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AF day Monday 23rd July

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    AF day Monday 23rd July

    Have a good sleep shue

    Kaslo, wishing you a safe journey to the north tomorrow! Will it be cold there? The heat & humidity are getting to me again.

    I have my post op patient home, she's resting comfortably on one of the baby blankets. I was given pain medication & sedation to give her if necessary. Nurse Lav will be on duty tonight :H

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF day Monday 23rd July

      Big congrats Turnagain!
      You go!!!
      AF since 2/22/2012


        AF day Monday 23rd July

        Awww.. omigosh, has Matilda ever grown!!!! Hope she'll have a good night (and nurse Lav, too)

        Quick check in... summer is in full swing here, just had the grand kids for FOUR days (I don't know how you do it, Lav) and now it's time to do a major house clean... my dad and his squeeze are set to arrive on Saturday. Right now, Mr. W's eldest is here with 4 of his friends... there's just never enough going on around here :H

        I hope you're all doing well... Turnip... huge congrats!! :l
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          AF day Monday 23rd July


          Yes ONE WHOLE YEAR of NEW NORMAL feels wonderful! I think back to the scared, sad person I was when I first came here and it sure makes a difference to be free of this addiction.

          I'm working on finally telling a little bit of my journey in the Tell Us Your Story Thread....I am so grateful to all of you....thank you for helping me live again!
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            AF day Monday 23rd July

            TURN!! Whoo hoo!!! CONGRATULATIONS my friend!! I am so happy for you and so proud of you! I look forward to your posts as the wonderful treat they are! You have blossomed and grown so much this past year and it is such a pleasure to be your MWO friend!! I am just so knackered over this!! :h :h

            Lav-Matilda is in the bestest of hands for her recovery. Hope she doesn try to chew her stitches too much. Too bad she's a big girl now-baby onsies do a fab job of protecting the stitches and removing the need for the Cone. Please let us know how she's doing.

            Everyone sounds great tonite. Glad to see Sunnibutt popping her head in to say hi! I hope your charging B&B rates!! :H

            Dinner with my dad tonite. Salmon and the sweetest corn on the cob EVAH!! We talked about my interview on Wed and getting ready for salary negotiations (hopefully!) and we also talked about trading in my Jeep and selling the paphut to buy a Camper Van!! It will be my one and only vehicle. I've finally come to the conclusion that the reason I haven't taken the Paphut out in over a year is that I am just plain scared of towing something!! I've been procrastinating all this time. Ok, maybe that isn't true. I really didn't have proper tow vehicle until April but I still feel like I'm stalling. I think the Camper Van or Class B RV is just the ticket if I can find a used one in my price range. Possible. I'll have to be very careful of course to make sure the engine and everything works and is in good shape but you have to do that with any car. The mpg should be about what I'm getting now. Plus, I feel the dogs will be so much safer in that type of vehicle than in the crumple zone of an SUV. So, wish me luck on both accounts!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF day Monday 23rd July

              Turnagain, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you do something special to mark this achievement and reflect back on how far you'd come. As someone else said, no pressure, but I'd also love to hear more about how you feel about where you are now compared to where you were a year ago. I'd love to know more of your story so will be keeping an eye out on the other thread.

              In the meantime... :bday3:

              Shue, glad you are home safe and sound - what a trip. Your job sounds super challenging so you must really feel the difference between coping with trips like that now and when you were drinking. I also meant to say to your earlier post about turning down work - I think that's terrific! As you said earlier, about becoming more selfish being a good sign of a transition in this process, I'm sure that is a great sign of the fact that protecting your sobriety and therefore yourself has become more important to you. And, you know what? You will never look back at the end of your days and think, "Gee, I wish I'd worked more". But you would look back - much sooner than that - and very, very much regret it if undue work stress led to you drinking again.

              , good point re the food. I do know that when I am drinking there comes a point when I couldn't care less about the food, however fancy - I just want to drink more! I have had expensive dinners like that where it felt like a bit of a waste as I ended up too pissed to focus on or remember the food. And I guess every time we do something like that sober - that we previously had associated with booze - then we retrain our brain. I think the fact I'm approaching 30 days will really help keep me strong. I'd hate to cave in to Al on Day 26.

              Happy days to you all...

