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Awesome August Abstainers

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    Awesome August Abstainers

    Good morning to all and welcome to all newcomers...

    Just working and trying to enjoy the summer weather when possible.

    Lav, back into the 90s, whew, it is HOT. So nice to have your family with you to just Be.

    Chill, nothing is ever easy, most of the time. That is my experience for the most part. However, I know that with persistence, you WILL find the right place for you and Elle.

    Hey, I just heard that in August we will have a blue moon, last one was in August 2001, next one will be in August 2031. That is kind of wild, eh?

    SD, so brave of you to let us know about your decision to drink normally. Some ARE able to maintain control, while others over time go back to their old ways. I thing that this time of total abstinence has taught you alot and you will never be the same. However, be on guard and if you ever lose control, you know what to do. Rusty, your views would be invaluable at this time, please share your experience if you choose.

    Hi Dill, LBH, Rustop and to everyone, have a great and glorious day.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Awesome August Abstainers

      Hello AAA's! and a special welcome to Kradle and Scottish lass :welcome::welcome:

      SD, like Chill, I hope you are careful. I was curious as to whether the drinks at the reunion enhanced your fun? For me, one or two is just enough to make me crave more and if I don't have more, my mood goes south. If I do have more, I go overboard. Each scenario has its negative side. Maybe I'll have "a good time" if I drink more, but will I remember it? Or will I be so nervous about being obviously drunk that I won't enjoy? So, that's how I think it would go for me. How was it for you, if you don't mind my asking. About the dreaded letter, I haven't got mine yet!!! Funny because I met with a bunch of work mates and they have theirs?!! Is somebody trying to tell me something here?!:H

      I had the loveliest pre-dawn walk this morning with Tessa, our new dog. I was walking in a sweet-smelling, newly mowed hayfield and heading west. The full moon Star mentioned was before me suspended between a couple of trees. A flock of geese flew overhead and a pair broke away from the flock. They flew right in front of that full moon and on then to the north. Of course I thought of all of you here! Perhaps I should try to find that essay about the flock of geese and repost it for the newbies here.

      Have an awesome AF Thursday everyone.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Awesome August Abstainers

        Good morning Triple A folks

        Glad to see everyone this morning!
        Spending the last few hours here with my girls, then I have to take them home.

        SD, hope all goes well for you!
        I won't even consider moderation because It's never worked for me in the past. Like Dill, one or two sets me up for ??

        Star, I read about the blue moon last night!
        Very cool event, something to look forward to seeing

        Chill, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Something will open up for you very soon.

        Rustop, hope you are not wearing yourself out.....I know that feeling

        Dill, your morning walk sounds lovely & PI free I hope!!!

        Where's papmom?

        Have a terrific AF Thursday one & all!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Awesome August Abstainers

          Hey everyone - mind if I jump in? I usually post over on the Army board but have been reading your threads and just had to say hi I have been here a few years and have had my struggles, but am feeling so much healthier now. (The name Wagoneer is because I kept jumping on and off the wagon so many damn times!) Even with all the stuff happening in my life (not necessarily bad, but Mommy stress - first daughter off to college in a few weeks etc. AUGH!) and have loads of excuses to pick up a glass, but really, I don't want to. I stay close to this site and it seriously helps. Hope you are all well and happy and AF. Hope to talk more soon!

          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


            Awesome August Abstainers

            Good morning fello AAAer's

            Cranky today, but no danger of drinking. The days of numbing my feelings are over, just gotta push through the bad days and the good days with be even better.

            Best get back to work,
            new beginnings July 16, 2012


              Awesome August Abstainers

              Hey Lav! Yes, my walk was PI free!

              Welcome aboard, Wagoneer, you are in the right place. :welcome: Some of us here have solid quit dates while some of us have been "wagoneers", but we are all looking to be healthy and af.

              Hi IMT, you have it right, no more numbing, it really doesn't help, it just postpones or even increases down feelings.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Awesome August Abstainers

                Hello, awesome ones. Thank you for the name, Lav, I think I can live up to this one, and I love thinking of you and the moon and the geese, Dill. Welcome everybody new! It will be wonderful to get to know you and be with you as you find or continue your path to your goals. Things are generally good here today in my small world, my garden is an oasis but like much of the country it is unusually hot and dry and busy in the city around me. I am closing in on my latest completion of sixty AF days, a bit unsettling as in the past I have tended to briefly cave (as many of you know) after two or three months only to realize that alcohol did not do what I wanted it to, did not consequentially enhance a good experience nor buffer me in any meaningful way from pain, did not help me enduringly find a sense of identity or place or belonging. I guess that was a lot to expect from a martini:H. While I am lucky that I haven’t ever gone further back down that alcohol road, it has chipped away at my spirit to take a drink when my heart knew better. There has been nothing dramatic about my drinking or recovery but that is my general nature, life is simply better without it so that is what I shall be thinking about. Love to everybody. Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  Awesome August Abstainers


                  All your posts had me about in tears...I'm not sure where in my last post I mislead any of you to believe I was going to continue to drink or moderate?? I thought I made it quite clear I had no intention of drinking and very much was committed to continuing to lead an AF life. My reunion weekend isn't going to become the "norm". The way I had been leading my life the previous 380 days is how I intend to keep proceeding.

