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Friday 23rd Feb

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    Friday 23rd Feb

    Hello and good morning to all!!! sadly my insomnia continues hence the early post!!! Wishing you all a wonderfull and happy Friday.

    Much love

    Lou-Lou x x x x
    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

    Friday 23rd Feb

    Hi Lou-Lou,

    Another insomniac here! But fortunately, I'm into the middle of my day here while it's 7 o'clock in the UK now (8 hours difference. Mine is a mixture of Topa-effect, and probably getting over the use of a bottle of wine a day ... Anyway, hang in there.

    Have a great weekend! xxx
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


      Friday 23rd Feb

      morning Lou, hope you get some sleep soon.
      Day 6 for me here and feeels fab, went out last night and wans't even tempted. Everyone else was pretty drunk/smoking and doing other stuff too.
      I looked at the really drunk people and reaised how ill they all looked, and actually that yes they were having a laugh but they weren't at all when they were sober.
      Actualy one of my mates who is a big drinekr was very very supportive and said he really thought it was great what I was doing and he was thinking of doing the same thing himself.
      anyway ran for 25 mins last night and lots more energ yasa result, key is to say you'll do 10 mins and con yourself it really works.thansk for the tip.
      off to spinning tonight, realsied what i do if i'm going to a class is think about it all day and then convince myself i'm too tired - which i am tired of the idea reeeally cos I;ve thought 'will I go, will I really go all day!'.
      one day at a time


        Friday 23rd Feb

        Lou, I hope you Gte some sleep soon, and Bear great job last night, and that is awesome about the running!!!!!!

        Day 42 here, gonna be busy, I have to work, then after work I need to run to the store to buy a couple things for my trip, I leave early in the mornin to head off for my trip with my friends from sat-tues. That shoudl be really interesting with me not drinking, but I am confident with 6 weeks of AF under my belt I should be able to turn away the booze. It will still be a challenge though!!!! But at leas I am prepared, I will be thinking of you guys the whole time. I will check in later

        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
        James Gordon, M.D.


          Friday 23rd Feb

          Good Morning,

          Hey Lou and Paddy- sorry about the non sleep thing. Melatonin helps me lots as does sleepy time tea. good luck

          Bear- So happy for you. The 10 min trick is great eh?
          I also had a terrible time working out after work. I convinced myself more times than not that I was too tired. I am generally a night owl but have tried to turn that around. I now get up in the morning and work out before work. That way I am done for the day and don't have to worry about it anymore.
          The other positive to that is that I go to bed earlier - less time at night to worry about not drinking.
          My old pattern was to come home and drink a bottle of wine while chain smoking and watching tv.
          Nice routine huh? I didn't think I would ever be able to break that habit either- what else would I do at night? I've been working on it now for over a year I guess. I quit smoking first - 12/31-05 was my last cigarette. That spurred me on to thinking I could quit drinking....started working on that last July. Then in October I decided to add in the exercise. I have been af since the end of Oct too- which I think has been helped tremendously by the exercise ( not sure exactly why but it does help). ANyway...just wanted to say good going and keep it - exercise helps in so many ways - relieving stress is a big one!

          Victoria- good luck with your outing- I know you will do great. You know what you want to do and you are prepared - that is 99% of the battle. You will enjoy yourself so much more sober too...have fun
          Happy Friday To all!!



            Friday 23rd Feb

            Good morning,
            Lou Paddy I hear you about the sleep thing. I am picking up melatonin today. Yeah Bear when I don't drink and people around me do they look really different. I am signing up at the gym on Sunday so I am glad to hear that exercise helps.

            Congratulations Victoria and Lisa!!!

            OK I'm excited day 30 AF I wasn't sure I could do it. As a matter of fact I don't think I ever have gone this long in 15 years, now that I think about it.

            Now that I have come this far I don't know if I want to ever try to moderate, I don't know if it will work.
            I guess the best thing is to think long and hard before the first drink!!!

