Ok, this is both for me and CanToo… a reminder of why life is better even just after 29 days AF. Cantoo, I know how hard it is to hang on in the early days, when you're still suffering the detox effects and possibly cravings but keep going and even after a week, two, three, you'll see positive changes. Have you quit for any length of time before? Sorry if you have a thread elsewhere I haven't seen. I have some MWO catching up to do...
After 4 weeks sober…
I feel calmer, happier, more positive, less anxious, less depressed
I am sleeping better and my allergies are, not gone, but much better
I have been working out, eating healthily and as a result have lost over 2.5 kilos and can see signs my fitness is improving
I have spent sooo much less money and saved money. I've put $100 a week aside each week I haven't drunk into a special account (including the month of June in which I only drunk on two nights) with which I've saved enough to buy myself an iPad and treat myself to that dinner Friday with $200 in the account now awaiting another treat…
I feel more present with my friends without booze getting in the way
I feel proud of myself for tackling this
I feel more focused on the future, not just bogged down in present drinking misery/worry
I am setting goals for myself
I am learning HUGE amounts about myself and this addiction. Sometimes it's painful but mostly it's great and way better than the dark fog of denial
You CAN do this CAN TOO and we will help you