Anyway, did another mod in the garden to keep the rabbits off the plants and to stop them chewing the fence, seems to have worked..short term until they find a way round it!!
Rabbits nil.. wile e coyote 1 :H
Apologies waffling already and having a brew and not offered any one else:sorry: Its on the go now , do get right in.
Good morninig Lifechange .. and how are you today??back in the game again? good girl..You are on the way out for them snakes!!Just make sure you have and use your strategy..thats the secret.Got every confidence in you.What are you up to today then?anything or chilling?Whatever it is stay strong...nuff said.
Porquoi..good morning to you..yep the mantle of responsibility falls to you with regards to the 60 dayer, so you need to keep us all in check so that we know when we hit the 60 point..Notice your mood is confident.. so good on you.What are you doing today??
Right coffee time for me..anyone else?? aaah thats better
Hi Dest how are you today?well did you go into the meeting yesterday?If so how was it?Did you get anything out of it?If you didnt go in how come?Thanks ref the garden..trouble is everything is through at the same time.. got to pickle beetroot this week!! already had potatoes broad beans, courgettes, shallots strawberries, rhubarb and not all in the same meal!! good morning to you..did the arms work?? Triathlon you must have some energy for that.At present I am in training for the triwalking till toe gets sorted!:H love the new avatar very nice..complete with nice vibrant positive colours..yes the rabbits are pets..strangely enough wouldnt be without tem now. Nearly right about the bird...not a cantoo.. toocan, spelt and white, with a large yellow bill. Thought we had one in the garden.....but it was a magpie eating a banana! :H
Good morning Lavande..tea.. coffee? how are you this fine day? any break in the weather? Fascinates me when you say..have to work in the ac.. over here we are all cutting about in coats and hats.
Ouch..that must have been sore with the blood clot..mind you, when I had my stroke thats what it was ..a blood clot in my brain blew open.Impressed me to bits..up till that point wasnt convinced I had a brain, or that it had come out of the wrapper!!

Sausage long time no are you?hows things in Jockland?Day 164 wow that is some feat well done.What you up to today?looking after bored kids?Wher abouts are you (not exactly)..anywhere near the coast or beaches?.Come back soon.
Sunflower...what can I say? there is a lot of wisdom and sense in your reminder that none of us are infallible and have to be on guard How are you?Any plans for today?I noticed that when we went to a pub for a meal, the number of people not drinking al..funny how your awareness changes.At he end of this post, going to put up a point for discussion..just to see what people think.
Hi are you?sounds like a real rigmarole at the border!!Sounds like you had a great day yesterday..glad your dry bag worked.I used to use one when I was scuba diving..remember once the cuff dump valve leaked..pretty crap in the pitch black at about 30 sort of think possibly a hobby change is in order!!Got to go with Lavande not into guns at all..had my time with them in the army.Problem is there are legitimate and genuine people with them,and then there are those that arent.There is no way of separating them out.You cant pigeon hole them.Anyway what are you doing today more of the same?
Here is a point I was thinking..cant see a right or wrong answer but good for discussion.
So far since being af, I have found af beer and also cider...both tasted quite fact could not really taste any difference between them and those with alcoholic content.Do you think, by substituting them for alcohol, you are then making yourself dependent on them, which could lead to some tricky situations, say for instance you were out, or at a party and there was no af beer, the emphasis then shifts to the word beer as opposed to no alcohol .. no alcohol could become low alcohol, then just beer.
Is it not better to stay away from drinks that specifically say non alcoholic like the above and drink soft drinks etc.That way you are not becoming dependent on one type of product and have a more diverse choice in the above mentioned scenarios??
Just thought I would throw that in for a Sunday morning!!
My other thread seems to have waned a bit need to push that one a bit to show everyone how widely used MWO is.
Right peeps going now, wherever you are whatever you are doing stay strong and have a great af day including those not mentioned by name