Half way through another af weekend,one I will say has been quite tough for me, not just because of the toe and tooth issues, but also a feeling of.. kind of difficult to explain, but its like as if you have hit target..lets have a drink to celebrate..Has anyone else with some time in experienced that?It would be quite easy to be off guard and complacent.I can definitely see how people can go back after a spell off the booze.Just one to watch..Your initial strategy is equally as if not more important here than anywhere else I think.
Although its early, there are looks that it may be sunshine today yipee!!.Got a good one with my rabbits yesterday.Previously I mentioned that I had put up a plastic fence to stop Sam getting to the plants in the border..he chomped through a part of that,and yesterday it was as if he had enlisted the help of the lop eared one,Sally..she is jumping about mad, and while I am watching her, he chews through another bit!!so back to plan B whatever that is..like the roadrunner..back to the Acme drawing board!!
Hi porquoi..how are you?was going to say get a coffee, but you might spill it...while you get that backside kicked..whack..consider it done..now grab a brew!!How is the eye? better I hope..NO PUN INTENDED!!Well done you on your choice..I would rather watch a rodeo than a circus any day! Like you, waiting isnt one of my best attributions! plus or minus 2 minutes is good, after that??Glad to have you as company for the big 60..days that is not age!!! thats me you Lilly E ,Satz..tell you what you can be in charge of that list and keep us up to date..is that ok?You seem to be dealing with the legal issues on a much calmer level now so well done.
Lifechange how are you today??What are your plans over weekend? has Mummy been roped into anything? whatever you do enjoy.
Destiniey..hiya how are you today?..now day 12 for you keep it up you will do it.Everywhere on this site I go , I see that lovely avatar..you are everywhere..go girl
Kas..hope you dont mind that..how are you today? long weekend?what was your choice..though guess if you are in a Kayak you wont be on here!!Its great listening to some of the names..Gillette Creek...sounds a wee bit more romantic and scenic than Bradford, or Manchester..for people from there..those are just example names!!Whatever your choice enjoy
Hi Shue..weekend is here so you time..sounds like you need it.How is it going with your friend?hope things are well.Dont know why you feel dissappointed in yourself for thinking about al?We all do to some extent.Heres an analogy you must have heard..Couples looking at members of the opposite sex....how many times have you heard "nothing wrong with window shopping"no problem at at all...its when you start shoplifting the hassle starts!!Like the drink you are surrounded by it daily..doesnt mean to say you got to have it..yes I know youre chilled ,in a relaxed atmosphere etc but thats when he will try to get in...anyway have a brew and a toasted muffin you will feel ace!
Good morning Lavande font of all knowledge..and how are you today. tea.. muffins for you?.and the chickens?how are they Yes you are right..got up feeling not so clever and actually thought back to your post...now how would I feel now if I had been lashed up??Any plans for weekend or are you on grandkid watch?Whatever ..have a good one.
Wow turn again my heart goes out to you..hope all is better with your husband will say a prayer.So you went to the shop for the booze..Isnt it weird how you can change? at one time couldnt have walked past the shelf..now I look and pick the bottles up just being nosey.No interest at all.Hope bbq went well.Oh just one thing..if you ever need a job change can I suggest you give advertising and marketing a wide berth...certainly with Coors :H:H
Hi Sunflower how did the meal go? Did you enjoy it better with no alc?Thanks but I will give the pedicure a miss uch:
Hi doglvr..thanks for your wishes how are you today?now on brew number 2.. Coronation St..whereabouts in the world are you to get plagued with that?Thought it was only good old Uk that got that stuff!..now watch the response!!!#
Candoo..wow day 9.. where has the cant do it gone??You are doing great girl. Impressed with your list..mind you lists are me!!Keep at at..and enjoy true life
Well thats me going now..whatever you are doing have a great af day..put a couple of pics on..both taken at around 6 this morning...one is the cows coming down the field ,the other is part of my garden.. the raised veg beds..rabbits delight.. that's why it looks like a top security prison!!! I am sure we have all got similar, I know we have...so be honest ..would you rather look at this now clearly or through bleary pissed up eyes, with a headache, and dry horrible mouth? Methinks no contest.. have a good one