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Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 2

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    Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 2

    Hi Guys

    A quick check in from me as I have had a real problem getting internet connection.
    As Lav & Papmom have already seen from FB i'm having a lovely time here with my Parents.

    I have a huge amount to tell you all and havent had time to read back so I hope everyone is ok. Im not moving to the house I had hope to but will still be leaving the city on Tuesday to live in the beautiful countryside of Suffolk. I will be temporarily living with my new love interest while I look for a new home and a job. This means I will be right where I want to be while I find the right place without all the pressure of driving back and forth or finding somewhere by a certain date. Im very excited and it really feels like things are falling into place for me
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 2


      Quick check in for me too...I apologize for being absent for the past couple days! My son and I went into the cities and caught a Twins game (they lost--big shock!) and did some shopping...we had such a good time and didn't want to come home!!! Tomorrow is my first day back to school...its just inservices for 3 days basically but none-the-less, it's back to work and all the bullsh*t that goes along with it...none of course having to do with the kids!! I PRAY it's better this year!!!
      I caught up with all the reading I missed while I was gone and the past few days...sounds like everyone os doing SOOO well!!!! That's fantastic!!!!:yay: I too, have kept on the straight and narrow and remained AF since the reunion....I honestly knew I'd have no problem continuing as I was...I love how the af life feels!!

      I want to address everyone individually, however my son is now done with baseball and on to it's off to football practice we go!! I think this is the sport for sure uses A LOT of his energy!!! When everyone is draggin on the field, there is my son running back to the line ready to run another play!!! He hears lots of praises from his coaches--little do they know by this time at night his meds have long worn off!! :H

      Everyone keep fightin the good fight and I'll catch up with you all hopefully in the next day or two!! :l
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 2

        Hi Awesomes,

        I've been on g-ma duty again today all day and this is my first opportunity to check in! I'm so glad I was sober and able to answer my son's request for help with the kids. He called last night at 10:00 and asked if I could be there at 5:45 am this morning so he could get to work. His ex was unable to take care of them today. That's another story. Anyway, thankfully, I was awake and aware and present when he called and was able to agree to it and was able to correctly set the alarm. When the alarm went off, I remembered why I set it, and I had no hangover. Aren't these all wonderful things? Could have been so different if....

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Awesome August Abstainers ~ week 2

          Ah granny Dill - I know exactly what you're talking about!
          So glad you were able to help with the kids today. It's exhausting, isn't it???:H

          Hi there IMT, hope your day was good!

          SD, take a deep breath & enjoy your return to work (as much as possible). Your son had a great summer, so did you! My son had all that energy as a kid but he just didn't get on well with sports. He did better with solo activities ie guitar & trumpet lessons, believe it or not. At 17 he joined the fire company & that was that!!!

          chill, I hope your new friend is trustworthy......
          Seems like you are moving pretty quickly
          Just want you to be safe & happy!

          OK, EB is spending the night & currently entertaining himself with my iPad.
          At some point I will have to turn that thing off :H

          Good night all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

