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Awesome August Abstainers

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    Awesome August Abstainers

    Noooo dahling. You didnt do any BUTT kicking per se. More of a gentle but mildly horrified i abs sure I want to try that, never worked for you, etc. No I got a butt kicking from Mof3 which I royally diserved, and I should make a point of thanking her for it, next time I "see" her on here.

    After hanging out here for a year and a bit, I am now realizing peer pressure on here works very well. Turn posted an interesting link on cognitive something or other (lol, cant remember...) which is worth reading, if yez havent already.

    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      Awesome August Abstainers

      I know you all were/are just worried and/or concerned about me and I appreciate it. I really do! :l I've been on this site long enough and have read enough stories to know what happens and can happen....I can assure you all, I have no desire to drink and I just know I don't need it in my life....I just don't. I promise to be honest with how I'm feeling if things would start to change...but I am getting focused on the school year starting and we all know I can only survive that with a clear head! Like I said, I'm happy right now, I'm not letting anything take that from me...AL would love to be first in line to do that!! Ain't happenin'!!
      Thanks for caring!!! :l
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        Awesome August Abstainers

        Here's the link to the Lessons from Geese

        And Hello to all! Busy day for me so this will be a quick post. We're driving 2 hours south to visit with family in Southern Ohio. It's a beautiful drive and a pretty part of the state with lots of hills and mountains. The roads are winding and narrow for a good part of the drive so one must drive slowly and take the time to enjoy the landscape. Enjoy an AF Friday one and all!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Awesome August Abstainers

          TGIF All August Abstainers!

          UUUUGGGHHHH......I had forgotten what a bummer it is to work 5 days a week!:H It's a good thing that I will be on vacation all next week. I can't wait. My cousin Anne, and her son are visiting from Colorado. Anne is my Aunt Rusty's daughter. Dill, your words hit home with me when we were discussing the true "alcoholic" someone who does not want to stop drinking and continuously drinks whilst making the lives of everyone around them miserable. This was my cousin Anne's life with her mother.....a woman who insisted her husband buy her bottles of vodka in cases so she could drink alone during the day while he was at work...and would not let any of her four children bring friends home after school because then they would find out she drank all day. Anne deserves a vacation, and I am giving her one.

          SD-:l I've read and re-read your posts and you sound soooooo happy! I think it's because you have this fabulous new man in your life. He has breathed joy into your soul. And because he is a non-drinker or very moderate drinker, it must be a lot easier to be AF. That's how I was when I was dating a lot....I didn't care about booze because I was so wrapped up in the guy I was with. And none of the guys I dated before my last relationship drank much at all, if any.
          You have had over a year of being AF and I know you learned a great deal of the downward spiral of AL if it's left unchecked. I have confidence in you that you can stop drinking if you see a pattern that is leaning toward planned or daily drinking. You and I share a certain vulnerability and similar experiences. I had no problem controlling my drinking when out with my family or close friends. I got so caught up in the conversation and forgot my glass of wine sitting at my table. I severed my ties with an elderly man whom I was somewhat of a companion for over the last 7 years but I dumped him 2 years ago. He was a horrible trigger and influence for my drinking, as were your friends. Yes, I have been able to have A glass of wine with my mother here and there....and I have been honest with people here about that....and I do not crave more. Why, I don't know. I do know that I didn't want to get in the habit of drinking that 1 drink once or twice a month with my mom and I made sure I avoided her usual before-dinner cocktail hour. This has allowed me to be continuously AF (with one hiccup after I flunked the exam) for several months at a time. I am committed to the AF lifestyle as it's brought me and my family such joy. We have a particular vulnerability because I live alone and have no one to keep me in line, and you have the added vulnerability of being a gastric-bypass patient. If you see fit, go to the link from Calorie Lab on Gastric Bypass Surgery and Alcoholism. The stories there are so sad. Our thread is a unique one...we are not the slap your were a bad girl....and go stand in the corner Kindergarten Thread. People here care for you so much, and I will join them in saying please be careful. You have achieved so much, and that beast AL can sneak up and bite you in the ass when you're not even looking. I know because it happened to me so fast I didn't know what hit me. You're a huge source of energy and fun and you better stick around.:h You're a sharp gal and I believe you will make healthy choices for yourself.

          Star-you wanted me to offer my opinion....geez, it was meant to be brief....another Rusty Monologue.

