The toe saga continues!!..not fixed,without going into the gory details,Ive got another dressing on it,with silver nitrate this to go back on Thursday now.Meanwhile cant put any weight on it, keep it dry etc, so basically cant really do a lot!!Getting quite boring now.
THanks to all those so far that have subscribed to my other post.Its just an idea to see the number of different areas in the world that MWO gets to.I will put them all on my initial second post then anyone can see at a glance.
Tea and coffee on the go, and seeing that I cant do much else..toast too

Hi are you today?Noticed that you werent rushing about at breakneck speed of leisure??
Good morning porquoi...really nice to see you.Full of energy and positive..go girl ..give them hell!!
Satz and how are you today?thats the best one I have heard for getting taken out for a kitchen!! what did you do ?hide it??Yes know what you mean.its not as hard as you think to go into a pub and not have alcohol is it?Not long now till the big three-o for my reckoning a mere 5 days

Good morning Shue, to you,the noo.. there you go a full sentence of rhyme!!!coffee for you and some toast?.How did your day go yesterday? Firstly the sacking??.bottom line is if it has got to happen then so be it, not one of the best jobs to do, but comes with the territory of being in charge.But you are so right..the HR and contractual issues can be a minefield, need to be right on them.
And how did the birthday go then?all to plan?what was the surprise (tell us..within reason!!)
Good morning Lavande if that's whats at the end of your rainbows.. I'm moving!!Have the storm clouds moved on yet? good morniong to you..what a difference reading that as opposed to your first post.Brilliant.. end of day 4 af well done you.Caught the bit about you have still got lots to think about and admit...can I make a suggestion?write them down.It is so much easier to see things written down and to plan how to deal with them, than to let them whizz round and round in your head.Keep positive you are doing ace!!Dont let the wee man in!
Hi sunflower how are you today?so you are into yoga?not so sure I could for a couple of reasons.. about as flexible as a plank of wood, and secondly knowing me I would tie myself up in knots and not be able to get out of it
Lilly E CONGRATS on 30..well done you :l:l So your next goal is 42 days then..go fo it.One thing is that you recognized that there could have been issues (slippery slope) and did something about it .
One thing I have thought about, when I reach the 30 mark, again like you,I intend to take time and reflect on my journey so far...strange as this may seem, another thing I will do in that reflection is...In the town near me, there is an area where most of the drinkers meet ,with their extra strength lager and cider,its actually in the middle of town,I am going to go up and observe them for a wee while,and how they behave and look not as a circus act, but to remind myself where I could have been had I not chosen this path, and how easy it is to fall or trip up.Does that make sense to you?
The owl is in the rescue centre where I work..over time I will put them all on
Nother brew time!!!
Kaslo..where did fabeens come from? fancy you and me going into business as a comedy act!!jeez that spiel you did must have been heavy duty.Sounds like you had real fun!and what delights have you in store today for the world?
Right peeps going now.. so see you all later.Big hi to all I have missed today by name.Wherever you are, whatever you are doing..have a great af day