nice and welcoming! I had a great time....and I met all the people that I talk to every day from the corporate office whom I'd never met before, and they were just so nice. I was also reassured from my 'boss" (this is the company that provides me with the majority of my contract work) that the company will keep me very busy and I won't have to worry about not having enough work. That was a big relief!

      Lav- I hope you are having a wonderful time with your daughter and Lily. Post pics when you can.

      SD-I chuckled when I heard that Alice Cooper song....oh yes, it was blasted from car sterios on the last day of school at my high school.

      A big hello to everyone else...have a wonderful AF Saturday.


        May Flowers - Week 3

        Rusty - Great news on the conference and from you contract company! With a personality like yours you will always be in demand :l
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          May Flowers - Week 3

          Omigosh Chill that video was HILARIOUS!!!!!!!:H:H WTH??? ALice Cooper dressed as the devil dancing around with the Muppets?!?!? I totally bet Alice Cooper thought he has having a bad acid trip that day or something!!! :H Thanks for the out loud laugh this morning!!!

          Rusty--I'm so glad the conference went well for you!! I agree with Chill 100%...there is something special about you that people are just drawn're a leader and people in your company know it!! You rock m/ Trying to stick with the rock and roll flowin in my bloodstream now!! LOL!!

          Rustop--Can't wait to see the pics of the new grandpup!!

          LBH--what you wrote is exactly how I felt everyday after I drank...even if it was a small's the feelings I have even if I think about drinking now...just imagining what I will feel like the next day...I'm so scared of that feeling of self-hatred if you will was horrible!!! So deflating everyday...

          Lav--your walk with Lily sounded know when Bray was really little we always took him on walks...and back then we lived on the other side of SD (in the Black Hills) where its way prettier and way more wild this day he is still such an outdoor kid!! I'm so glad he doesn't enjoy sitting around playing video games and watching TV.....a lot!

          Well...speaking of the boy, I better go find him some lunch...I'll catch up with everyone later!! Have a good rest of the day!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            May Flowers - Week 3

            Quick check-in... been busy as heck with the nice weather... picking up work at the barn again, the yard, etc...

            Rusty... wonderful news on the conference and future work! I'm so happy for you!
            Rustop... puppy pics!!!!

            Everyone else... hope you've had/are having a fabulous weekend! A little nana nap for me and back to work outside I'll go!

            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              May Flowers - Week 3

              Hope everyone is having as great a weekend as me! Beautiful weather here and I'm sitting on my deck waiting for humming birds. Just as I'm typing this, one appears - hooray! I love my hummers! Nice to be able to sit out here and enjoy nature with a clear head - really seems normal to me now.

              Rustop - please post pictures soon - puppys are just the cutest!

              Rusty - glad the conference went well - happy for you.

              Lav - I am about 5 miles from the park and have walked that path many times. Did you get to walk up into the lighthouse? Probably not if you had the younger ones with you. My daughter and I did that back in the fall. Lived here for 40 years and that's the first time I ventured up to the top! Bet you had a great time cause the weather is perfect!

              Hoping to spend some time with my daughter tomorrow after hubby and I go to church - still hard adjusting to her not living at home and she's been out of the house just about a year now!

              Have a great AF weekend everyone!
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                May Flowers - Week 3

                I've had some serious aches & pains this week too Chill - must be something in the air :H

                Rusty, great to hear about your conference! Just shows that we do overworry some stuff

                So you like Alice Cooper SD? :H :H

                Sunni, I am jealous of your Nanna nap, really jealous......

                Jolie, the door to the lighthouse didn't open (and I did give it a try). I'll bet the view from the top is awesome
                Enjoy your time with your daughter, that's nice!

                Today was strange, to say the least. EB stayed over & was up & raring to go at 6 am (ugh). Little did I know that by 10 am he'd have a fever & be throwing up (double ugh)!!!!!!
                Kids get sick so fast but they get better fast too..........
                I sent him home clean, medicated & well hydrated. Hope his Momma can keep up some TLC.

                Wishing everyone a good night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  May Flowers - Week 3

                  Evening may flowers!

                  Lav-yuch! definitely something in the air as LM threw up too last nite. He very nicely did it in his food dish. Very considerate! :H

                  Sunni-please teach me how to take granni naps!!

                  Rusty-told ya so, told ya so Wow!! great news on the conference!! You have reason to celebrate my friend!

                  Jolie-I've been sitting on my deck too a couple of times this week. Nothing like it and I don't miss the wine! No hummers tho. bummer, no hummer.