          Has anyone heard from Papmom? Pap-if you're out there....I lost my debit card within 30 minutes of seeing it last, if that makes you feel better.

          LBH-two months AF!:goodjob:

          Chill-good luck in your job search.

          Dill-safe travels this weekend.

          Lav-I would like the same ice cream cone EB has...but two scoops, please.

          Hi Mr. G:h

          Welcome all newcomers! I'm off to work. Have a great AF Friday!


            Awesome August Abstainers

            Who ordered the steam bath??? :H
            It is totally disgusting outside today. Do we have to deal with this for the entire month? I hope not

            Kaslo, raising two kids made me realize there is no point in farting around. Get to the point & get there quick was my motto with them......besides, I can't stand the BS. I imagine I do the same thing here. I like a large BS Free zone around me

            SD, we know you are OK!
            Just keep enjoying your new & improved self. I think there are great things just down the road for you!

            Dill, have a great road trip. I am going to reread your link, thanks!

            Rusty, working 5 days a week was always a killer for me. I had next to no help with house & kid matters because YB was so invisible (even back then). It doesn't get any easier, does it?
            I hope you have a great visit with Anne

            I have much work to do today which is good but I am falling behind in housework, yardwork, etc.
            Trying to balance stuff this week has not worked out real well but I had a great visit with my girls & some fun times with the ice cream monsters know as my grandsons

            OK, off to work!
            Have a great AF Friday one & all.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Awesome August Abstainers


              Taking a break here....I am so thrilled because I asked for new business from this client and he gave it to me without hesitating!! YIPPEE!!!!

              Lav, oh, I know, the humidity is 65% here. I'm working with the manufacturing hourly personnel and yesterday the temp in the shop was 97 degrees with NO AC, just fans. I don't know how people can work like that. Yup, your life with YB sounds like my mom's life with my dad She got NO help from him and she had 5 kids at home. He was more of a hinderance and a royal PIA and my mom was just glad to get him out of her hair. I remember when my dad would go to Europe on business and be gone for two weeks at a time.....we'd all let our hair down and we'd have a blast with our mom because she was so much more relaxed.

              Papmom-we haven't heard from you and I am worried. Please check in.:l

              LBH-I loved what you said about your AF life. I feel so much more at peace....even when I AM "absent-minded." I can't argue with a thing you said about me.:H:h

              Ok, back to work. Back later Abstainers and Abstainers-To-Be.


                Awesome August Abstainers

                Why is it that most men seem to do nothing useful around the house?:H
                All YB ever did was disrrupt the natural flow & balance I worked so hard to achieve

                Papmom is OK, still dealing with the BS of everyday life - AF of course
                She said she will try to get back on here today.

                Hope you don't melt there Ms Rusty!!!!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Awesome August Abstainers

                  Hey Awesome Augusters!! I am doing OK. Just overwhelmed most of the time and feel like I'm sounding like a broken record at times. I also feel like I'm in a holding pattern and that things can't change until one of 2 things happen: Either I get this job I've had 3 interviews for or I don't. There is good news no matter what. If I get the job, even if the salary is level, I will get the opportunity to learn a ton of new IT skills which I can then take to the corporate world should I desire. And, if I do get the offer, my current boss has asked that I give him a chance to counter so that should be interesting. If I don't get the job, I will be asking once again for a promotion and raise even tho I was denied just a month ago. Things have changed tho in that time, there is a huge reorg going on and starting in September my job will change for at least 3 months so I might have some leverage.
                  Financially I am not in a good place and just can't figure out why. I'm working 2 jobs but my non negotiable expenses have gone up and up, as they have for everyone in this country. It's very frustrating. Adding to that stress is a $700 vet bill I paid today for 3 of the kids, leaving me with $600 to get through the next 2 weeks. Pile on top of that Mickey was found to have a grade 1 heart murmur and needs a $300 echocardiogram to find out exactly what we're dealing with. All I did was bring him in for his rabies shot and this is what I came out with. I also have to get him a dental ASAP as well as dental for the other 2 ASAP. We are talking $3000 in the next six months plus I need all 4 brakes on my car replaced. So, please excuse me if I don't post every day-sort of putting my energies towards just surviving. I do read your posts and think about you guys every day. You really are my lifeline.