                  I agree with you Dill, it's much easier to just not have any than try to handle the spot between two and overboard. I also knew, I'd never be able to handle the pressure of not drinking once I got around all my old friends--as weak and pathetic as that sounds. What's done is done...I did have fun (and also remembered why I don't like to drink at the same time) and I'm ready to move past it and continue on.

                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    Awesome August Abstainers

                    Sorry SD ~ maybe we were worrying in a 'mother hen' sort of way
                    I would just hate to see you or anyone really fall back down that damn slippery slope of AL-hell!

                    LBH. I think my energizer bunny grandson has the perfect solution to life's stuff....
                    A chocolate, coconut milk ice cream cone hits the spot every time :H :H

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Awesome August Abstainers

                      SD, I did not think you intended to try to moderate. I completely understood your post about just drinking at the reunion because of the nature of the event, but was just giving the warning like Lav said, as a mother hen~ You are awesome in your commitment and continue to be an inspiration to myself and others. :h

                      LBH, I was so glad to see you post today. I looked to see if you were doing drink tracker and didn't see you so naturally grew concerned. (I hope you don't think I was stalking you!:H)

                      Lav, that is one smart grandson!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Awesome August Abstainers

                        Stalk away, Dill, I need a keeper:H! I don?t know if I am going to continue using the drink tracker, far fewer people do (it used to be packed and a lot more fun) as it?s trouble to log in every time particularly when it no longer even works properly in terms of carrying over from month to month. You can find me in December 2009 but not two days ago. I started using it again in June when I really wanted to focus and I probably will again if I need to get back on track. Thanks for looking out for me, we are definitely in this together:l. SD, I figured you were just checking things out for yourself, and I am glad you are well and happy. If I hadn't learned AF was better I wouldn't be here either. Love, Ladybird.
                        may we be well


                          Awesome August Abstainers

                          Hey Hey,


                          Thanks Lav, for the inspiration. (Cute kid, Lav...). And, well hi to all of you, I havent checked in for a while but I am still here (usually on the daily thread) but this will be my SECOND sober August, and I am really looking forward to it. Love summer, and this is the last month really, so I am going to try and make the best of it.

                          I dont know people well enough on here to dispense a whole lot of admonision or advice. I dont know why I dont even want to try to moderate. I have to say that peoples thoughts on here on moderating have influenced my thinking. A lot. In fact its mainly MWO that reminds me subliminally and not so subliminally that I have an obligation to my future self to stay off the hootch. I am all alone out here in Kaslo land and no one cares if I drink or not, or so I think, but I know I would get a serious butt kicking from a few people on MWO if I announced I was about to try it. I never took moderation seriously when I was drinking, and i suspect I would just have it "end in tears" as Chillgirl said.

                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            Awesome August Abstainers

                            Evening all

                            Lav - was the cone too big for EB's mouth? :H whatever it was he looks like one very happy boy!

                            SD - Sorry if I upset you :l Im delighted you are fully committed to being AF and was just concerned about you.

                            I finished my last assignment today but my tutor is on holiday so I still have 4 sets of results to get before I get my diploma but it was a great feeling to type the last word.

                            Im leaving tomorrow to spend the weekend in Suffolk a County I have never been too but is supposed to be very beautiful. Its about a 3 hour drive and I have actually found 2 properties to view which will accept dogs! I hope to return with some good news

                            If I dont manage to check in, here's wishing you all a wonderful AAA weekend!
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Awesome August Abstainers

                              Hey y'all,

                              Sounds good Chilli. Safe travels and enjoy the scenery. Congratulations on finishing your last assignment. Yeehaw!

                              Hi SD! It sure is the company, and not the booze that makes for a fun time, as you say. I know that when we open that AL door after some AF time, our body chemistry can react very strongly for a few weeks, and it can be a dangerous time, so be onguard and take care of yourself. Glad you're back to an AF life.

                              Hiya Lav! EB is just a classic. What a happy little chappy he looks, and lucky to have such a cool and smart granny!

                              Don't forget, friday is P.O.E.T.S. day........Piss Off Early Tomorrows Saturday.

                              L8tr, Yo! :h

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Awesome August Abstainers

                                Kaslo - are you referring to me re butt-kicking? :H :H
                                I do it with great love in my heart for each & every one here :h
                                I was deep into denial & failure at trying to control drinking when I found MWO. In my case, it just wasn't meant to be so I haven't given any thought to trying.

                                chill, that ice cream cone EB had was actually quite small. That's why I so so amazed at the size of the mess he made but he sure did enjoy himself :H

                                Hey G!
                                We'll have to get you interested in recording some kid's songs - they'll all end up calling you 'Uncle G - the music man'
                                Always nice to see you here!

                                LBH, you do know that we operate covertly here....we watch out for each other, always

                                Happy P.O.E.T.S. day tomorrow!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

