In our Sun. night group, we read all the stories in the BB. We're on the section where the people sharing haven't lost everything yet. It's the part of the book I most identify with. I was able to be in denial for quite a long time, because I managed to function. I didn't lose my family, job, license, etc. Even after I came into AA & started hearing the stories, I still questioned my alcoholism.
I now know that I am an alcoholic. That admission is crucial for me, because I will drink if I lose sight of the fact that I am, in fact, an alcoholic & cannot drink under any circumstances. Even before I drank on an almost-daily basis, whenever I drank, I always drank too much. I never moderated...hard as I tried to do so.
So, my lesson is to never let myself think I'm not an alcoholic & maybe I can have "just one." That isn't in my future.
I have a lot going on in my life right now, but I know I can handle anything if I stay sober. Drinking will not help ease things. It only makes everything harder in the long run.