Lav-:l :l :l
No announcement yet.
Just Joy - June Week 1
Just Joy - June Week 1
Lav-I don't know how you stay so strong and AF like you do, with all the continuous heartbreak and emotional abuse you endure. I wish I had your ovaries of brass, and only wish I could relieve you of some of your burden or make it up to you in some way. I hope we can compensate for some of the loneliness and isolation you must feel because of YB's cruel and bizarre behavior. Know you are very loved and respected here. Sending you peace and lots of :l:h tonight.
Just Joy - June Week 1
Good morning Joyous Ones,
Thanks for the hugs guys, I'm OK.
I know I do a fair amount of whining about my husband when he acts up/out but I have grown to be a pretty tough old bird ~ self preservation & all
That's how I remain AF Rsuty. I made up my mind years ago that I was NOT going to let him push me over the edge again & I won't - screw him.
Sunny this morning, spotty showers later on so I will try to get outside shortly & attack some weeds. My life is so full of joy :H :H
Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Just Joy - June Week 1
Good morning to all...
What is so rare as a day in June, then if ever, come perfect days....the weather here is picture perfect, sunny, 70s and lovely.
Chill, told you that you would do well, I am so happy for you. It is so great to work hard at something,learn it, and get a good grade!!! Going to school as an adult is the best.
Lav, wow, really passive aggressive behavior by YB, unbelievable. Sorry he is so hurtful, glad you are protecting yourself. People can be depressed and often very self centered and mean...he DOES want you drunk and hopeless. I wonder what would have happened if you had accepted the beer and poured it over his head...
Lots of work at work today, trying to juice and eat really healthy, exercising a bit and focusing on the positive. To all, have a great day.Formerly known as redhibiscus
Just Joy - June Week 1
Good morning everyone
Star - I envy you the good weather, its raining here again today.
Chill - Congratulations, you rock. Glad that you are doing something that you enjoy.
Lav - You have the right mental attitude and that is half the battle. Can you imagine his face if you did pour it over his head :H:H
Busy as usual, my daughter started work this morning. Its in her Dad's company but she is getting paid and is out of my hair for the summer.
Everyone I did not mention big hello and have a great AF day.
Just Joy - June Week 1
Good Morning June Joyous Friends,
Chill-congratulations on the A:goodjob: I am so proud of you in your commitment to make a better life for yourself. Regarding Wayne Dyer, I had NO clue he had a regular program. Now I will make a point of watching it as many weeks, Saturday is my only day at home.
Lav-you sound like my mom. My dad was verbally abusive to her for the better part of their 57 years. Both my parents drank and loved to throw parties and entertain. People thought my dad was the life of the party...little did they know what my mom had to endure at home. But she was, and still is, "a tough old bird" like you, and told me she was determined not to let my dad's behavior drag her down. She said she cried a lot when we weren't home.:upset: So she threw herself into church activities and volunteering for blind and multiply handicapped kids and it took her mind off my dad. Believe me, she is sooooooo much happier now that he's passed away. Wow, I totally forgot!!! Holy shit. June 1st was the 8th anniversary of his passing. Out of sight out of mind.:H Do you know....neither one of us brought it up. Hmmm, maybe she forgot, too!:H
Rustop-ooon la empty nest for the summer.
Bouv-did I scare you away?
I'm at work, so must get going. To all my friends here, have a wonderful AF Tuesday!
Just Joy - June Week 1
Pulled a few weeds but didn't have my heart in it so I'm back here with a pot of coffee
It's actually getting a bit chilly now that the sun has disappeared.
Rusty, I would never say YB is verbally abusive.
It's what he doesn't say or do that's the problem. He is the king of avoidance - goes along with his passive agressive personality traits. I find all that frustrating as hell. Communication with him is about as effective as banging your head on a brick wall
I'm sorry your Mom put up with all that but glad to hear she came out the winner
I don't think we've scared Bouv away or have we? You really need to stop doing that Rusty :H :HAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Just Joy - June Week 1
Good Afternoon Joyous June,
Joyous Jelly Belly Rusty checking in for a quick hello!Beautiful day here in Chicago and I'm flying out for Minneapolis tonight.
Lav-I didn't mean to say YB was abusive, I meant that you and my mom were so tough that you didn't let your spouses destroy you. Sorry if I mislead you.
Bouv-come back, please! I'll promise I'll be good from now on, and we will talk about men's, Summer Olympics, etc.
Oooppsss...client is returning. I will be back later.
Just Joy - June Week 1
Howdy Joyful Juners!!
Well so far this month has started out very joyous!! I went to Sioux Falls for my son's routine check up (adhd)--everything is still going problems with the meds. While we were there I bought myself a new car...2012 Toyota Camry--i really like it, although it can do things I have no idea how to make it do??? :H I think I have to know stuff about technology and possibly get a better/newer phone??? to make it work??? I dunno???? I figured out the radio and cruise control so I could drive it home!!Then when I got home I met "my friend" for dinner and he gave me a birthday card and present (just incase he doesn't see me for my birthday...on Friday)...(Estee Lauder perfume--which smelled awesome). Such a sweetheart!!:h I feel like I'm being so spoiled by him---every time I'm with him--yet he tells me what a sweetheart I AM?!!?
Ok...sorry enough about me blabbing about myself...sorry!!!
Chill--Awesome job on you are rockin' on your course work!! Do you feel like you are learning a lot when you are doing those assignments...or do you feel like it's more busy work? I have NO problem doing anything a professor asks of me, if I feel like I'm getting something ou of it...I HATE busy work!!! If I'm paying to learn..I want to learn!! LOL!!
Rusty--If I ever make it to a game in Green Bay, how far away would you be?? I'm going to be in Minneapolis June 20-23....there is no chance you'd be in town over those day would you? It would be so fun to get together for lunch or something!!
Star-You must be getting the weather we had here this was GORGEOUS!! Enjoy!! I sure hope it stays this way for awhile--although I don't think its going to.
Rustop--I feel the same way about my son---I'm just trying to keep him busy and out of my hair with as many sporting activities and camps as i can afford! keeps HIM out of trouble, as well!! LOL!!
Lav--I was sorry to read about YB's comment...sometimes I don't think SOME men think before they speak or they just don't "get it"...for instance...last night (after my father had a FEW few too many) he asks if I'm going to take everyone for a ride in my new car. I do. He gets in the front and the first thing he says is...oh it has nice cup holders....I should have brought a roadie!! I was like...yea, right..whatever get in and shut the door! He knows as well, I haven't drank in almost a year, and had he not been drinking, I'm almost positive he wouldn't have said that to me!:headbanger: I think you have the right attitude when it comes to dealing with YB!! Stay positive!!:l
Pap3--how was the rest of your weekend?? Hope you got everything you wanted done!
Once's getting late and I'm getting sleepy....big hugs to everyone and I'll check in with you all later!!
SD"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Just Joy - June Week 1
Happy Humpback day guys
SD - The great thing about home study is that I get to dictate the pace. My aim is to complete one module per week but if I need more time to fully understand a subject, I can take longer. Im not naturally scientifically minded but I am very logical and I therefore go into each exercise and research it until I get it. Someone more scientific could do the course in half the time. The main thing is im enjoying the subject and its adding to my overall interest in health and wellbeing.
I spoke to a good friend last night in Portugal and it has made me homesick :upset:, I will bide my time and give living down here a real go, but if in by the end of the year I dont feel more established I will seriously consider going back.
Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday!"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
AF - JAN 1st 2010
NF - May 1996
Just Joy - June Week 1
YAWN, good morning everyone!
There will be a granny nap in my future, no doubt about that :H
Congrats & good luck with the new car SD!
Enjoy the kindness & thoughfulness while it lasts, you never know how/when people are going to changeGlad your son is doing well.
Chill, I hope you find what you are looking for
Good that your are enjoying your studies!
OK, I may as well get myself together & out the door to Curves.
Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Hump Day!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Just Joy - June Week 1
Hi everyone
Late check in from me today. Busy as usual, swimming, dog walking and
a Mega shopping trip with daughter. She is going on holidays to the Canaries
the end of next week!!
Ms Layla is also keeping me busy so I need a Granny nap at this stage too Lav
Good luck with the new car SD, you sound busy but happy.
Everyone else big hello and happy hump day.
Just Joy - June Week 1
Hi Rustop - granny naps rock!!!
Guess who is not having a joyous June day?
My daughter said this was Lily's response when she was told lunich is ready!!!!
Drama queen in the making?? :H :H
AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Just Joy - June Week 1
whoa! stacation is going by way too fast!!
SD-congrats on the new car and new ABF (almost boyfriend)!! You sound very happy. Any excuse to get a new smart phone works for me!! Have a blast but don't risk an accident trying to get all the technology to work-practice in your driveway!!
Chill-I sure hope that the weather gets much much better for you in S. England and that you fall in love with it AND that you get settled in finally! Keep on rocking those As!!
Rusty-are you just giddy with your new life or what?? :l
Rustop-Neph was at Causey Farm today and going to a Lepracaun Museum tomorrow. Last class on Friday, and free until they leave on Sunday. Bittersweet I think as he has to leave just as he was feeling better and getting into everything.
OK Lav and anyone else who's an experienced seamstress-don't look too close!! Here's the first cushion done and no, I didn't pin the back. I actually sewed on some velcro! My friend said she would put the old zippers in for me but I don't know when that will be and I don't know how to cut out the panels for them plus I guess I don't have a zipper foot. Should I just go with the velcro for the next 2 cushions (that's all the velcro I have) and then do zippers for the rest or do all velcro?
New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!