Wow, it is so hot here, yesterday 100 degrees. The only safe place is inside. Today, as I am off, I will go to the pool for a short time and drink lots of water.
Chill, glad you are feeling better. Take care of yourself.
Rusty, how great to have some time off and just relax.
Lav, stinks that your anniversary is in a few days and no celebration or reason to celebrate. Yea, I would make plans, I think, to get my mind off of it. Do your kids realize it is your anniversary? Be sure to do something for yourself.
Jolie, I wonder if diet would help with the bone issue or if it is just something that comes with age. I notice that certain things like poor eyesight have happened to me. I wonder what is next in this journey of getting older? We really have to be tough and have a sense of humor.
SD, sounds like you are having a great time, letting your friendship grow and allowing yourself to trust. Beautiful. It is lovely to hear you may be falling in love and we get to hear about it.

I am continuing to dig my Iphone, learning how to listen to music, facetime, the weather at the tip of myfingers, and email and the web. I can't read it though with the small print. Still, a computer in my purse, what a miracle. I am kind of nervous about the bill though, they tell you the charges but there is usually more to the story.
I have been reading on macrobiotic cooking, it is so interesting. Have a great day and stay cool.