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A revelation-of sorts

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    A revelation-of sorts

    I don't post here much, but have from time to time. I think I have shared that although I am of the belief that for me, abs is the way to go, I have difficulty putting much AF time together, if any. I have always known that most of my issue with alcohol is an issue of the mind, as I think, it is for most of us. It is the obsession, followed by the compulsion, which leads to put the alcohol in us, which leads us to drink more until we have had too much. You would think, as a psychologist, I might be better equipped than some to deal with issues of the mind, but what we do as a profession has little to do with who we are as people, and I have been completely ill-equipped when it came to this issue with me.

    Anyway, I have been doing really poorly since the beginning of the year, drinking nightly, having my fill. I try to keep from my family what I do, because I know it upsets them, so I am not open about my drinking with them (as though they don't know!). BUT, what has been happening is this: Come late afternoon, I think about the evening. I don't even WANT to drink at that point, but I think to myself..."if I don't buy the stuff now (I dont keep it in my house) then I won't have it later, I will want it terribly, and be stuck without it". or, "if I don't have it, how will I sleep?? It will be so horrible!" So I go and buy it, and of course, then I have it, and then I drink it. Some nights, I buy less, thinking that is a better choice, but of course once I start, I want my fill. Then I have to think of some sorry excuse to leave the house so I can get more which of course does two things: Puts me on the road after drinking, and makes it obvious to my family what I am doing. Anyway, the point is, I set myself up, based on a THOUGHT of what the night MIGHT BE, instead of going with what IS. I truly do.

    OK, so for some reason, the night before last, drinking the same as most other nights effected differently. Much worse. I slept horribly, and woke up feeling really, really awful (not that I usually wake up chipper!). I felt pretty sick all day, my stomach was horrible, I was tired. Just terrible. I work from home now, but if I were still working out of the home, it might have been the first time in my life I would have called in sick. It was terrible. Well last night I did not drink. First night in a long time. I went to bed early. I was afraid I wouldnt sleep, so I took an antihistimine. Well, I fell asleep by 10 and slept until almost 9 today (I had the day off). I woke up as though it were a new world. I didn't down glasses of water, I am not exausted, and I realize I have been living as though I have the flu everyday. And thinking clearly, I realize what a rediculous head trip I have been on. I don't even ENJOY drinking anymore. I DON"T! I do it because of what my head is telling me..."what will happen if I don't drink this?" rather than any other reason. A TOTAL head trip!!!!

    I know this is really long, but I am writing it here, publicly, because I need to. And because I want it somewhere I can come back and read it when my head gets nuts again. I really want to try abs, and I am so frightened to say that and be once again a miserable failure. It is embarrasing. I HATE to fail. Especially in front of people.

    So, here it goes. I am hoping to be able to hold my head high and join all of you. OH, and I don't have those bottles to through away again today, hidden somewhere I have to hope I remember.

    Thanks for listening.

    formerly known as bak310

    A revelation-of sorts

    Beth, thanks for your post -- and congratulations on making a breakthrough in your thinking!

    I agree with you about the biggest part of the alcohol problem being in our mind. There IS a physical component to it -- I can't deny that -- but that's dealt with fairly easily compared to the twisted stuff that goes on in our heads.

    Like you, I recognized for a very long time that I had a drinking problem and I knew that I needed to stop. And like you, I had a hard time putting together more than a few days AF. (I could go a day or two but then all bets were off.). It wasn't until I was able to change my mind about alcohol that I was finally able to change my behavior. I had to re-program my thinking. I had a lot of brainwashing to undo -- such as "I need alcohol to relax," and "I need alcohol to be social," and even "I enjoy drinking," none of which were true. I didn't need alcohol for one bloody thing, other than to feed my addiction. The problem was that as long as I fed my addiction, the faulty thinking stayed in place. It's a bit of a chicken-and-the-egg situation. Until you quit drinking, you can't really think clearly -- but without thinking clearly, it's hard to quit drinking, at least using cognitive methods.

    So it sounds like a tremendous breakthrough you've made in recognizing that you don't even enjoy drinking any more. Knowing that, the next time you want to go buy some alcohol (which you know you'll want to do) you can ask yourself, "Why, exactly, do I want or need to do this?" Once you uncover the lies of the addiction, you can more easily fight it.

