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have a question

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    have a question

    Hi.I was just wondering if someone could tell me what the monthly abstinence forum is? Is it just for people trying to stay abstinent ? I guess I'm not sure what the monthly means. Thanks!
    AF SINCE 3/16/2016

    have a question

    Hi aquamarine,

    I'm not quite sure but I think it is for people who are trying for 30 days alcohol free... After that they may decide to go for moderation or as in my case decide to remain alcohol free...

    Mind you, the good thing about the MWO forum is that there are no hard and fast rules about where you can and cannot post... Please feel free to post wherever you want to...If you see anything that interests you, or you want to question something, then just pitch right in...

    Good Luck, Louise...
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      have a question

      Hi aquamarine,

      I'm not sure either, except I agree with Louise, doesn't matter where you post, there will always be someone to pick it up and help you.

      I post here, primarily cos if I allow myself to think I'm moderating...boy will I moderate !! so I enjoy the mindset of the abbers and their humour and their unfailing support. Also, if I pick one place, then I've got a better chance of remembering where I've said what !!!


        have a question

        Hi Aquamarine (love your name by the way :-) !)

        The Monthly Abs Forum "began" around this time last year, when we started having "Monthly Abstinence Events" The first was March Madness. At that point, it was for people trying to do a month of sobriety, whether preparing for moderation or to continue abs, as Louise said. We continued doing a monthy abs event, and added a monthy moderation event in May. Each event had a "moderator" (leader). When MWO switched servers and got a new format last year, RJ just developed new "monthly" forums for the Abbers and the Moderators. If you want to read posts from the previous events you can go to the bottom of the main community page where all the board history posts are stored. We stopped having moderators because people were getting very burnt out on the responsibility.

        Louise explained it very well, and there are no hard and fast rules. We have a lot of "cross posters" as well, people who post from mods to abs and vice versa, because they have something to say. ;-) As you get to know more people here, it will all make more and more sense!

        Anyway, hope that explains something, instead of confusing you more.


        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          have a question

          Aqua - lots of friendly people here where ever you post. Just try everywhere till you find a spot but you dont really have to settle in any one place.
          Gabby :flower:


            have a question

            Ok..................YOU GOT ME...........
            I'M A "CROSS-POSTER"!!!!!!!!:H

            I'm not ashamed though!

            I usually end up posting on the board that I find something meaningful and feel that I can add to it...
            There are wonderful people on all threads!

            :welcome: Aquamarine!
            :l Nancy
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              have a question

              me too...cross poster here..I confess! I like that title..makes me feel like I'm getting away with something bad..a dirty little secret...OK, OK, just placating my shadow side..I'm done!

              Welcome Aquamarine..hope I didn't scare you away..I agree, post away where ever you like..we're all just engaging in the process the best we know how!


                have a question

                Me too....the cross poster made me laugh tonight and I am one of those too. Welcome Aquamarine. I am pretty new to all this myself but finding my way around slowly. I know that abstaining for now is absolutely where I need to be and moderating could be a possibility somewhere in my future. It doesnt seem to matter where you post here and I read both as there is great support and advice and insight on both.

                ONE MONTH and 22 days AF for me....Truly a miracle. I am catching up on 20 years of poor quality sleep! Thats what a non toxic system is doing for me!

                Best of luck.


