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July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

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    July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

    “We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”
    ― May Sarton

    We are already into week 4! Where is the time going?!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

    Good morning Dill & Star (on the other thread),

    Oh yeah, hot, humid & sunless here at the moment......
    Pretty sure storms will be here at some point.

    I have no idea where the time is going Dill but seeing the end of summer is OK with me
    We had a rather warm winter here & the poison ivy was never killed off as it should be. I think it has popped up in all of my garden beds, even my in raspberries & possibly in & around my veggie garden. In other words, I just can't get away from the stuff

    Let's all be our authentic selves today & kick some butt
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

      Lav, can you spray the areas you spend a lot of time in with a broad leaf weed killer like crossbow?. That's what we do and it works like a charm. We spray it along the paths where we walk. It doesn't hurt the grass at all, just the broad leaf plants. I have a friend who battled PI all last summer because she wasn't good at identifying the plant. It turned out she had a healthy vine of it growing in an ornamental shrub right by her front entryway!! She was constantly coming in contact with it when trimming or even just brushing past the bush!!

      You are right about looking forward to this summer fading into history. It has just been too uncomfortable and it isn't even "the dog days of summer" yet!! That's in August, traditionally but I think July qualified this year.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

        Hi everyone

        Thanks for starting us off Dill, I thought of it this morning but then had to run. Like a lot of you I too will be glad to see the end of this wet, wet excuse of a summer. I think it was you Star who asked about the weather here in August, it can be nice but this year has been so unpredictable anything could happen.

        We don't have PI Lav so that's something to be thankful for. Is Rusty still in Maine? I only get to do quick check in's so can miss stuff. Fingers crossed for you Papmom, how is your Dad?

        Everyone else big hello.



          July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

          Itchy Scratchy checking back in :H :H

          Dill, I have had YB working on spraying Roundup but I'm beginning to think the PI is becoming resistant
          I think the bigger issue with me is trying to regain some control of my immune system if that's even possible, maybe.....

          Hi Rustop! My wish is for you to have a rain free August & cooler temps for those of us on this side of the pond

          I'm sharing a pic of Lily taken last weekend by a photographer (hence the watermark). It's very unique I think

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

            Lav - that picture is absolutely precious! I love pictures taken in black and white and whoever the photographer was, they did a beautiful job. She's just adorable!

            As to the calendar, I swear it seems like I just changed the one hanging on my wall to July - time certainly does seem to go by quicker as we get older

            Getting ready for a week long granddog visit - love him but it's definitely a challenge to get to work by 6:00 in the morning and get three 80 - 90 pound dogs fed and out to the kennel. Wish me luck!

            Hope everyone has a great AF evening!
            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

              Good Evening July Friends,

              Wow, it is going to be AUGUST next week! Does anyone have any ideas for names? Awesome August? Awesome and Active AF August?

              Lav, Lily really is a beauty, and I think the black and white photo just accentuates all her features....especially those huge, fabulous blue eyes. It is a unique photo. She will probably get offers to do some modeling.....which would be ok as long as she doesn't end up on the show, "Toddlers and Tiaras.":H:H I hope you recover from your attack of PI.

              Pap-I am thinking good thoughts for you on this new job possibility.

              Star-you asked me if I had a hard time adjusting when I come back home after a vacation away. Well, I would have to say that when I was in the automotive industry, I did not take significant amounts of vacation at one time....only long weekends, and then the break between Christmas and New Year's. That's always hard for me to adjust to.....I find myself very grumpy on the first day back to work after the Christmas holiday. Now that I am no longer in the automotive industry, no, I don't have a hard time getting back into the swing of things because I love my job and my new clients even more. I am so glad you got away for a week and indulged yourself in that course.

              Chill-where are you?

              Jolie-enjoy your weekend with your granddog. I thought of you at the wedding last Saturday because my cousin's wife is from Maryland. I have fond memories of MD as well because I used to love to go to the Inner Harbor and shopping at the mall in Silver Spring.

              Rustop-a cruise at the end of the month sounds heavenly.

              Dill-I am glad you had a nice time with your family in Cleveland. I used to go there quite often on business, and my closest friend in my industry lives in Lakewood.

              I am at home tomorrow and looking forward to an AF Friday.

              To everyone, have a peaceful night.


                July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

                Major thunder & lightning in Lav & Jolie land so I thought I'd check in before the internet checks out :H :H

                Rusty, so glad you are enjoying your new job & clients
                See.....change can be & usually is a good thing! It's all in how we view our circumstances I suppose.

                That pic of Lily was taken by the wedding photographer who was supposed to be taking pics of the bride & groom :H
                I do like b&w pics too - makes you imagine what the real colors are!!!!!

                Better sign off before I attract lightning into my living room. Maxie is looking for reassurance - geez!
                Matilda hasn't even noticed the storm yet :H
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

                  Aww sweet little Lily has such amazing eyes! :h


                    July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

                    Good morning everyone

                    Lav - that picture is adorable

                    Rusty - you sound positive, so glad things worked out so well for you work wise.

                    Jolie - I don't envy you your task!

                    Off to pick up 4x4 and then to wash the pony, another show tomorrow, I guess at 18 she could be at worse so I should not complain.

                    Have a great weekend everyone.



                      July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

                      Good morning friends

                      Last night's storms were pretty fierce but didn't do a thing to improve conditions out there. Still very hot & humid
                      The lightning did manage to set off my security system last evening & I suddendly found myself sitting with 120 lbs of doggies sitting my my lap :H :H

                      Off to Curves now then to the supermarket. I will be watching the grandsons from 2 pm until ? tonight.
                      Good luck with your show tomorrow Rustop

                      Have a great AF FRiday everyone!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

                        Good Morning guys

                        Hope you are all feeling good on this wonderful AF Saturday. Sorry to have been MIA I have just been doing the same old same old and all is well in Chillworld. I was up till late watching the fantastic opening ceremony to our Olympics. I have to confess having Olympic fever and total awe for these amazing athletes.

