Thought I would get us on our jolly way into another month.
Today I am 2.5 years AF! :yougo:
Lav - wouldn't you love to get inside YBs head?! Maybe not.... I hope he does improve although I don't think it's ever going to change his lack of communication skills. I hope you got some enjoyment out of lunch even although you had to pay :H
Rusty - I can't believe you have been to Leamington Spa! That's incredible, out of all the dozens of small towns in England, wow. So glad you liked it there. So now you are getting up at normal time instead of a Rusty o'clock. Sounds like all these changes are going to benefit you and your wellbeing so much.
Nothing much to report here, it's early, I've been out dog walking and now back in bed. The sun is streaming in the window and I'm considering having my 1st coffee since Tuesday. (I stopped it when I had the UTI). Do you remember the friend I had who came over to Portugal and got trashed on drink and drugs, messed up his hotel and missed his flight? He is 6 months sober and doing amazingly! He wants to take me to Rome for a few days to say Thankyou for being such a good friend for the last 25 years! How could I refuse.....
Wishing you all a wonderful sober Sunday.