Well, went to hosp with this toe yesterday.. be sad if I went without it! Saw different doctor..he basically told me the left side of nail had smashed and a bit was growing through the side and a bit through the top.Options were..to leave it and see what happens, wait for a slot on general surgery or let him try and take it out...went for option 3.. wow it was sore!!sweating the lot..had to pick my eyes off the floor a couple of times, but he got the bits out.The immediate relief was brilliant.got to rest it for a couple of days and thats it..back to normal.Dentist this morning for a root filling and thats me brand new

Shue good morning to you..on the treadmill now?I love early mornings too.so calm and peaceful before the world puts its silly head on.Glad you dont let work get to you,its so easy to fall into that trap. anything planned for the weekend?
TDN..CAN I call you that..its easier..good morning .we havent met but welcome to the madhouse.You say you let yourself down and your husband and dogs?You had the courage to come back again, after 6 months af and say oops, so well done.You have done it before, so you can do it again..just fix the bit that went wrong in your plan....quick guess, I would say you got complacent about it.You are right ..you cant stay away from people that drink..just like you cant stay away from smokers, you just have to personalise it and say it is something you don't do.Quick, grab a coffee.How are the 2 dogs that aren't well?
Morning pq..and the 60 day count is???.........just keeping you on your toes :H Well done you for yesterday and not taking a drink.Nice strategy...different version of surfing the urge but same outcome.Reckon that happens to us all...a great and satisfying day and you think ..nice job, feet up have a drink and relax.. thats when the wee man tries to get in.. think the secret is trying to change that reward for the nice day.. replace the alc with something else.I just read your first and second posts..you do it..see the difference between them and the one you just posted.. there is a huge difference, even including the way you feel about yourself..it comes through.
Morning YAH..... another abbreviation! how are you this fine day? having another brew ..you want one. I also love Turkish flavoured tea, apple, cherry , kiwi etc.Currently on kiwi yum yum.Cant get it over here .Last time I went to Turkey, virtually brought a caseload back..International tea smuggling!!!Toe feels better hopefully on treadmill next week.Glad you have lost a pound...certainly glad you are this side of the fence too...well done you.
Hi Satz, how are you?apart from filling your car up with sweeties?Glad you are doing ok..any more thoughts on this wedding coming up?I havent worked a plan yet..but if I start with a definite no ,then work out the how, why what where when, sure something will emerge.As for fishermens friends ..the Lofthouse factory is about 30 miles from here..Tried the cherry ones not so long ago they were very moreish!
Lav..what can I say?..at least we know what you are doing today... rebuilding a house :H:H
Have the grandchildren gone or are we on demolition day 2?No weather improvement for you?
Turn again...good morning??? you seem to be well.Thanks for the words of encouragement..Love to see more of that scenery that is in your avatar!!
Hi sunflower...rain?whats that :H.go on take that holiday..as far as thoughts on future drinking go..think you sum it all up here:
I like the AF life so much, I think I will try it for one more day!
Hi Sausage wow nearly there..you can do it..just get rid of the wee man out of your head.Are you back home yet or still west coast?
Your bottom comment on your post should be a pretty good incentive not to give in!!Hurry back.
Good morning cantoo and how are you today a!t the start of your day 14? Just read your first post too..bet you didnt think then you would be reading 3 books in a week!Hmmm single?..now I wonder what those books were?

You dont need to hope you can change to cantoo...you are changing!!
Right folks .. I'm off now..brilliant article on ebay..at ?4.99!! an empty bottle..here is the blurb that goes with it
So you weren't one of the lucky ones, unable to travel to London for whatever reason and soak up the exhilarating atmosphere, well maybe a little bit of that ambiance can come to you! How would you like the unique opportunity to own a one of a kind never to be reproduced novelty gift item from the London 2012 Olympics? - Bottled Atmosphere!
Yes that's right the beautiful East London air has been captured in a preserving bottle for you to display and take pride of place on your mantelpiece, bookshelf or desk and eventually be passed on to future generations of your family...........or if you prefer, you can open it and use the bottle to preserve pickles.
Perhaps we can sell alcohol free air!!!
Have a great weekend to all here and elsewhere