            Thanks for taking the time to read this!!

            Everyone have a great day!!!!

            AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
            Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


              Friday 23rd Feb

              Good morning all,
              It is good to hear you are doing well.
              Lou and Paddy, I have had the same problem for a very long time. It is much better now without A. If I do find it hard to fall asleep I take a capsule of 500 mg. of Valerian. It smells like rotten socks, but it really works for me and it has no known side effects and you can't get addicted either (The smell alone would prevent that).
              Just wanted to quickly say hi to you all and have to do more paperwork.
              Hate it, hate it, hate it.
              xoxoxoxo Lori
              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                Friday 23rd Feb

                Good Morning!

                Day 53 AF and I had a major victory at work yesterday. I worked out a permitting dilemma that will save my corporation millions - literally- also will assure the company's continued operation. I called by boyfriend to tell him three times and each time he rambled on about the various stresses and events in his life - getting the car filled with gas- buying groceries - eating fish. The third call I was able to tell him and he just said, "uh huh". I asked him if he understood the magnitude of what this meant to me and he said, "I guess not".

                I just felt let down - he said, "look you have this fancy high profile job and are a brilliant woman - I am not a scientist and cannot be expected to know or remember what you talk about....

                I don't want to drink I am just frustrated and depressed.


                  Friday 23rd Feb

                  Day 14 AF for me. This week has been better that last to be sure. Still having difficulty sleeping. Not sure I can do AF...may have to join the monthly mods group...we shall see. The weekend is ahead and a business trip to Europe in a week -- not drinking in France sounds IMPOSSIBLE right now.............


                    Friday 23rd Feb

                    Rivergirl, I am not a scientist either, but I understand millions, saving them, and keeping the company in business. Congratulations:goodjob: Last week, my boss went on and on about some calculations that I did (well thought out, better than I expected, precise, exactly what I needed) - not as impressive, but I know how good it made me feel. I hope those you work for are showing their appreciation and admiration. I'm not just saying this - I am REALLY IMPRESSED.

                    Gotta run - Hi to everyone else. Day 40 for me.



                      Friday 23rd Feb

                      Barb, Congratulations to you, too! On your work and on 40 days.

                      Thanks also for your congrats to me.


                        Friday 23rd Feb

                        well done rivergirl - does he know how much you need to hear it from him?
                        I am a grumpy old bear tonight shattered but looking forward to night in front of tv,and no hangover and quick gym sesh tomorrow before off to London - cooking slight variation on encherritos tonight - less cheese and prawns and fat free refried beans in attempt to shrink instead of meat - yum!
                        anyway have a good un all se you tomorrow
                        one day at a time


                          Friday 23rd Feb

                          Rivergirl :goodjob: :award:

                          I too understand ...saved the company millions That is AWESOME!



                            Friday 23rd Feb

                            Rivergirl, you should be so proud of what you have accomplished, way to go! I wish you had received the support you deserved from boyfriend, though.

                            Keep going strong.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Friday 23rd Feb

                              Good afternoon Abbers!

                              I personally have been on the computer too long today. I just finished my taxes though - so at least I accomplished something. Although I said I was going to tackle them yesterday... oh well... they are done now.

                              Good job to all of you for your AF days.

                              I have decided not to go to my sister's shin dig tomorrow. I just don't think I will be able to NOT drink. There will be too much pressure to 'let loose' and have a 'good time'. Funny how they crucify me for drinking but I should when I am around them. My personal opinion is they all should stop drinking.... talk about calling the kettle black! Ugh! Anyway I feel good about my decision. I will visit her sometime next week when there won't be any pressure.

                              I am taking the little one out to a park today. It has been so beautiful here the last couple of days. I just love the sun. Days like this make me feel blessed for my sobriety and for living in a truly beautiful city. We went out yesterday afternoon for a long walk and just soaked up the sun. I hope we see more of this weather. I am also happy the days are getting longer too. (light hours).

                              You all have a wonderful day! :l