    And a fight it is indeed. I have found it helpful to personify the addiction as an enemy -- as a little monster/demon that tells me lies and constantly tries to trick me. I know that everything it tells me is a lie, and designed to do one thing: get me to have a drink. That's all it has to do is get me to have one drink. As you so aptly put it, I will then drink 'til I've had my fill.

    So fight on, Beth. Know your enemy. And know yourself. Ultimately, they are one and the same.

    ~ Mike
    "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


      A revelation-of sorts


      so glad you responded, because your words are always so wise. Yes, it is a chicken-and-egg thing. The thing that is so hard, it the beginning! Because, as you said, it is HARD to think clearly, when still actively drinking, and it is HARD to stop drinking when you aren't thinking clearly. That is why, I think, I get stuck...I have to get over that long does that take? to really get the ball rolling so to speak? 30 days? I don't know, I so see the problem, but I am so fearful about what my head will do to me, either later today, or later tomorrow, or later the next day. Never during the day, always later, but it is always there. So, there it is.

      Well, I want to have this here, again. I wan't something in writing I can come back to.

      formerly known as bak310


        A revelation-of sorts




        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          A revelation-of sorts

          I have a "fear" of not being able to go to sleep and stay asleep.
          Like you,
          I sleep much better with out alcohol. DUH!!! I do take a melatonin 2.5 now and sometimes the benedryl also.
          It is much better sleep and even if I wake up in the night, I'm able to fall back asleep.
          I HAVE to sleep and it has become much easier over the last few months to do so.
          The sleep cd has helped.
          Keep working at it and don't listen to the lie (fear) about alcohol helping.

          I love you girl!
          I even dream now!!!
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            A revelation-of sorts

            You sound so much like I did for years. I was a weekend drinker but still - all the patterns- buying enough for each day - "hiding" it from my family... I tried for years to tell myself that I could moderate- Even convinced myself that weekend only drinking was moderation - although I would succumb to midweek drinking under stress or during holidays.

            I shared your fears regarding the fear of failure. I am only 48 days AF right now but I feel strong and have not had cravings- not that i am off my guard - this is a sneaky obsession. So what helped me get to this point that might work for you?

            You may have done some of these things already, but this is what worked for me,
            Reading RJ's story,
            Buying the Cds and listening to then religiously - easier for me than a married person since I listen at night,
            Using the drink tracker,
            Reading and posting here everyday that I can.

            You are as strong as any of us - and I am as weak as anyone out there - grab on to hope and hold it close to yourself, be wary of doomsayers - even if they are voices in your head.

            Blessings to you:h


              A revelation-of sorts

              Thanks Nancy!! How stupid, that we convince ourselves we will sleep better with alcohol. Not once have I woken up well rested after a good nights drinking. Such lies we tell ourselves.

              Rivergrl - thanks for the advice. I NEED advice. Because those lies will most certainly come back and I find them so hard to resist. I haven't tried the CD's...I always think of that stuff as so hokey, but I shouldn't knock it if I haven't tried it. I once started the drink tracker (privately) but I think I may start again and go public this time....(yikes!). 48 days...that to me is amazing. I want so much to be able to get some time under my belt so I can get my darn thinking a little I can get stronger and fight those lies...It is amazing what we can do to OURSELVES!!!

              Well, thanks again are the best!:l

              (hey, nancy, where do you get those great Icons???)
              formerly known as bak310


                A revelation-of sorts

                I think shooting for 30 days is a good idea for anyone, whether considering Abs or Mods..I was able to wrap my head around 30 days, 4 weeks, just one month...I could do anything for a month if I really wanted that is a good place to start. The Calmes Forte took care of the stress and helped me sleep...I still use it if I really need sleep...I wish I'd heard of it years ago before taking so much Tylenol PM!!! Thinking about general, helped me. At age 48, I've got plenty of practice with dieting and some with exercising..but getting a little older, I look at all that differently..about quality of life, about well being...putting alcohol in that conversation was helpful...Is drinking alcohol in line with how I feel about taking care of this physical body...why would I eat healthy and then down a litre of dangerous alcohol...addressing it from all angles honestly helps the good mental talk over shadow the incessant monkey chatter that the alcohol can produce.