                  SD-all I can say is PLEASE don't be fooling yourself. All you have to do is read DG's and Greenie's story as well as Mr. G's to see how dangerous your thinking was last weekend. I really do hope and pray you are one of the very few who was able to drink a few at the reunion and that is that. You're all done. Your life has taken some wonderful turns lately and I would hate to see that be compromised. That is all I will say except please know you always have my support even tho it might come in the guise of a Mother Hen.

                  Chill-Soul Sista-I know it is all going to work out wonderfully for both of us. Have a great trip to your far away county-I hope you find what you are looking for. :h

                  Rusty-glad I'm not the only one losing my debit card these days! Did you ever find yours? I can't believe how great you sound these days!! Your life is just blossoming-professionally and personally. Have a great vacation next week. You so deserve the time off!

                  Lav-thanks for the PM. Love hearing your stories about the GKs even if sometimes I worry you don't get enough Lav time. How's matilda these days???

                  Rustop-oooh, you are so busy being hostess with the mostess!! Hope you're having fun!!

                  Dill, Jolie, LBH, Dew (hope you are OK), Star-you guys are constantly in my thoughts. Glad to hear all is well with you and you are all surviving the summer doldrums.

                  I have not liked this summer heat at all and feel very robbed of a summer. Way too much time in AC and I live for the cooler nites when they happen so I can fling open my windows!!

                  There was a link on the daily thread to a wonderful blog that hit me right between the eyes regarding my lack of exercise and treating my body right and how I'm being a passive participant in my recovery. In fact, this author inferred that I am a prime candidate for a relapse as I am not fully present in my own life. To that end, I went to my sister's house this afternoon while she went shopping and took a 30 min swim, not dip, in her pool. I did 2 laps each of 4 strokes, 2 laps each of 3 different kicks with the kickboard and 1 lap each of the 4 strokes. Then I did some stretching and isometrics. I felt great afterwards and have decided to stop there after work tomorrow and sunday to do the same thing. They are away this weekend so I won't be intruding at all. Should I get a raise, I will be applying some of it towards a Y membership so I can use the pool. I've always been a super swimmer and have often thought that water is my second home. I can't run, find walking boring and feel very out of place in a gym. If I don't get the raise, I'll use my sister's pool until they close it down for the winter. It is time i start actively participating in my recovery.

                  Sleep well my friends!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Awesome August Abstainers

                    papmom, glad you made an appearance

                    This summer's heat & humidity really has taken a toll on a lot of us, you are not alone.
                    A membership to the Y might be a really good thing for you in the self-care area. Hope you can make it happen

                    I think I will search for my bag of smudge sticks this weekend. I haven't done any smudging lately but I swear it really helped me move the negativity out of my space. I will send you one to try out.

                    About your doggies.....
                    My PM will explain my feelings on all that. You are the one who really needs looking after right now, take car of yourself first :l

                    I am exhausted & think bedtime is sounding pretty good right now.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Awesome August Abstainers

                      Papmom:l I hope you find out about your job soon. deserve a break. The expenses with your don't know what to say except that I agree with Lav, please take care of yourself first. I've missed you here. No, I didn't find my debit card. SIGH.

                      Lav-smudge away!

                      Rustop-cannot wait to hear about the cruise and all your entertaining!

                      Well, the reason I am posting this late is that I was driving home from Chicago and I got a second I decided to work out.

                      Ok, time for bed. See you in the morning.


                        Awesome August Abstainers

                        Hi All!
                        Well the reason I'm posting this late is because...we'll I'm always up this late!!:H And I just had to jump on here and to respond to Rusty's post earlier...I guess I haven't kept you all updated very well on Mr. J....I'd say over time his 'true colors" had begun to shine loud and clear. I'd tried to overlook many things or think of things as "quirks" as I think he probably is a "nice guy"....but I just couldn't lie to myself any longer...I broke it off. I felt he was very manipulative, had a bad temper, extremely stubborn and almost immature, and was kind of into playing "mind" games, kinda, if you know what I mean. It's almost like he needs to be with a girl with a little less confidence or self esteem---like his last girl friend!!:H Not this gal!!
                        Something funny happened tonight--my son and I went over to my parent's for dinner (my sister was there as well--so the wine was flowing)...I get there and we start chatting and my mom says..."oh, can I get you a glass of something....we have (and she starts naming things including wine)...she knows about last weekend, but my step dad continues on with about 10 other nonalcoholic items...I had to just laugh at the look he threw her!! I just looked at my son and said, "You know I'll just have my usual diet coke"--(they don't have diet pepsi!).

