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May Flowers - Week 4

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    May Flowers - Week 4

    Flyaway I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend - that's so tragic.

    I had decided that I would just start from this point forward in trying to get to know all of you - and not try to go backwards in the threads....but I DID have to go back to look for the pic of someone without pants! Holy cow - it does look like that!:H

    :thanks: for all the nice welcomes...

    I'm trying to figure out if my current constant state of motion is just ME or if it's due to a rebound reaction from not having to worry about my mom anymore (she passed earlier this year after an extremely long illness) or if I really am just trying to catch up on things after 30 years of numbing myself senseless. I look around constantly and see things that should get done....or even if there's nothing obvious that 'should' get done - then I see things that I 'could' do - and there are NEVER enough hours in the current obsession is painting furniture. I painted all the walls in my house that could be painted - some twice! And now I'm going to sales to buy furniture that I can paint. I'm a fine artist at heart so I don't know where this is coming from - but I'm enjoying it and boy is it keeping me busy! I even attempted to paint my outdoor furniture cushions.....not such a good idea - now I'm making new covers for them. :H

    so forgive me for not addressing everyone while I'm settling in here...


    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      May Flowers - Week 4

      Hi everyone

      :welcome: Lolab, great to have you on board. I find it impossible to keep up at times and would love to have more time to address everyone individually but some days I just about get time to check in and say hello.

      Papmom - thanks for the laugh. I know it gets hot in kitchens but geez!!!

      Lav - adorable babies, you are so lucky.

      Rusty - safe travels

      Fly - so sorry about your friend. I am 50 with 2 teenage daughters so I can so relate.

      Star - you sound good, you are right about the sugar. I cut all the crap out completely when I was trying to loose those last few pounds and felt much better for it.

      Everyone else big hello. Last exam today so summer really begins!!



        May Flowers - Week 4

        Good morning! I had a problem scrolling back to respond to posts and losing my own, so I decided to type it into Word, then paste mine. We?ll see if that works. I ran a bit behind here, and I apologize.

        Thanks for the photo of your grandsons, Lav, and your nephew, Papmom. All good looking young men! You must be proud. True story: I thought I was the only one that noticed the missing pants, and thought, ?Don?t say anything, Newbie, or you?ll get the boot.? Ha ha. :H

        Flyaway, I share the thoughts of the others on the loss of your friend. So sorry to hear.

        Hi, lolab, and welcome. I?ve only been here a couple of months, but, as you know, these people are wonderful. I?m sorry to hear that you lost your Mom this year. I wish you peace.

        One of the many great things out this site is the breadth of topics: food, health, kids, books, websites, habit busting, religion/faith, life, and more! I always keep a pad of paper to take notes for my next library trip, recipe, whatever. Thank you all. :l

        SD, so glad to hear you had another date! I wish all the best to you and to Chill. Enjoy your visit and car shopping with your Dad. My daughters both drive Honda Civics and love them. And there are good deals now.

        Rusty, I love Star?s quote, also. ?You are only depressed when focusing on your depression.? I was riding a wave of it on Monday and Tuesday, and it was all I could think about. Yesterday dawned brighter and today is beautiful, weather-wise and in my head/heart. Safe travels to you!

        Looks like a beautiful day for us, Jolie and Lav. Enjoy!
        I have never seen a turkey in eastern Pennsylvania, but the deer love to eat Mrs. B?s roses.

        Star, you must be proud of your son; I wish him all the best. And I share your feelings about sugar ? the food industry puts it in everything to get us hooked.

        I?d better get to work ? Hi to Rustop, LBH, G-Bloke, Sunni, Blondie and many others. Get well wishes to Dill. And thanks to our teachers. I appreciate all you do for our young people. :h

        All the best,
        Bouv xo


          May Flowers - Week 4

          :H I came to find out that the wild turkeys I saw when I first moved to this area were thanks to my brother-in-law. He raised them & released them only so he could hunt them down later. He just likes to shoot things, doesn't really matter what it is

          I would say if you are going to cook pant-less it is a good idea to wear a full length apron :H

          The girls are on their way home now, we had a great visit! Lily is getting so big - 15 months old now

          Bouv, you need to own a Piggy Swissy like I have ~ she chases the deer, the groundhogs, the bunnies, you name it!!!!

