Happy Friday Everyone

LBH - Your story really had me chuckling and provided a great vision of you surrounded by a jumble of cables. I do believe divine intervention comes in the most unusual forms. I was just discussing today a situation with a friend who was telling me how a really stressful episode at work triggered alopecia. She had to take leave till she recovered then quit the job. I said to her it was the Universe getting her attention as she had been too stubborn to quit a job which she hated until pushed to the limit.
This was the catalyst for her starting the Happiness Academy, she is a now qualified hypnotherapist and life coach and is putting together audio hypnosis downloads for a weight loss program to sell on Groupon and would like my input from a nutritional point of view. If its successful I would get a small % of the profit but it could grow into something much more. I don't know if its going to happen fast enough to keep the wolves from the doors but it has given me hope and a confidence boost as she really likes my writing.
Im smiling today as on Sunday I get to spend time with "my friend" the weather looks lousy so we are going to have afternoon tea (I told you he was posh English!). As the Peaceful Warrior said "there is never nothing going on"