                        I have only ONE module left to do of my course although my Tutor is on vacation and I still have 3 assignment results to get back. Anyway I am now on a mission to find a new home and so far every one I have applied for has refused dogs :upset: this is not going to be easy. I still have a couple of towns to check out over the weekend although in my heart I know where I want to be and can see myself there so I'm really putting it out to the Universe for a miracle to let it happen.

                        Names for August? Awesome AF August, And now for AF August, Always AF August, Amazing August!
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

                          Good Morning Everyone,

                          Chill-great to see you!:l I so admire your courage in taking on two huge changes whilst remaining AF-the move, and the pursuit of a new career. I know your perseverance will pay off in both areas.....but I so understand your frustration about not being able to find a place that takes dogs. Maybe if this new career pays off, you will be able to live in Leamington Spa someday.

                          Papmom-how are you holding up?

                          It's supposed to be a beautiful day here and I am going to enjoy it.....with some work mixed I have had the luxury of being on vacation for 3 weeks....I guess I do have to work SOMETIME.:H:

                          I have a little story to tell you....with both the bitter and the sweet included. I had a consulting client in Alabama, and I worked with him for almost 5 years. For the last 2 years, I have gone to Alabama for 3 days in August. I've called this client twice, and e-mailed him, and he did not respond. I know he still works for the company as I talked to the Office Manager and confirmed it. I left him a VM, asking if there was anything wrong as it was unlike him not to return my calls, etc. He still hasn't called me back, and although I am very disappointed, I have let the matter go in my mind and my heart and I have moved on. I can't control what he is thinking. If this had been 3 years ago....I would have wallowed in wine or scotch and felt angry, swimming in self-pity....for months. Now, as I am AF, I am finally learning, albeit slowly, that I cannot change this man's mind or fix what is broken if I don't know his problem with me or my services. I am also focused on the less trip to Alabama is one less plane ride. YIPPEE!! The bitter and the's ok.

                          Rustop-By now I am sure you are at the show and I hope it's going well.

                          To everyone I didn't mention, have a fabulous AF Saturday!


                            July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

                            yea Rusty!! That is an awesome attitude and one that really shows your growth! The serentity prayer really works, doesn't it?
                            Hope your reentry into working hours again isn't too harsh. Oh, the luxory of having 3 weeks of vaca in a row!! I don't know what I would do with myself!!

                            Rustop-safe travels transporting horse and girl! I wish you could give me trailoring lessons!!

                            Lav-OMG that pic was amazing!! Lilly is a rare beauty for sure!

                            Chill-good luck on your final module-you will pass with flying colours. As always, wishing your tons of luck and guidance in your home search. It is out there. I know you will find the perfect abode for you and Elle.

                            Drinking dream last nite!! Thought it was real for the first 5 min I was awake! It wasn't horrible-something really great happened (don't know what-it wasn't clear), an unknown "friend" (no face or name) said, "you know what this calls for?" and we both shouted "Champagne!!". And she then produced a bottle, opened it and I took a swig from it. No proper glasses or anything. Then we left it outside of a door!! My recollection from the dream was that the one swig was all that was needed or wanted to properly mark the occassion (I've never been a champagne girl) and I wanted no more. but it bothered me that I had let it pass my lips without even thinking! I beleive I was able to sit down and talk to someone about it but not sure who and decided that it didn't constitute a slip and therefore didn't need to be confessed. Now, that bothers me GREATLY!! Why would I be so dishonest with you guys? Huh.

                            OK, off for brekkie and then a 1.5 hr drive to my demo. Hopeing to stop my bro's afterwards for a towing lesson if they didn't head to the Cape last nite.
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              July's Jolly Journey ~ Week 4

                              Good Saturday to all -

                              Lav, I'm glad to hear you didn't suffer too much with the storms the other night. They predicted tornadoes here, so we battened down the hatches, but it slipped south and we escaped. In the last storm we took an almost-direct hit of lightening...glad that I had everything turned off/unplugged (except the eFence, which then blew the control board, $$$$, aaargh). Good luck with the PI, I can't imagine how awful. I hope you can find a systemic anti-inflammatory - maybe try turmeric? What do you think, Chill?!

                              Just got Mr Tree off to NV for the start of his music festival (round trip to LaGuardia this time, I'm getting the hang of it). I follow next Wednesday, so I'm flying around trying to finish unpacking the house to find the things to pack for the trip. Dog care is still a priority, so I may try to put up new fencing in the 'potty area' and find a pet door that will go into a sliding glass door; then the pups will have a potty back-up.

                              Rustop - whenever I don't want to wash my 2 weimys, I will think of you washing the horse -- that will inspire me! Hope your daughter's shows go well.

                              Dill - I have been thinking a lot lately about May Sarton, thanks for that quote. There is a wonderful book she wrote about living alone in the country - I have been thinking about paint colors, and I recall that she painted her kitchen floor a mustardy-yellow...

                              Rusty (good luck getting back to work), PMom (thinking of the job search), Chill (thinking of the house search), Jolie and Fly hello!, LBH (are you feeling OK?), and anyone I missed...hope you have a beautiful day today.

                              I'm off to take boy dog to the vet - some weird growth popped up and grew like a weed on his leg...hope it's nothing major...
                              to the light