                Good Luck, I know you will be succesful...and there is no better time than now to do it.


                  A revelation-of sorts

                  Beth, I know just what you mean about thinking the Hypno is hokey - but a friend of mine's wife had gone to a hypnotherapist in CA and stopped drinking -Much to everyone's amazement. That gave me some faith in the possibility. So when I read RJ's story - and RJ is anything but hokey - I shelled out the money, held my breath and took the leap -WITHOUT telling anyone - - that is also why I did not go to a real therapist - too embarrassed. I had to listen a few times before the CDs took hold but for me... for me the effect has been such a blessed relief. I read that everyone is different in this respect, but for me the CDs removed the cravings and now wine and champagne (my former poisons of choice) are just that in my mind - i kind of marvel when I see folks did with impunity - but my reprogrammed brain seems to know that this is like drinking nail polish remover or lighter fluid or even (gross) urine - for me.

                  I am sorry if I sound like an advertisement for the CDs - they have some idiosyncrasies (pronunciation, grammar, etc.) But they have given me such relief that I can't help but recommend them. Don't be shy to order meds, either - maybe read the meds section of this website - there are also recommendations of where they may be purchased.

                  Remember two other things:
                  Fall seven times get up eight; and
                  There is something called a limbic lag in our brain; We begin to understand our need to change - but sometimes the actual change may lag behind our understanding of the need.. the important thing is to understand this is natural and to NEVER GIVE UP.


                    A revelation-of sorts

                    You guys are awesome

                    dilayne- I understand completely...I used to exercise and diet, mostly for vanity, but now in my mid-40's I do think diferently about my body, and the need to be healthy, and I certainly let that go completely when I poison my body, every night, with alcohol. That thought will help, I hope.

                    Rivergirl- I am going to take your advice and look into the CD's. Hey, if it worked for you, it is worth a shot. I am on Topa, which worked wonders at first (I started over the summer) but seems to have lost its effectiveness over time.

                    Fan, thanks, you are wonderful...did you read my post in mods?

                    Guys, I woke up feeling good, but now, after hearing from you all, the support and encouragement has put me over the top. Really. I am sober, rested, have the day off, and am going to meet a friend (non-drinker) for lunch at a Japanese restaurant (one of my favorites!)..No issue with drinking there..I am not a lunchtime drinker (thank God for small favors). I feel on top of the world right now. I am scared to death of what will come later today, but I am so enjoying this moment, and have some hope, which could just make me cry. I thank you all. From the bottom of my heart.

                    formerly known as bak310


                      A revelation-of sorts



                      For all the smiles you will ever need!

                      I can spend hours just looking through them all!

                      Yes.........I do need a life!

                      :h Nancy
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        A revelation-of sorts

                        Hey Beth,

                        I'm cheering for you! :yougo: Here's to our health!

                        Sherry :l
                        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                          A revelation-of sorts


                          Your post describes exactly where I was about fifty AF days ago. It was amazing to me to come to the point after years of drinking myself to sleep every nght, that I didn't even enjoy drinking any more. I too did not think I could sleep without it but I was wrong.

                          Beth, I know you can beat the demon that Mike says we are all fighting. You can beat the demon. Don't let the liar win. You are surrounded by a great cheering section that will be here for you every step of the way.

                          You can do it.



                            A revelation-of sorts

                            ok I will not lie... I will not...shit. I did not make it. One damn day.

                            I didn't drink much tonight..if that makes it better...does it?? but...I gave in to the voices...I feel like a failure...again...I don't know what to say...this is what happens to me...for such a determined is amazing that I have such a problem with this...about 4:30, my mind changed completely...I wanted to drink...I came the posts, tried to convice myself out of it...but to no am admitting defeat...I just refuse to hide anymore...if I screw up, I will just admit it...because, I don't know what else to did. sorry.

                            formerly known as bak310


                              A revelation-of sorts


                              Honesty is important but you are so much stronger and healthier than you think.