                  Chill-Iknow you will stay strong despite that bubbly staring at you. You let us know if you feel a cave coming on, OK? :l

                  Rustop-nephew was in Galway yesterday. No idea where he is now but he's awefully homesick!! Puppy pics please!!

                  SD, LBH and anyone I missed. Have a agreat nite!!

                  Great day today! Even tho I was still being trained, it was my demo and since my trainer didn't show up until 11:30 (went to the wrong store), It really was MY demo! It wasn't super busy but busy enough. After that I went to my bro's house (10 min up the road) and he PUT ON MY HITCH RECEIVER!!!! WHOO HOO THE PAPMOBILE CAN NOW TOW THE PAPHUT!!

                  It was harder than we thought but he finally got her done and I did my part by plugging in the wiring harness to the tail lights. What? I had to unscrew the covers and everything!! He even gave me an extra hitch/ball combo and hopefully it will fit. I will be practicing backing up the jeep to the trailer's tow bar for many days! :H

                  They invited me to stay for a bit and watch the Preakness which I accepted happily. It was fun! Their friends joined us and brought their brand new poodle puppy. Red fur and the mellowest dog I've ever seen!!

                  Up and at 'em early tomorrow. Must be at graduation by 9. Sigh....zzzzz...
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    May Flowers - Week 3

                    Good morning May friends,

                    Well, no one has barfed on my sofa so far so I guess it really is a good morning :H

                    It's going to take a whole lotta coffee to get me in gear this morning. Think I over did myself this week
                    Not sure what I'm doing today except some food shopping later ~ we shall see.
                    Grateful I'll be doing that hangover free!

                    Have a great AF Sunday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      May Flowers - Week 3

                      Hello my favorite bunch of bloomers

                      Lav - Maybe today is the day you take it easy though somehow I doubt it, enjoy that coffee. You really are Supergran.

                      Papmom - You just leave me awestruck, one at your energy but also your handiness (is that a word?) Tail lights and wiring harness's!
                      I just about know how to put the gas in a car :H

                      The weather here is still cold and grey with the promise of some warm sunshine soon. I have decided to study today and then if the weather does improve later this week, I want to take myself off to explore some quaint town and countryside just to get the hell out the city. Im finding the volume of traffic and people starting to make me feel really hemmed in. :help!
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        May Flowers - Week 3

                        Good afternoon! My smallish city is crawling in every corner at this moment with scientists and tourists here to view the annular solar eclipse. The only other great city views were in Taipei and Tokyo so it seems we are ground zero for people from everywhere else. Lord Bird Heart made our little viewing box as there have been no special glasses left anywhere for weeks. It should peak at seven-thirty three and we should have a fine view from nearby. Glad to be AF, there are lots of people having a party of one sort or another, blinded by a different light. I have spent a wonderful day in the garden and now it is time for a big cold glass of Taste Nirvana coconut water, the best drink in my world. Love and astronomical anticipation, Ladybird.
                        may we be well


                          May Flowers - Week 3

                          Good Afternoon Flowers,

                          LBH-I wish I could be there with you tonight....what an amazing sight to observe, especially with a loving partner. I am so happy for you. Also, thank you for your descriptive words to describe my personality..."an irrespressible force.":h

                          Lav-poor you....dealing with a barfing grandchild....I don't know where you get your energy. Yes, you are right....I do overworry.....and I try SO hard no to. Every time I tell myself I won't "borrow trouble" by worrying about something, I do it anyway!!:bang I must go back to your post on the Daily Om. I need it!

                          Pap-yes, you told me so, you told me so.:l I am glad the demo went well today. You blow me away with your knowledge of vehicles and their components....harnesses, hitches, etc. Ah, Galway....yes, it's on my "to-visit" list. I hear it's lovely.

                          Chill-thank you for your kind words of support, as always. Good for you for recognizing that you need to get out of the city. When I'm in a city for too long, I start feeling claustrophobic.

                          Jolie-hey, it's so great to see you! I am glad you were able to spend time with your daughter. You sound sooo happy with your AF lifestyle, and how it's just second nature for you to be AF. I smiled when you mentioned the hummingbird. I can see them from my home office windows and I just find that watching them is so relaxing and soothing.

                          SD-awww....thank you for your lovely words, but I don't consider myself a leader...but thank you for your support anyway!:l I think I told you my niece graduated from SDSU with a degree in nursing and absolutely loved South Dakota. She found my childhood home of 3.5 acres of trees and a spring-fed lake too confining. "There is not enough free space here, Aunt Rusty...too many trees!!" I agree...the Black Hills side of SD is much prettier.

