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AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

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    AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

    hi, peeps, late check - in,

    thank you for the coffee, sugar, as almost guessed I needed the whole pot.

    Party turned out great - but I am tired today and in unusually dark mood (trifecta of PMS + car electrics trouble + eye infection - never had one before). I also had a full day in work and had to put on my high high heels in order to tower over people again; combine that with zero patience and snappy mood, I came out as a right bitch on wheels; which was probably appropriate since my parting line for most meetings was "pay up or I'll sue".

    I know the mood will pass - instead of drinking I planned yoga for tonight and an episode of Game of Thrones.

    gotta run now ...
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

      Hello FABbies!

      Awesome news on the sale of the house, Almost! Congrats!
      Sugar.. you're next with good news on the job front because Pmom is going to ROCK THAT INTERVIEW today, no worries there

      Lav, how's the poison ivy situation?
      Dizzy.. good to see you back in good spirits!
      Welcome, Sheepish! Stick around here.. these ladies and gents have kept me on the straight and narrow many times

      Ok, phew. News.
      My second grand son is safely back here on the island. My son and future DIL picked him up yesterday. Much drama and I received some very nasty emails with very personal attacks from the foster mom. My son just called a little while ago; he's got the little tyke all to himself today. Thankfully, the kids have a really good relationship with their boss who is tweaking the schedule so that they work opposite shifts and one of them can be at home with the little one. At least for now... daycare may be an option down the road. Anyways, apparently my son sent a long text message to the foster mom last night, requesting her to apologize to me and really standing up for me. That made my day, to be honest. I've printed all of the conversations with this woman over the past few weeks and handed it to the kids last night.

      So, my daughter got together a whole care package including play pen and whatnots; they picked that up on their way home last night and all of us are chipping in to get everything together that is needed. It feels really good to see everyone coming together as family.

      And that's it from me.. need to get going again. Have a fabulous day and ONE THING IS FOR SURE!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

        God sunshine, there's alot goin in your life today but its great to see you goin straight for all the positives in it, there seems to be a great energy with all of you to pull together and get it right

        Shue, chin up miss, it will pass, and I'm a Game of Thrones fan too, I'll stay quiet and won't tell you what happens
        "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


          AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

          Late check in from work for me. It's coming up on 8pm and I won't get home until midnight. The bad thing is that I'm ready for bed now! :H I need to find some energy pronto!

          Back to work for now.


            AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

            Just a quick post as I have the worse internet connection in the universe in this tiny leetle motel in the montagnes. I will slip back in and revise. This was yesterdays beach.


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

              Oh Sunni, I'm so happy for everyone!! That little boy is gong to be so loved!! Can't wait to see pics of Peanut 2!!

              Shue-hang in there! You are a force to be reckened with so that eye infecton, PMS and car trouble won't dare to stick around long! Loved the visual of the very high heels and you looking down at the weasels as you gave them their ultimatums!! You go girl!!

              Lav-hope your day went well even tho busy as hell! Is the itchiness subsiding?

              So how did everyone think the interview went? I could barely hear the munching!! Did anyone else see the elephant in the room???? The woman who offered me the position last year that I turned down was on the committee as I feared she would be. I felt that she was cold and not at all happy that I was there but I just gave her a huge smile and made lots of eye contact. I even gave her an opportunity (twice actually) to mention it and ask why this time was different but she didn't take the bait. I'm debating on where to include it in my thank you email to the committee chair. Other than that I think it went well. I believe I was convincing that I knew what I was talking about and could do this job effectively. Of course I have no idea if they have an internal candidate or not but I do know that over 100 people applied for the position even tho a Master's was required. The HR person I met with first complimented me on my suit and the color and remarked that it was nice to see someone who knew how to dress for an interview! Too bad she has no say in this :H!

              They will finish up interviews this week and then present the finalists to the Dean who will then decide who gets a call back.

              I did go into work after and stayed until 6:30. Made my daily goal as well. Also had a chat with my boss about the not acceptable changes the VP is making and asked him flat out what was going to happen to me and my position. He said he just couldn't get into it at that moment. He's very stressed as I think he is being forced out although how they can do that with all the union protections in place is beyond me. But I know he is scared. I acknowledged that he is between a rock and hard place and that it was OK for him not to discuss this further. I just have to let the Universe take over now.

              So, feeling unsettled and anxious, I am going to crawl into bed with my kids and Klondike bars. Hopefully tomorrow will be calmer.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

                xpost Kas!! GORGEOUS pics!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

                  Quick drop in to say Hi to everyone..

