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saturday morning

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    saturday morning

    hi everyone -up at 8 and have socked self by cleaning bathroom and putting washing on before 8.30 - wouldn't have happened if i was drinking.then again myabe it shouldn't, what AM I doing??

    off for cardio sessions at gym before day out - day 6 for me i feel so much better - and i do feel thinner this week.not drinking alcohol free beer diet drinks only so shaved off quite a lot of cals.
    plan to go away end Apri for a weekend be nice to have lost a stone by then just finished allan carr book last night - I find him very very patronising but the overall message is very helpful.
    was goign to spend lot fo mone yon hypnosis for low self esteem - woman not got back to me yet - decided may wait and see how i feel a month in if anything like last time a million times better.also will then have cash to buy clothes.
    anyway it's great to be back and will catch up tomorrow quickly - another day out xx
    one day at a time

    saturday morning

    Good morning,
    I'm going up Ben Lomond today. I'll be dragging my low self esteem up there with me. I wish I could leave it somewhere.....


      saturday morning

      Morning everyone

      Day 59 for me and feeling a bit flat.
      I posted earlier in the week about being out with drinking friends and feeling really "outside" of everything and was really helped by all the responses - thanks all.

      I guess sometimes life is just life - regardless of if your'e drinking or not.

      Better go and do some chores, catch up with Bear.
      Good weekend everyone


        saturday morning

        Ben Lomond's cancelled until tomorrow.
        I've been draughted into my mate's house moving. Life is just life....
        I'll see you later.


          saturday morning

          Morning all,
          Decided the other morning that I didn't want to wake up each day to a "battle" with the booze every day - some people respond to the challenge of a battle - to me it's just wearing - SO - I decided that the booze is just like the weather - it's there every hour of every day - sometimes it's stormy and sometimes sunny. Sometimes it's in my face and I have to deal with it big time and sometimes it's just there.
          It eased the pressure up on me a bit - maybe it'll help you.
          Doing pretty well with moderation but boy am I looking forward to Springtime!!
          Try always to be


            saturday morning

            You made me smile.


              saturday morning

              Good morning all. I had a good string of AFD's going then poof..decided to drink a beer Wed. night, which turned into 5 then 4 on Thursday night and 8 beers last night. YIKES, it is so easy to get back in the bad habit.
              But I will not beat myself up, I will just start again. Life is SO MUCH better without the beer.
              Thanks for listening.
              Love and Peace,
              Love and Peace,

              Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                saturday morning

                Good morning!!
                Sounds like everyone is busy this morning, I'm just getting ready for work thought I would check in! Day 31 AF but I refuse to clean the bathroom today maybe tomarrow.
                cpn don't worry to much just keep trying!!
                Anyway have a great day everyone!!
                AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                  saturday morning

                  Good Morning Everyone,
                  Just checking in too, this is day 8 for me and wondering if I'll have a drink this weekend. Don't want to think about it too much I guess the big part of beating this is to make alchohol a minimal part of your thoughts if at all...I'll get there someday. Take care everyone and best of luck this weekend.
                  Colorado Chick!
                  Your support means the world to me...:h


                    saturday morning

                    Good morning all,
                    It's good to hear from you and where you are in your journey right now.

                    Bear, I need some of your determination for all that exercising.
                    Popeye, is that a mountain you are trying to climb?
                    Changeling good going.
                    Option - I like that thingy about the weather.
                    CPN - you are doing great!
                    kitkatsue - way to go girl.
                    Denise - I have not addressed you before, but you are doing a fine job and you will get there.
                    I will have to work part of the weekend, but I will not touch one piece of paperwork. I am somewhere in the high 40th. AF. Can't remember without my calendar (senior moment).
                    Have a wonderful weekend. Is anybody noticing how much longer the days are getting. There are spring flowers under my 2 feet of snow somewhere.
                    Love you all.
                    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                      saturday morning

                      Thanks Lori, hope Spring heads your way soon...we have had Spring weather the last couple of days but have had our share of snow too, believe me...

                      Take care
                      Colorado Chick!
                      Your support means the world to me...:h


                        saturday morning

                        Happy Saturday Abbers!

                        Well, our bout of nice weather is GONE now. Today - snow, snow, snow, rain, rain, rain, snow.... Glad I got out for a bit yesterday and the day before. And thank goodness the snow isn't sticking.

                        I am at day 57 now. I am possibly thinking about moderating once I hit at least 60 days. I think I will be able to control it now. I won't have any in my house, and will limit to a couple of glasses of wine (no hard stuff - like Vodka - too dangerous for me) on a Saturday evening. Don't know yet. I may not ... We will see when next Saturday hits.

                        So there are my thoughts for this day. Good to see you all doing so well!! Keep up the good work.


                          saturday morning

                          Day 15 AF for me -- the added benefit is that I've lost 5 pounds too since no alcohol! This is good - did 45 minutes of cardio at the healthclub today - listened to both clearing tapes -- listening to the subliminal one while I check the posts and drink my tea - yikes I am compliant today......but it's working!


                            saturday morning

                            Hi Everyone! Seems like everyone is doing well! Phil, I'm so glad that you're not beating yourself up! You've put together quite a lot of AF days, and you should be darn proud! (smilie)

                            Sri, I find the more closely I follow the program the better I do. I guess that there's only so much room in our brain, and the more we fill it up with good stuff, the less room there is for drinking stuff!! Good work!

                            Anyway, I'm just passing through for a few minutes. I've had a busy day. Took the day off from taxes to do some sewing--MUCH more enjoyable, I must say, but tomorrow, it's back to the tax stuff. They're also calling for possibly another ice storm again. $*%#&#@!!!!

                            Love to all tonight!


                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              saturday morning

                              Ben Lomond is a mountain. It is an hour and a half away.
                              I've been up it 7 times. I takes three and a half hours to get up and down.
                              A great day out...

