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Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

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    Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

    Hi Scotlass; good to hear from you. So you got a new dog? Puppy? That will keep you distracted and give you plenty of exercise.
    I didn't get my swim in today - got to 7pm and thought a chicken curry and rice sounded like the better option. I have been eating far too much this week.
    Tonight is the first night I've had those 'feck it, have a drink' feeling. One daughter is at the cinema, the other out for the night and after working hard all day and having a nice, clean house, I ................well, you know.....
    So, came on here to look for Byrdies post at the start of this thread. Gonna re-read it now and try and summon up some strength.
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

      Hey all! The day after a birthday is a little bit least for me. I my birthday is the last day of the month, and the next day it's as if the world forgot about's a whole new month and people have moved ON! Bahahah.
      Daisy, those thoughts will always creep in...this is Dick Head (Addiction Head.) You must fight it off...that voice will lead you right into the pit of a hell hole. Just read around a little from the folks who had 4-9 days and blew it, they could string themselves up for caving! It's NOT worth it. All those feelings of hopelessness come right back in....don't fall for's a trick! You will not feel better, or more relaxed or unwound, you will feel worse!
      In the morning when you get up, you will feel like a million pounds sterling! (or whatever you use for money!!) These thoughts are part of the journey and you must get thru them to get over them!! Fight with all you've got! Protect your quit at ALL costs!!! I believe in you! B
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

        Thanks Byrdie; needed that.
        Oh, and we are pounds sterling! So, I'll suck it up and set my alarm nice and early.
        Even though I am already full, I have just eaten a Magnum ice-cream to try and get that sugar fix.
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

          Now Ima have to run out and get some Magnum bars!!! Oh the power of suggestion! Hugs to you...B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

            Go you Byrdie - fat by association!
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

              Daisy don't you dare desert me!!!!! get another magnum down you if need be (you never know it may just stick on your :bum: :H )

              Honestly I had a little pang of what if on the way home from my meeting tonight, DH has 3 beers in the fridge and I thought he might be having them tonight (he is) and I thought 'not fair, I want wine'

              OH NO YOU DON'T!!!!!!!

              Stay strong twinnie!!:l
              Taking it ODAT


                Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                I am so glad you posted Mauri! That gave me a laugh!
                I know, I know, we are in this together....all the way.
                If I really thought the Magnums would stick to my arse or my boobs I would eat 3 a night.....
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                  You can have some of my boobs, I am a G cup!!!! I think if I win the lottery I will get some chopped off them and stuck on me arse :H

                  It is hard going isn't it? I am off to bed in a mo, can't be bothered watching any crap tv tonight or reading!
                  Taking it ODAT


                    Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                    What are you like???!!!! LMAO!!! you have honestly brought me right back to the place I need to be....thank you Mauri!!!
                    Have a good nights sleep!!!!
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                      I am glad :l night night speak tomorrow

                      ps I am sure i will need the favour repaid anytime soon!!
                      Taking it ODAT


                        Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                        You are way too funny!!! When I was walking the dog, I was thinking about flat bums - mine used to be cute many moons ago, but it has totally lost all shape - must be age, or sitting on it too much! My 13 year old suggested i try shape wear! I told her once upon a time I was just as perky as her and she almost died - perky all over - I am not a G but not too badly off, its just they need help to look like much any more!
                        Have a great nights sleep you two, it is almost 3pm just now, so I still have the hard bit to do.
                        My dog is new to me - i rescued him, they told me he was 3, but I think he is much youndger, and yes he was part of my new life - single, new home, dog and supposed to be AF - that bit is coming, along with the financial stabilty bit.....
                        Thansk for the laughs!!! Will see if my gilrs left any Magnums that I will enjoy with a BIG smile tonight whilst you guys have sweet dreams....:thanks:
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                          Almost August, many of you have reached it - i really plan to have an AF month in august - will you join me????
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                            Scotlass; you will get there. You are setting yourself up. I am with you for AF August - let's do it! I have spent any AF time over this past year and a half taking small steps towards building up my sober life. Also, in order to maintain anything - studies, artwork, gym, swimming, seeking employment, and most of all, relationships and peace of mind - alcohol simply has no place. It would bring everything I have worked so hard on, just tumbling down.
                            I am back on top this morning. Cannot believe I even had that thought last night - it is alien, but it was there. I want to log each step of me getting my life back for good.
                            '199days' posted a link this week for Rational Recovery which I have checked out - I have found it so helpful in changing the way you see a craving or drinking thought. It is about changing the 'I' into an 'It' when a thought comes along - 'It' is the beast. 'It' is the one craving alcohol. If 'It' is not fed, it will get weaker.......well worth a read for anyone who is interested.
                            I didn't feel like I was going to cave last night - I had no reason to leave the house - but I have to say I was shocked because of the feelings I have had of total acceptance that I live a sober life.........those fecking thoughts can just sneak their way in, no matter how strong you feel........posting here and getting great responses from my 'oul muckers brought me back very quickly to reality.
                            Well, anyway, done and dusted now and back to my rocking sober normality.......going for a swim in an hour.
                            Tonight, I have to go meet a youth group who need help with artwork they are doing at their club. I'm not sure what it is yet so I'll keep an open mind......
                            Have a cracker day all!
                            Oh, just realised today is 1 week mark....haven't really been counting but nice to know..
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                              Hope you had a great day today! Just hearing all of your activities makes me tired! I am so happy for you! Just rinse and repeat!! Well done to you and Mauri!! B
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                                Morning all; I didn't get my swim in yesterday, and had a bit of a tired, feeling like shit day instead; it lasted all day and with my meeting cancelled, I ended up going to bed at 11.30pm.
                                Now, this may sound like a 'downer' post, but 'no'. I have not been in bed that early for 2 years, so my body clock re-set must be working! I put yesterday down to possible hormones and my body readjusting. I am up this morning at 7.30am - another great result.
                                My exercise is being interrupted slightly with family duties - have to bring my dad to hospital again today as he needs to have his bloods re-checked before his op.
                                I may get to the gym this afternoon, depending what time we get home.
                                Scotlass on day 10 now, me day 8 and Mauri day 6 - yeeha! Progress, progress.......and more to come!
                                Byrdie, I am listing some things I do and some are 'good intentions'.....will get there. Thanks for the support. 'Rinse and repeat' - I like that one!
                                Another sunny day in Ireland - doesn't it just make life great when we get a sunny start?!!!
                                IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!

