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Fri 15th

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    Fri 15th

    Where is everybody??
    3.30 pm here and no thread for the day.

    Reached the magic 50 days and was staggered to calculate how much money I have saved.
    If I could get husband to stop as well we would be rolling in it!!

    Went to a Valentine dance at Golf club last night, all drinks were included in the price of the tickets and some people really made sure they got their moneys worth. Oh - how interesting it is to be the sober watcher at these events. Yes, I did enjoy myself, the food was fabulous, drank loads of water, drove everyone home safely and woke up this morning feeling good. There is nothing missing in my life.

    Bear hope you are feeling better today, the uncertainty you express is exactly how I used to feel when I was trying to moderate. For me, and many others here abstinance does seem to be easier.

    Lots of best wishes to all that come later

    Fri 15th

    Hi All - just popping in to let you know that after my 30 days AF I had my first drink yesterday. Pint in the pub followed by a glass of wine at home. Both tasted horrible and I struggled to drink my wine. However, I do feel like it's now opened up the option of 'going for a drink' because that's easier to do then do something else or thinking about things I'd rather not think about - so I'm going to really have to watch that!
    Hope all is well
    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


      Fri 15th

      Hi. I REAL LY felt like a drink yesterday and did not but it was so close. I understand opening the option of going for a drink or two and keeping it at that. However I've decided for now I am far too early abstaining to even think about this option. This is my first real attempt in my life at saying off it so like changeling I will keep off it and like you Ilex I would like the option in the future to be sociable and that may happen in time. It would be easy to slip back into old patterns.

      That is the great thing about here. You can do both.

      Congrats on both 50 days and 30 days!



        Fri 15th

        Hi Changeling and Ilex-

        I sure WISH it was Friday! Actually, it has felt like Friday all day today. I wonder why? hmm
        Changeling - it certainly is eye opening to be at events like that and be the sober one. The absolute best part is the next morning when you think - yea, I had a good time last night and I feel good this morning - I didn't miss out on a thing.congrats on 50!
        Hey Ilex- Is it hard to be in a pub and not drink? Do you think you could go but drink tea or something? I understand about the socializing bit -
        CONGRAts on 30 Days- that is terrific and you should be very proud!

        I had a dream about drinking last night though- and it was weird. I dreamed that I was out somewhere and someone gave me their drink - a glass of wine- and I just absentmindedly took a sip of it. I realized after I had done it what I had done and I was so upset. I tried to spit it out and went running around the place looking for somewhere to spit. I just kept thinking ...oh, no..100+ days and I break that by just being careless?? That was it...end of the dream.

        Well, stay warm everyone - have a good Thursday

        Hi cHanging...posting at the same time -


          Fri 15th

          Hey everyone.
          I had a dream the other night as well..I drank was followed by a few days of wishing. I almost caved yesterday, but am glad I didn't. One thing that helped me was my 'days' counted as well! I didn't want to start over.

          I'm visiting my sisters this weekend and they'll be drinking. I'll be OK, I have more experience in not drinking with them than I have drinking with them, so I'll hold on to that.

          Have a good day to day..and stay warm.


            Fri 15th

            Hi Lisa....100+!! It was only a dream but no doubt your mind is working things out in your sleep. I am only one month and 16 daysAF but it feels so good to be well and healthy with cravings!! It is still thursday where I am too...all the best. Changing


              Fri 15th

              all the best for the weekend dilayne...changing


                Fri 15th

                oops Thursday

                Thursday not Friday
                Sorry about that - getting way ahead of myself.


                  Fri 15th

                  Hello all,
                  A quick post to wish you all well. Very busy tonight. I'll catch up tomorrow.


                    Fri 15th

                    I can't imagine

                    I can't image going to a party, or any place where there is a lot of people, and booze. I literally can't stand it. Never could. That pretty much got me addicted in the first place. The anxiety of being around people has always bothered me. The longest I went in a long time, was about a year ago. I went almost 3 weeks without a drink. The way I did it, was not leaving me one bed room apartment. Not much of a life. I guess I'll just have to learn to deal with the constant nervousness and awkwardness I feel in social situations.
                    where does this go?


                      Fri 15th

                      JUst got home and am so glad you had a good time changeling. I think that is so nice.

                      Love Yah!