                        Lav--can you throw one of those smudge sticks my way...I need to get rid of some negativity that was lingering in my!!

                        Pap--so glad to see you!:l Your swim sounds wonderful!! It's been along time since I've tried to swim laps...I'd probably pass out and need CPR...ohhhh maybe I would meet a cute life guard!! HA! Sorry to hear about all the work that your dogs need....yikes! I have to agree with the other ladies tho...take care of you first so you can take care of them!!

                        Dill--Hope you are having a safe trip!!:l

                        Chill--good luck on your job search and I hope you like one of those places you look at that lets you have pets!!

                        LBH--Awesome job on 2 months!! Keep up the amazing job!!!!

                        Alrighty...I think I may just go lay down and see what happens...I may or may not go to sleep!!! LOL!!
                        BIG HUGS!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          Awesome August Abstainers

                          Good morning everyone

                          :l:l:l:l Pap, you really do deserve a break, I'm praying one comes your way. You too Chill,fingers crossed.

                          Sorry all in the US still suffering from the humidity. We continue to be washed out of it. Safe travels Rusty, not going on the cruise till end of month. This lot of visitors here till weekend and then next lot arrive. Me thinks I will be getting a little Papmobile and taking off next summer

                          SD sorry it did not work out for you and glad you are back in AF land.

                          Off to another show today and it's a 2 hour drive, ugh. Have a great weekend everyone.



                            Awesome August Abstainers

                            papmom3;1359688 wrote:

                            There was a link on the daily thread to a wonderful blog that hit me right between the eyes regarding my lack of exercise and treating my body right and how I'm being a passive participant in my recovery. In fact, this author inferred that I am a prime candidate for a relapse as I am not fully present in my own life. time i start actively participating in my recovery.
                            Hiya Pappy. I agree with the above statement 100%. This was my experience. I am more active, daily, in my recovery now.

                            Hope your pup's are ok, you are ok, and best wishes job wise.

                            Have a great weekend y'all! :h

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Awesome August Abstainers

                              Awesome August it is,

                              Good morning everyone,
                              I've been checking in but can't contribute much at work. It's been a rough week, I don't want to drink at all but PAWS set in. I identified what it was and let it ride out.

                              Well, last night we went out to an outdoor festival with our wonderful friends and I had an absolute FANTASTIC time sober. I feel so very free and happy. I wasn't worried about not drinking or anything it just feels AWESOME to finally feel free. I ran into soooo many ppl and to remember every conversation and the fact that I saw them is great. One guy I haven't seen in years was on his way to getting plastered and all I thought was that was me 3 weeks ago. Our group of friends were drinking, but I really noticed is alcohol doesn't affect them as fast as it does me, could be because they dont' drink as fast as me.

                              It was a great night, no one questioned me drinking water - that says a lot doesn't it. These are my dear friends who know my struggles. I was my true authentic self, not feeling deprived and had tons of laughs.

                              Sorry to rant about myself today, I just feel sooooo damn good!!

                              I hope everyone has an Awesome August 4th and ttyl.

                              new beginnings July 16, 2012


                                Awesome August Abstainers

                                Good morning to my August friends!

                                Sorry I've been MIA - work and babysitting the grandog have consumed all my free time! We did have fun though - took all three of the dogs to the farm next door where they have tons of room to run and play in the river. They loved it! (and it wore them out too ) GD is going back to his daddy tonight (now they need to work on those real grandkids:H)

                                Lav - I agree with you - it is just miserable outside. Don't know if you got any storms last night but we watched one go right down the river - never really affected us but it was awesome to watch.

                                Rusty - congrats on the new business with the old client - hope everything goes well!

                                SD - better to make that break now than to have it go any further if you've definitely made your decision. Good for you - you know what's best for you.

                                Papmom - hang in there - hopefully you will hear good news about the new job. Would you stay at your present job if your boss does try to make a counter offer? Saying a little prayer for you that your financial status turns the corner for the better!

                                Off to do my Hatha yoga - really liking it and it's really giving me all the things I was looking for. Still not as flexible as I want to be but hopefully it will get better. Love the deep breathing and relaxation that it brings. Hoping to spend some time with my daughter in her guy this weekend.

                                Hope everyone who checks in today makes it a great AF Saturday!
                                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

