Dill I loved your quote and it was very apted for me yesterday.
I set out to meet my friend, I had a 70 mile trip to Oxford where we had decided to meet. 10 minutes outside of town my car broke down. I was causing a huge traffic jam and the police arrived and towed me to safety. I then rang my friend and the police described to him where I was so he could find me. After an hour the breakdown truck came and confirmed that my head gasket had blown and therefore he couldnt get me going. He called a local repair shop and after another hour they came and took the car away. Im waiting for the exact quotation but have been estimated at least ?800 to repair it :upset:
So there I was miles from home and my dear new friend insisted on driving me which took him another 4 hour round trip from home. What a day!
However, today instead of feeling despondant I have been counting my blessings. 1st the wonderful policemen, the breakdown guy, the repair shop, my amazing friend who sacrificed his whole day and got home very late last night. When I arrived home frought and exhausted my housemate cooked me dinner. My friend Jeff who knows about cars and who I rang today for advice and finally my old friend who recently got sober who has offered to lend me the money for the repair at no interest. Im beginning to think my car broke down to show me that I am truly surrounded by real live angels and that if I keep the faith I will always be okay.....