Weather over here is strangely nice,the big yellow thing put an appearance in yesterday, and is scheduled for today too.
Isnt it strange how quickly MWO becomes part of your life?20 days ago and I had not even heard of it, and now it is an integral part of my recovery.If you put the question,"can a group of people from all corners of the earth of different societies and beliefs and creeds ,oh and you have never met stop you from drinking" I suspect the answer would have been no.And yet that is where we are, though not so much stop, but support and encourage.Yesterday when I was out ,I even had to jump in using my phone and believe me that is some feat for me.Be easier to bake snow.
Hi are you and how is the tan?Did you enjoy your early morning jaunt yesterday?Glad your husband by his actions re the wine supported Irishman and a Jock that dont drink..there must be the start of a joke in there somewhere!You have got a lot on this week so take it easy, drive safe,I know you wont be able to post much but you can always access us
Hi Sausage..5 months and 1 day well do you feel?whats the weather like now? kids still bored I send some sunshine over the wall for you.
Hi lifechange coffee for you here, how are you?I had homemade rhubarb crumble, first rhubarb out of the garden last night and it was lovely.So you live in Berlin?Where about ?though it will all have changed now Many moons ago (30 yrs )I lived there, in the days of the wall and the Ubahn and Sbahn.I lived near Hertzstrasse, memories are fading, but used to go down the Grunewald. I promised myself I would go back to see the difference and I will.Anyway, I digress ,how are you?Still as positive as ever I see ..good for you.Day 10 for you.. DOUBLE FIGURES .I am sure your children notice the difference too so keep going..remember when it gets tough we are all here..bang those keys!
Good morning Lav..brew for you too.Love the pics of the with melted butter mmmmm

Good morning Kaslo how are you this fine day?Very impressed with your cooking skills sounds delicious.I am very much like you.My wife can take it or leave it too.Me I was pretty much in the same mode as you,the on/off button was broken.My thoughts with booze was more or less"there is still some left..why?Needs to be nothing left.That would include any type of plonk in the house be it red wine which I hate, beer,Scotch anything.
Morning Gman ..all ok down under??
Turn again how are you?Thank you for your comments. does peace and tranquility reign with you today or is there another noise bombardment?Did you go to the gym yesterday?
Hi Sunflower.. now on coffeee number 2 for one?Well done double figures for you too today.Not really fair, your husband amplifying your issues, whilst he has his own.Why do people try and fault others as opposed to looking at themselves first.You are doing great keep going!
Hi Lilly E again well done to you..although you clearly did not have as much fun as the nugget trying to hassle you.After all you just went home after watching the circus,sober and in your own bed.Woke up the next day with a clear head and a plan, whereas he, after pissing everybody off gets to spend the night in Hotel a la cop shop,probably gets nicked for being a pain,cant remember what he did, except his pockets tell him he spent quite a bit of dosh, gets released the next morning with a thumping headache, no plan except to go for "hair of the dog" and hey ho off we go again on the roundabout.Pretty sure who made the right choice

Well done on Day 23..I am on 20..but I will catch you up..Duh :H and well done on the smoking
Well everyone thats me going now..stubbed my big toe a bit back, and it has got infected so got to go to the foot doctor.. dreading it.
Anyway have a nice af day everybody and remember,..the little monster wont get in unless you let him in.Take care