I didn't care when YB when he showed up with a cooler full of beer for himself & our son.
YES, I glared at him when he offered me one! WTF???
I rarely ever drank beer & when I did it was something good, not Budweiser. Just smelling that stuff always gave me a headache. I went into the house, closed the door & finished cooking dinner.
I don't want to waste my time & energy wondering why he did that. It's easier just to believe he's an almost 60 year old, giant A_hole.
Other than that I had a good day! I harvested most of my Swiss Chard - love that stuff

Sent the kids home with a trash bag full - and broccoli too!
Kaslo, you never cease to amaze me with your beautiful pictures. Glad you had a great day on the water.
Speaking of water, there's another thunder storm going on right now.Glad to see Matilda is not bothered by these storms.....so far!