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Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

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    Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

    Hi Maury, good for you; better than a non-AF day, eh?
    Had to phone at 10am about a bed for my dad; the nurse said they would phone between 12 and 1. I ended up ringing again and now waiting on another call to see if they can take my dad in or not. So frustrating as he is prepared and ready to go since this morning.
    So prayers for all to go smoothly would be appreciated.....
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

      Got a bed!!! only the relief of this has made me realise why I have been so tense. Leaving in an hour.
      Will check in tonight....
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

        All of our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...please keep us posted... B
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

          Our thoughts are with you and your family, Daisy.

          Reading a lot about conscious living and being present and I think that drinking really blocks both these emotional states of mind. If you are numbed out how can you be present? Going to work hard on actually being there and not hiding behind the blurred vision of my current life. A/F is the goal. The weekend at the lake house begins and we've finally started dissassociating with the drinking crowd that comes up to the lake (without invitations). It's been tough as I am not tough but I have stood my ground and let everyone know that from now on it's by invitation only that we receive visitors. This is a good start as our place had become party central.

          Have a serene weekend all.


          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
          ? Lao-Tzu


            Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

            Thanks Byrdie and Tipps; I am so with you on that on house was party central for years. Since coming here it has basically stopped - funny that?! Even when I have fallen back into that hole I try to keep it secret so that they don't start coming round just puts temptation in your face.
            Just wait and see how you feel when you get up for a nice early start and bump into all those hungover party animals - now that is a piece of armour alone to decide to be AF the next night! Sounds like you have it sussed for this break....stay strong!
            Well, dad is checked in and first on the list for tomorrow morning. My mum, brother and I are up at 5.30am to go see him before he goes.....
            I thank God that I am sober for this! Present and capable - there is no beating that!
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

              Evening all - or whatever part of the day you are facing!
              Daisy, having worked both in NHS in UK and in the health care system here in USA, the NHS has so much going for it - however the bed game is such a horrible stressor! So glad the bed has opened and all is on track. All the waiting games exert a huge toll. Hang in, sober, and I hope all goes according to plan for you and your family....
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                Well, has everyone fallen off the end of the earth??? Where are you all - I am lonely!

                Just got in after going to a Best of the West BBQ abd Chilli cook off - you can imagine what the drink of the event was, and the food tickets bought the drinks too, and water was sold at same tent as beer, and it is HOT and HUMID (we are usually hot, but not humid here in N Ca) - AND I DID NOT HAVE A BEER, or a wine, or anything else, even though I seriously considered it!!!! happy....
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                  Scotlass; thank you for giving a call-out! I came on tonight just for a peep. I am so glad you are in the right place - keep it going girl!
                  Haven't been on here as so much going on. My dad went in on Thursday for op on Friday. My mum and brother and I were up at 5am so we could see him before it.
                  Long story short, they couldn't remove the liver lobe where the 2 tumours are because they found 2 to 3 more in the next lobe. His cirrhosis is at the highest grade.
                  Not great news, but right now we are all letting it sink in and it will be dealt with, come what may....
                  I am glad I have been there for them and will be.....for now, just exhausted but will hopefully keep posting.
                  Should anyone read this with a bit of extra encouragement to help I would so appreciate it...
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                    Awww Daisy, I was worried about this as you had not posted. It is so hard when our parents age, especially when the news may mean that they don't just age gently and gracefully. My heart goes out to you and your family.
                    I am sure they probably have't told you what all this may mean, and it is a lot to have sink in especially when you are exhausted. Please hang in, post when you can and if there is anything that a stranger many miles away could do, don't hesitate to let me know....:l:l
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                      Thank you so much Scotlass.....
                      I feel a bit more normal today; we will get through it. I think the biggest thing is keeping my dad in a positive frame of mind. We were in shock because we really thought the op would leave him cancer-free and instead we are home with more.....c'est la vie!
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                        What horrible news. I am so sorry to hear this, there is just nothing to say to make it better. Our hearts and prayers go out to you, and much strength to you and your family. Please keep us posted...we are all crying with you....B
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                          So sorry Daisy, it is too bad when we try to have a positive attitude and mindset that all will be ok, then you get suckerpunched! This will be a hard time for all of you as you adjust to a very different plan. You are very much on my mind and I am sending lots of hugs and hope your way...
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                            Daisy so sorry about your Dad, sending you lots of :l
                            Taking it ODAT


                              Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                              Dear Daisy,

                              I'm very sorry to hear this sad news about your Dad! I pray & hope for an alternative healing treatment for him!.... I will be thinking of you, praying for extra strength, & courage!... May you all find comfort in each other & possibly a Higher Power, of your own beliefs.

                              Love, :h

                              Wildflowers :l


                                Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                                Thank you all for your kind responses; we are still waiting to speak to someone to let us know what happens next or just anything. The docs are off on leave and we are getting answer phones.
                                I have had a rough couple of weeks. Last week a friend who has been living with cancer was told there was nothing more they could do for him; I went to see him on Wednesday and he died the next morning; his sister is also a very dear friend of mine. She lives in Canada and came home. I have spent every day with her and other friends who came home. The funeral was on Saturday. She is leaving today.
                                I haven't really seen my mum and dad over this time so now it is back to concentrating on them; I am drained. I have been drinking this past 3 nights and know I have to get myself together again. My dad was diagnosed at the end of June and we feel we need answers. I will try again today and each day until we do....
                                I know drinking is dumb right now - I just got where there was so much going on, I didn't give a shit about myself......I know I need to get back and will put the work in; so here I am relying on you guys again.....
                                IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!

