Sun is shining here today again, weather looks lovely, been out seen to my rabbits..all they want to do is get out and eat everything!!The only problem with the shiny sun thing is my garden is south facing, and the front room window is 12ft long and 8 ft high, so at this time the sun streams through, and shows up every mark even when its supposed to be clean it looks streaky..oh well another job for today. Coffee is on all round.Any tea fans??
Hi Lifechange, and how are you today??Coffee for you?Had the last of the crumble last night, was lovely I will need to get some more cut.Recognised a couple of names and looked them up.I was in Berlin for 18 months with work.That was when it was a definite split between east and west, so it wasnt as easy going from one side to to the other,but we used to go over to the eastern side as was probably couple of times a month.I remember the big tower at Alexanderplatz which is pretty near, maybe the name has been changed now.Glad the sun is out for you today too.
Morning Lilly E..oh dear..$500,bit heavy for a night out.. but lets be fair, we have all be in denial, until somewhere sometime it clicks, so hopefully the time will come for your friend too.As for the big meal, you will be ok, you are strong enough to do it.I have got a surprise barbeque to go to on I have volunteeered to drive

Morning almost famous, never met before but glad to see you Go and beat those crowds!
Hi porquoi,I know you are frustrated,but keep going.Since when did you ever know one of these legal eagles to do anything on time? and yes that is world wide!!so you hang on in there..if you get mad start tapping those keys and tell us..dont forget your pen and paper to write things down just in case the little voice decides to have a go.Let us know how today went for you.
Morning byrdlady..nice to see you..its thanks to you and others like you I am where I am..appreciate its only 21 days but it could have been a damn sight harder without your help.
Good morning flyaway how are you this fine day?? right coffee number 2 on the way..anyone else?
Good morning sunflower,how are you today?Im a wee bit late today but even by standards over here I get up early.So what has today in store for you?Any plans?
Good morning Lavande..need a brew? have you been playin nurse all night? lovely picture.. you will need to tell me how to download them I am pretty rubbish at that.Are you busy today then?I tend to make a list of things that need done for the week..then try to do them all in a day!!! Pretty much the same as you ..a doing person tho when the mood takes me the foot comes off the pedal and I will doss.Hope Matilda is ok after the op
Hi ok? have a safe journey north
And now we come to Shue....dont ever threaten me with an Ulster fry.mmmmmmmmmmmmm, ok then go on!:H:H How are you?how is the travelling going?The 500ks (or 312.5 miles in our money)is a fair distance..not sure if I could be bothered with meetings too!think I would struggle to put a smiley face on for a client too after all that, so well done you!
Good morning sunshine gg how are you today?Should you not be resting after 4 day with the grand kids?
Hi Papmom,glad you enjoyed the meal.Wish you the best of luck on your interview think positive.. the job is yours..just the salary needs discussion

Going to go now..see if I can get this toe sorted out today..dreading it.Was supposed to go yesterday, but the clinic only opens Tues pm Thurs all day and Saturday...not bad when you can choose opening times like that!!!
Anyway wherever you are,whatever you are doing have a good af day