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Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

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    Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

    Congratulations to all who are starting the sober life. The program teaches that the message is simple ("don't take the first drink!"), but it isn't easy. I can attest to the fact that it does get easier & easier to stay away from alcohol as the sober time passes. In the beginning it can be difficult. I made sure I went to meetings every day during the early months. That kept me sober & grounded.

    In a few minutes, we'll be heading off to our annual AA picnic. The weekend groups put it on, & it's usually a great success. We eat, & then in mid-afternoon, we have a speaker meeting right there in the park. I think socializing w/fellow AAers is a very important step. It gives us the opportunity to see that we can have fun wo/alcohol.

    I was a mostly solitary drinker, so socializing wo/alcohol hasn't been too much of an adjustment for me. I have the most difficulty w/trying to get through difficult circumstances, conflicts, & sleeplessness wo/alcohol. I've learned coping mechanisms over the years & have learned from those stressors I listed above.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

      Mary I am mostly a solitary drinker too, with my hubby in tow some of the time so social situations whilst difficult will not be my major trial, evenings at home (of which I have many) are my hardest test!

      The picnic sounds great I hope you have good weather I look forward to feeling like I 'belong' to the fellowship.
      Taking it ODAT


        Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

        I'm going to start work on step 1 tomorrow, but by myself, there are a lot of self help sheets and worksheets on the Internet. I am serious about this, I think it would be a really positive experience. But until I can find a sponsor who will work with someone who is not powerless, desperate nor unmanageable then I'll have a go at trying on my own. A least i can make a start. I think so far this place is the best support I have found, along with a willpower I never knew I had.....
        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


          Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

          Ping...I can understand the frustration you are having. It took me so long to get past that. For me....I am powerless after I take that first drink. Or I would be a normal drinker....I have no desire to stop at 1. Unmanageabe is different for everyone. For me I did not like trying to manage a hangover.

          Some people say they have a high bottom. I just have a lower threshold of pain than many in the rooms. But, who knows what I would have done if I lost my family, dui or lost a job. I'm just grateful I didn't.


            Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

            I've already conceded that I would be powerless after the first drink. I've not tried it since I quit, too scared. And that al still has control over me in that it still bothers me, takes up my time, invades my thoughts.
            I've admitted that my life was unmanageable when i was drinking, but because I have worked so hard over the past 16 months it is a lot better now. I can't honestly say its still unmanageable in the way it was. So I won't
            I'm open to the idea of a higher power
            I don't think I ever reached rock bottom, my doctor told me to quit and something inside me said wake up p3 you can't go on like this, and I've never looked back. I've had issues and difficulties along the way tho, I think that's normal. I think if I hadn't gone to the doctor that day I would have ended up In a terrible place. One of my friends said he was watching me slide down a very slippery slope and getting really worried.
            So I'm going back home today and I've started a scrap book, and well here goes my own work on step 1.... Quite excited really.
            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


              Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

              Well done pingu for taking that first step!! I hope it works for you and I also hope someone will take a chance on you and be your sponsor

              I went to a great meeting this lunchtime, it was much more informal than the one I usually attend and I really enjoyed it. I had to read the introductory thingy and I was so nervous but I am proud I did it and I feel more a part of the fellowship for doing it, my next challenge will be to share!!
              Taking it ODAT


                Weekly AA Thread - July 21 - July 29

                Guitarista;1355260 wrote: Hi Purple pants,

                Ok, forget powerless. How about the concepts of acceptance and surrender? Have you explored your potential relationship with these 2 themes? Accept we have a serious problem and don't fight it, surrender to it. Acknowledge and ACCEPT. What do you reckon of that?

                Also, gratitude thinking versus deprivation thinking. There's some cool stuff in the first few pages of our toolbox thread on this subject. Will power is too difficult and won't hold, so we need to take action to go for a mental shift in our mindset.

                Rock on you purple legged legend

                Hi Mary!
                Love your Post MR G ,
                Acceptance was a very big word for me at the beginning, i share this last night at a meeting , you have to really accept and surrender that you can no longer go on. When you and give up the fight , you surrender you should feel some kind of relief and a bit of peace inside you and then the work begins.....
                Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !

