Definitely tea and coffee on the go here today so help yourself to it.. I certainly am before the storm starts!!
Anyway how are we all today?still on the af bus? Good.. couple of wobbles..but the main thing is we are all here.Got a pretty busy week health wise..blood test results tonight, toe saga Thursday, tooth keeping the health service employed!!
Morning Satz and how are you today?still kept the wee man at the door?We need to work out a plan for these weddings..simple solution would be not to go .. but I would never get away with fact don't think I would want to do it..Certainly don't want to face the rest of my life hiding in a cupboard!!
Good morning to you Shue... see you've missed the poetry!!How are you today?back on track.. .What are you up to today? Busy busy time or not?Are you managing to get any me time in for you early morning hikes/mountain climbs etc?Was going to say put your feet up and chill with a coffee for a moment,the madness can always wait a couple of minutes.You take care..
Hi Lilly E... how are you this fine day?We could start a new thread injury swopping forum !!Glad you didn't give in at that well done.. how did you deal with it? Did you have a plan or was it pure guts and determination?I think that is the same for all of us at the moment..going to any sort of function,your brain still associates it with al, and in the grand scheme of things one month isn't exactly a long time for the wee cogs to disassociate so many years of drink and functions.. doesn't sound right ..but hope you know what I mean.I think you are right..we need to refocus..and define new objectives.Reading your post,must admit I feel at times"a bit flat" and need to kick my own backside.Dont know but it may because it has not sunk in properly subconsciously that this is now the way of life, therefore you dont need rewards and goals.. Any one with a lot of time in, Lav etc care to comment does it get easier, can you enjoy them, when does it change from being a chore,and any other answers that may help...thanks Anway Lilly..grab a brew
Hi are you today?keep your coffee warm for you ..I know you said you will be in later..have a great af day
Hi pq.. chief counter are you doing?have a coffee.Glad your eye is better..another one for the injury swopping thread...this has got potential!!
Good to hear your meeting went well.You certainly have got a different mindset over the legal issues than from when you started ..well done

Good morning Lavande...a nice cup of Earl Grey tea for you? ok ok so its Asdas!!
How are you today..still in the humidity?Chickens must be really cheesed off.
Just thinking, have been on here for some time shall we say, seen people come and go and come back again.I was just reading through our posts especially ,round about the same mark as me 30 +/- a few.Look at our original posts.. and please do not think I am being disrespectful to anyone me included, but we did not have a clue.And yet look at the posts now,just over a month, they are all full of tips advice etc.OI am probably the worlds worst Its as if people have rediscovered something in such a sort space of time..trick is to keep it going.Need to go in a minute running about like a headless chicken soon!! Kept that one especially for you

Good morning young at heart...and how are you today..tea and coffee nil cost.. from a Scotsman thats pretty good!! Welcome anyway hope you settle in... you will succeed.
Morning to you are you did you get your son signed up?World cup we come!!How did your meetings go?Were they positive?
Good morning are you today?hink I would have preferred the pool to the treadmill.I have a treadmill..its gathering dust at the moment. since I cant run on it since the bad toe job.Tried it once, and believe me the word Yikes definitely wasnt included.!!
Thats me folks.. off into the fray..2 women against me what chance do I stand???
See you tomorrow...if I survive :H:H
Take care all