                  Not much in a talkative that I am sober I am reflecting on life, love and relationships and it is not looking like it used too..will take a while to get my head around it

                  will read back later


                    AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

                    Cross post Pap and Mo2....awwwwe. Wish I could make you have a better feeling about your place in life, but Pap you know AL is not innit izzit? Mo2 I guess i have to say there is a honeymoon period when you quit and then a not so honey period and everyone varies, but I was not a happy Kaslo a lot of the time. Posting here helped a lot. I was 15 months on the 14 May, and I have to say I dont even really think about it, but I do come here because its still on my mind, and I do hope that I can encourage people to keep going, and not worry abotu work too much.

                    Congrats AlmostFamous, hope it goes through. That was pretty fast actually.

                    Sorry about the size of the photos folks.

                    Shue you must be hell on wheels. That is all.

                    Dizz, glad you are feeling better,

                    Sugar, GO GET EM.

                    Sunny, it sounds like the foster mom is feeling bad. She probably got to thinking that was her baby from now on, she is possibly really hurting. Thats no excuse to tear a strip offa you, though. My mom farmed my brother (Ogre) out for three months or so, possibly more. It was not clear, the info kind of died with the foster mom, and my mom, but old Ogre has it in his head he was not a wanted child, and its affected his personality, even in his sixties. He is a bitter and mean man.

                    Speaking of bros, I have two, both of them are painful, similar to Lavs. They are ex airline pilots now retired, and are quite aggressive and domineering. Used to be in charge of a huge airplane I guess. And also, assholes. They are assholes, that is. Not that they are in charge of assholes. That would be silly. They order their wives around, and their adult children still cower. They got into a fight over stuff and who was in charge after my tiny little scottish mother died at 90, a few years ago. And they havent spoken to each other since. But they still try to boss me around. And i say to them... WTF? I actually have them on the run a bit I think, now, but its taken a while and quitting drinking helped me have the stones to stand up to them. But when I was a kid, it was hide out in the pasture or corn fields, or orchard or hill side or creek or the barns some where. Thats why I am miss science panties today.

                    Well those were my beaches yesterday, and it was a bitch of a day. Lost the GPS capability, it just crashed so the daughter technician biologist had to drive back to town 2.5 hours to get the software uploaded, then came up this morning again. Crew drove me nuts. Spill coffee on myself. Dropped my farm fresh eggs. Blew up my Cascade Ice all over the kitchen... BUT IM NOT COMPLAINING. Because i get to work on beach vegetation, and that has to be.....well its just fantastic. There is no getting around it.

                    Det we pass in the night. Hope you are well , buddy.

                    Kaslo of the sandy silty gravelly beaches of the Columbia River.

                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

                      Quick pre-bed time check in

                      Mum2... :l I know how you are feeling.. the re-assessment of life in general. I'm still doing it as well. Not always pleasant (or what we THOUGHT) but it is what it is.

                      Kas, I agree 100%. I'm sure the foster mom is hurting.. there's no doubt about it. But the emotional instability she has displayed these past couple of months really worries me. I'm glad that Landen is home with his family now. I was over there tonight and dropped off some orajel and teething toys.. he's definitely working on getting chompers. Kinda got a hold of my thumb and HOLY MACKEREL! It was like the jaws of death! :H

                      His mum is going to take him to the doctor next week; he is quite.. hmm.. how shall we put this.. well fed. Over fed, if you ask me. I looked at his feeding routine and I think it's a bit excessive. But, we'll let the doc decide. In any case.. he's not quite 8 months old and weighs 2lbs less than peanut, who will be 2 next month.

                      Pmom... I knew you were going to blow their socks off. I had no doubt whatsoever. I fully expect that you will get a job offer. I only have one pic from last night while the kids were at my daughter's to pick up some stuff.. this is my son with the assorted peanuts:

                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

                        Thanks Sunni for the kind words! I do love the new pic-
                        I definitely see Proud Papa in your son's eyes Sunni and yes Peanut 2 is a bruiser :H!! I'm sure the doc will sort it out. So happy for you all!

                        Thanks Kas. No, no AL for this papmom!! No matter what! It won't help anything and I'll feel like shite in the morning. This is my mantra and even tho some days it seems like I say it all day long, most days I don't even think about it.

                        M2-hang in there. The reassessment period can be rough but it all works out.

                        Off to bed.
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Wednesday, May 16th

                          quick zoom in/out. at another hotel and beat. must be up again at 5 so better get a shower.
                          so freaking grateful to be doing this AF I tells ya.
                          great pics you guys!

                          xxxxx zzzzzzz
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)