                          Rustop-a miniature Jack Russell? Wow, I had no idea there were mini JRs. Cannot wait to see pics. Yup, they're full of energy. I have 2 clients who have them. They are always in motion.

                          Sunni-I hope you had a fine equestrian weekend. How is Mr. Wonderful?

                          A happy hello to anyone I may have mised: Cyn, Sooty, Bouv, Janice, Fly, Blonde. A shoutout to some of my fav people who are MIA: Dill, Star, Shelley, please check in!

                          Have a wonderful AF night!!!


                            May Flowers - Week 3

                            Good morning May friends!

                            Dark & damp here this morning & will be most of the week
                            I will definitley have to find something to do to brighten things up a bit!

                            I checked in on EB yesterday. He was still feverish, rubbing his head but not barfing. Now I wonder if Will will be next - you know it's likely.
                            Working up the energy to get myself to Curves then back here for some work - not an easy task this morning

                            LBH, how was the eclipse? I love that stuff!!!

                            Rusty, how's it going with you? Going anywhere interesting this week?

                            Hello to everyone & wishing a wonderful AF day for all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              May Flowers - Week 3

                              Good Morning Wonderful People

                              The sun has finally made an appearance and it always lightens ones mood! I have been to the gym and the park and am now ready for finalizing assignment 3.

                              LBH - How was the eclipse? You had me singing Manfred Mann "Blinded By the Light" :notes: although I have no idea what "revved up like a deuce" means

                              Rusty - our "incorrigable irrespressible force". Yes wouldnt life be great if we didnt have the ability to worry, I find the key is to try and stop myself before I go into freefall and imagine all kinds of horrors that will happen to me. I actually started on something in the car today and immediately said to myself "but that may never happen! worry about it when it does". Maybe your role change will mean less time traveling and more time for Rusty. :l

                              Has anyone heard of John Whiteman? I am going to see him speak tonight. He is a HayHouse Author and also teaches a philosophy called "The Way".
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                May Flowers - Week 3

                                Good morning and happy Monday, Flowers,

                                SIL came through surgery well. Now, it's just a matter of dealing with pain. Family has been in to see her every day. We enjoyed having our niece at our house; now, Mrs. B will go to her parents tonight to bathe her and get her to bed. My in-laws are in their late 70's and not as agile as they used to be. Thanks for your good thoughts.

                                SD, thanks for your list of benefits about being AF. So, so true. Two of my best friends have commented that I seem happier lately. Unsolicited. Makes me smile.

                                Jolie, I'm sorry for missing your anniversary - Congratulations!

                                So much for our beautiful weather, Jolie and Lav. But it will be back. Just not this week.

                                Lav, you inspire me by being there for your children and granchildren. If/when we are blessed, Mrs. B has made it clear that we'll give our kids a break and have the grandkids over. Our parents weren't able to help when ours were little, and we feel they all missed a great experience and chance to bond. P.S. I hope the PI is just a memory!

                                LBH, I know what you mean about the stressors and how AL affects us the next day. I'm printing out what you wrote so I can remind myself. Had a couple of close calls this weekend, but came through AF. I use alcohol-free beer sometimes and also tonic and lime. So far, so good.

                                Rustop, a mini Jack? How cool! Love to see a photo (or a YouTube clip, if she won't slow down). :H
                                We're going to see our grandpup this weekend, and our daughter in Virginia. YAY!

                                Chill, I can't wait to see the Alice Cooper video (YT is blocked at work. Imagine that)
                                And re-reading pages of a book? I used to be self-conscious on the train, expecting the person sitting next to me to say, "Why is your bookmark on that page if you have to turn back 10 pages?" One more thing we can laugh at now. And the hits keep coming.

                                On the subject of worry, I saw another good quote at someone's workstation - "If you're going to worry, why pray? And if you're going to pray, why worry?" Mrs. B deals with worry everyday, and I wish I could help her.

                                Papmom, will you be posting a photo of the Papmobile with PapHut attached? Can't wait! I hope you get a call back this week.

                                Rusty, I'm glad the conference went better than expected and that your proverbial workplate is full! What a relief that must be.

                                Oh, and Jolie, and to anyone that loves hummingbirds: you have to put Balboa Park in San Diego on your list of places to visit. Mrs. Bouv and I were there in April. I had to be there for office moves, and we cashed in credit card airline miles so she could see that beautiful city. There is part of the park - the Rose Garden - where hummingbirds were so numerous, I couldn't count them. And you could get right up close. It was magical.

                                Wishing everyone a wonderful week. And a big HELLO to Janice and everyone else out there who stops by.
                                Rainy days and Mondays always make me glad that I'm sober.

                                Love, Bouv xo

