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Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

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    Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

    Hi Everyone:

    I'm starting this thread a few days early. I'm hoping we get some new people to join in. If you're lurking here, please feel free to make a comment or ask a question. You don't have to be an AA member to participate.

    Last night's meeting was on step 12. I shared that I wouldn't have been sitting at that meeting if someone (a friend of ours) hadn't extended a helping hand to me when I really needed it. The key is that I was finally willing to admit that:
    1. my drinking wasn't normal.
    2. I was sick of the drinking life.

    After 3 years of sobriety, I'm beginning to see that I was unwilling to accept life on life's terms. I wanted the world to fit my specifications, & when it didn't I drank to escape. There's an acceptance passage in one of the stories in the BB that really captures the essence of the AA program. I must be willing to accept that whatever is happening right now is supposed to be happening. I'm not paraphrasing it very well. I'm going to look it up & see if I can find it.

    Anyhow, I hope all is well out there. If you're new to meetings, it really does get easier. Even now, I sometimes say: "Why am I sitting here when I could be doing something else?" I just know that AA is what I need to live my life the way it's supposed to be lived.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

    Thanks for starting this thread Ret. There was quite a few AA questions this week....
    My last meeting was Thursday, life happened, and I miss them. Homegroup meeting in the morning. :H Found a great sponsor, well she found me, and I've been given a plan to start really working the program. I'm 23 days AF, lots of meetings and ready to go. I'd be more than happy to share my homework assignments with anyone who's interested. New BBQ arrived/assembled so I'm off to start cooking. Have a great nite.


      Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

      Nice to see a new thread started.

      Mary...I know that I need to live the way of life of AA. Resentment, Fear and Anger are just not a luxury I can have. Many people have them and it does affect their life....but, they don't drink themselves I did.

      Porq....I too am doing my homework. I recently got an i-pad. What I like about I have the BB and Reflections app on it. That way I can pull it out anytime and no one knows what I am looking at. I also got an app that allows me to make a series of notes. I have my powerless list, my unmanageable list, list for all the things God has done for me throughout my life....inspiring quotes I hear at meetings....and can get on anytime without the whole world knowing what I am doing. You do not need an i-pad I just like that it is being used for the most important thing in my sobriety.

      I also can access the book "The Best of Bill". Drives me nuts that there is no version of the 12x12 to put on it. The promises are what I relate to the most.


        Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

        :thanks:Sunflower....I'll be checking those out.


          Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

          P & SF:

          I found that "acceptance" passage on p. 447 of the BB. In fact, the whole story of that doc's transformation is really wonderful. I read it last night.

          Yes, anger, resentment, & fear are my #1 enemies as an alcoholic. In fact, fear is something I've been dealing w/all my life. I'm trying to recognize it when it occurs & ask myself why & what I can do about it. Awareness is the first step in changing.

          I spent last week clearing out my mom's condo & didn't get to a meeting. I really felt it by the time I did. What a relief!

          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

            Yes....the apps rock!

            I'll have to check that story out on page 447. I am going to an 11:30a and 1p meeting tomorrow. I really like both meetings....and they are in the same place.

            I am lucky to have a job that has flexibitly to be able to do be out of the office that long during the day.


              Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

              Hi all, just found the new thread

              I have an alcohol dependance assessment this morning and this evening is my Monday meeting of AA, I look forward to them now, this will be my third visit. I have been given a copy of the big book to read but not had a chance to start on it yet, going to try and find time this evening
              Taking it ODAT


                Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

                maur: There are BB study meetings. They are helpful. Good luck at your meetings. M
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

                  yes there is one on a Thursday at the group I go to so I might try that soon thanks
                  Taking it ODAT


                    Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

                    Thought I'd share this article in Wired Magazine I stumbled upon (pun intended) Did a nice job highlighting not only AA but some of the dynamics of what makes us alcohol addicts tick. I highly recommend this read.

                    Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                    Watch this and find out....


                      Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

                      4: I'm going to read that article when I get a chance.

                      Last night's speaker meeting was hot but some good things brought out by the speakers: the importance of staying sober, the value of the support network of AA, the transformation of life after sobriety. I can't hear that enough. I cannot lose my appreciation for all that I have in sobriety...all the ups & downs.

                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

                        I need to find more speaker meetings. The people in my home group are bringing me more speaker CDs to listen to in the car. I go tonight to home group....and meet with sponsor this week to work through steps 1-3 and get direction on 4. I did 4 along time ago....but I do think that more has been revealed to me this time around.

                        4. I read the article. I spent so much time trying to make sense of AA, that all it did was keep me drunk. Now I just don't care....proof is the people I see everyday.....and the fact that I know it works for me. I don't know why or just does and that is what is important to me.


                          Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

                          4tb: I just read the article & thank you so much for providing the link. I even enjoyed the scientific stuff. For me, the fellowship is the key to my so-far success in AA. If I didn't have meetings & friends in AA that I feel responsible to, I would be drinking right now. Yes, the steps are important to me & of course, HP, but it's really the power of the fellowship that keeps me sober. I would feel horrible to have to report to my groups that I've relapsed.

                          I'm not so much of an AA fanatic that I think there is no other way to recover. There are people who think that. My brother stopped drinking all by drugs, no therapy, no AA. So, AA is not for everyone. It works for me.

                          The article spoke about cranky old-timers & members who are looking for relationships w/the opp sex. I personally have not seen any of that. The meetings I go to aren't perfect, but they have a positive vibe & are welcoming to newcomers.

                          What amazes me about AA is that there are no leaders, no real organization, no money...pure autonomy. Something that loosely organized that has survived for 75 years must be doing something right.

                          Thanks again.

                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

                            Im back again....
                            Still searching for that emotional sobriety long term I had another go last night at the aa thing
                            Went out for dinner with someone I have met at meetings and been in contact with for a few weeks
                            No further forward. I Won't commit to meetings partly because of family reasons and partly because they depress me. I've been to loads, I come away feeling shit every time. Meetings aren't my thing, in any form. I'm an online person, a reader, a listener, face to face stuff is not me, my son is autistic, I have a few of those traits in me too
                            I also can't accept that my life now is unmanageable. It was 17 months ago when I was pouring vodka down my neck I order to cope with life's shit. But I've worked hard on being sober and it's only the fear that one day the triggers will hit and the willpower will crumble that keeps,leading me back to the steps

                            I do have a desire to stay sober. I will work hard and listen and think and read and reflect. But I cannot and will not commit to hours and hours of meetings which honestly make me want to drink again. T thine own self be true. I'm trying to be as honest as possible here otherwise it won't work for me.
                            I,left last night tentatively committing to one meet a week but that is under sufferance in that if that's the stumbling block to me being accepted into the programme then I'm prepared to make that compromise.
                            Also agreed that if imwas to drink I,would probably be powerless over it once I had picked p that first one, and that my life was unmanageable but its a lot better now because I have worked hard over the past 17 months to make it that way
                            I apologise for my blunt honesty in this post, those in the army know I am straight talking. I hope rather than being offended someone just might be able to help me in some way. I am genuine, honest and willing to try but I am not prepared to lie nor be something I am not

                            Thx so,much for reading
                            Purple pants x
                            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                              Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

                              morning all

                              Pingu what is it that makes you feel bad after a meeting? Are you going to a really busy one or a small one?

                              I feel so un-confident at the moment that I arrive just in time for the start and after I scurry off home, I don't feel able to hang around chatting to people although everyone seems friendly enough, I am worried I won't be able to ever make friends there or open up and share anything, i know it is very early days for me and I plan to give it a few more weeks but I am not sure meetings are for me either
                              Taking it ODAT

