I think this has to be a first...me starting a thread...I just read Lav's post saying we needed to be on week 3 so I thought what the heck, I'd give it a try!!

Dill--retiring?!?! WOW!! Good for you--that's awesome!!! Now this school year as you are doing those dreaded IEPs..you can happily say..."doing this child/one.....FOR THE LAST TIME"...hahaha!!!! WIll make this year SO much more enjoyable I'm guessing!!
I got a call today and I looked and the called ID and saw it was from the school and immediately my heart started racing and was like...oh no....this isn't going to be good...what does she want to tell me....almost like mad--like you can't start making miserable again for another month!!!:H Wasn't that bad....just asked if I would move down a room...no biggie!
Pap3-Glad to hear your dad is doing well...and like everyone else has said...hoping your spirits are lifted soon!:l
Rusty-Sounds like you had a super fun weekend on the water...with some man candy??

Star--looking forward to hearing about your retreat!! Sounds VERY, VERY interesting!!
Rustop--Congrats to your daughter!!
Chill--how are you doin? I sure appreciate your openness and honesty that you bring to this group..always willing to share your thoughts and feeling...even perhaps when difficult. Often times it triggers such self reflection on my part and I thank you...I wish I could be of more help or support, I often lack knowing the right thing to say....if you were 8 years old and had little kid problems...hey, I'd be all over that!!

Couple things have happened the past week that really have me thinking...more and more about how important choosing this type of lifestyle is for me. My best friend called me (from New York) and told me the 'real reason' she wont be coming to the class reunion...she is a single mom right now as her husband has just been admitted into a treatment center for alcohol (I'm guessing drugs too, once they get him there). He should have gone a long time ago, but whatever...I was just so glad I could be there to listen to her..although she said...."they keep calling his problem a disease...I call it an excuse!!" We talked for quite awhile...couple times she said to me...you sound just like his counselor!! LOL!! She said she is going to talk to me way more often---I hope so!!
Second--my sister's husband pulled his same 'ol bullshit and got rip roaring drunk...blah, blah, blah....this is such a long story....anyway....last I heard he had to have his parents drive him back to where he lives (my sister and him don't live in the same town right now until she's done with school in January)....and he's now in some outpatient treatment program because an in-treatment center wouldn't take him??? I don't know....this is one of the reasons why I wanted this life style...so when she dumped his dumb-a$$ I would be the one that could be there for her!! Now--she just needs to dump him!!
I can honestly say that alcohol will never ever control me ever again. It just won't, i KNOW with every fiber of my heart and soul it will never control me again.