          Have a great day everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            May Flowers - Week 4

            OMG, what a beautiful little girl. Lavande, she is precious x

            Hi to all the flowers x
            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010


              May Flowers - Week 4

              Thanks Oney
              She's my one & only grandaughter so she is pretty special to me!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                May Flowers - Week 4

                Oh Bouv, you were not the only one who was afraid to ask about Pap?s picture, I always imagine I will look back at such a picture after asking and find long heavy trousers in place:H. Your family by the way sounds lovely. Pretty grandchild, Lav. Welcome Lolab and good going on your sobriety. I intend to be there myself one day. Locally, we are still struggling with our big fire, it is growing exponentially, nearing 200,000 acres with zero (0) percent containment. It is already the biggest in the history of our State. I keep trying to find a way to not freak out over all of the beautiful and rare and sweet life lost. I do OK unless the smoke gets heavy here, then there is no place to hide in my garden or my mind. Speaking of things that could make anybody reflective, a few minutes ago I found out that my closest living relative is on his deathbed, he is a ?half? uncle who always lived very far from me, (my immediate family died early on and he had been raised apart from my mother), a very cool and handsome old man of ninety-two, married to a Austrian countess no less, enjoyed his scotch at least until yesterday, I shall keep him in my heart and dream that his passing takes him where he would most love to go. Onward to June, see you then. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  May Flowers - Week 4

                  Lola--My apologies for not properly welcoming you before, but I'm so happy to see you here! Eight months is outstanding. There is a lot more conversation here than just sobriety!

                  Chill--I agree with you about being interconnected. I find that I've frequently had dreams or thoughts of people right around the time of their passing whether I've known they were sick or not.

                  Jolie--How funny that you live in Turkey Point! :H I see turkeys around here all the time, entire families and loners.

                  Papmom--I'm thinking that's a girl in your photo too. I blew up the shot as big as I could and thought I saw a bra outline under her shirt. Either way they must be very short shorts!

                  Bouv--I'm glad that I'm not the only one who noticed the lack of pants in Pap's photo! :H Deer are a huge problem for us too. My husband sprays our plants with something called Liquid Fence, although he refers to it as Liquid Ass. Guess why? :H Anyway the deer don't like the smell any better than I do!

                  Lav--Your BIL sounds like a real charmer. Lily is so precious!

                  LBH--I'm always happy to see you here. So sorry to hear that the fires are not contained yet and also about your dear uncle. I'll keep him and you in my thoughts.


                    May Flowers - Week 4

                    Lav, your grand-daughter is a wee dote! So cute.
                    Flyaway so sorry to hear about your friend.
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      May Flowers - Week 4

                      Okay last year was "Joyful June" and the year before that was "Journey Through June." What's it going to be this year?


                        May Flowers - Week 4

                        Hmmm, a name for June. We have 3 hours left on the East Coast of the US to figure it out!! Jumping June Bug, Jaunty June, June Jenerals... that's all I got!

                        Loab-you'll get to know us soon enough-no need to stress about reading past posts. I think your perpetual motion is a combo of all things. Feel free to come to my house in Central MA- I have MANY walls for you to paint!! If I had to name my most dreaded household project, painting would be it. My bedroom still has the bunny nursery border that was there when I moved in 17 years ago. I kid you not! My friend from Maine was horrified! She wants to come down this summer and help me paint!! that won't happen but the thought was nice!

                        LBH-I'm so sorry about the fires and your dear sweet uncle. Would you say he lived a good, great or just so so life of 92 years? Married to a countess I'm hoping for great! I will pray that the fires start to be contained soon. From the ashes rises new life-please remember that when you get too upset.

                        Rusty-safe travels and have fun!!

                        You guys are so funny about that picture!! I really need to try to find out the story but I'm betting my nephew didn't even notice!!

                        Rustop-a coworker of mine just got back from Ireland, county kerry. She said there is a writers week in Listowel. I asked my neph if he and his class were going but they are not. Quick day trip to Belfast tomorrow and then the rest of the time staying in Dublin.

                        Bouv-glad to see you! I'm sorry you were feeling down this week but happy you are back to happy town!!

                        Hey Oney!! Thanks for dropping in!! You too Daisy!!

                        Lav-lily is adorable!!

                        Officially on vaca!! Yay!! tomorrow a road trip to the outlets in Western MA with possibly a side trip to watch my neice's chorus competition. She says we can't come, her mom says the flyer says we can. Teens.
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          May Flowers - Week 4

                          I like the Junebug idea. Jubilant Junebugs?


                            May Flowers - Week 4

                            Enjoy your vacation Papmom!


                              May Flowers - Week 4

                              Good Evening Friends,

                              LBH-Oh, I am so worried about you.....I cannot imagine the anxiety you must be suffering, not to mention the smoke that is searing your lungs. I am so sorry to hear about the death of your friend. I hope the countess made him happy.

                              Lav-little Lily is just adorable!

                              Papmom-enjoy your well-needed rest. Oh, now I see the no pants situation.:xxx:ops!::duh: I 'm not slow, am I?:H

                              Ok, June June, June Jewels (not sure about that one), Joyful June, Jammin' June, Jubilant June.

                              Off to bed. See you tomorrow!


                                May Flowers - Week 4

                                Jolly Junipers???

                                June Jonquils???

                                June Jerks?

