Tea and coffee on the go..Stick around bacon and egg after!. Been up since 5.30.. got some jobs done.
Was at the dentist yesterday..drilled out tooth and put some stuff down the inside of it ..ouch..back next week for round 2
Was out walking with a real training shoe on yesterday..first time in 3 weeks ..toe still tender so need to take it easy.
Been looking at some of the posts..quite a few of us feeling the need for a drink urge on the forum at present,,especially round the 4 week mark.Wonder if there is any correlation between that length of time and the fact that around that point your body is supposed to be clean of alcohol.
Morning shue..how are things in golf world today with you?What are you up to this fine day ..apart from people watching of a specific nationality :H MBH. I subscribe to George Bernard Shaws interpretation of golf.."a good walk spoiled! "What have got planned for today?whatever it is enjoy
Morning Lilly E nice to see you back in writing.hows the arm?Glad you are still on track,though you arent the only one that has had negativity in their head recently.Just gone through that, minimising the problem etc.Its as if the issues of 30 odd days ago dont apply,hence neither do the coping strategies we made, when in reality they apply more now.That is why they should be fluid and reviewed and tailored as times move on.Thats what I did ..sat down and went back to my basic stragegy just to remind myself what this was about and that I aint bulletproof!Well done on 6 weeks Sunday..mine is Tuesday..dont know where the official scorer is..

We said 60 together lets do it
Morning TDN..how are you this weekend?..Going for another brew,want one?What are you up to?Feel free to jump on the thread starting any time you want.
Morning YAH....must be something wrong with me ..dont get excited by rain.. could be beacause we get loads of it..plus official water shortages..now had does that happen ?wrong type of water?, wrong temp?
What are you doing with yourself this weekend?Busy,busy ..you dont need alc..and yes you are right..there is a problem otherwise you would not be here, so I think the wee man nd his denial friend should take a back seat this weekend!Have you made up your strategy for dealing with these issues?It really helps ..especially writing them down.Keep going you can do it
Morning Pq..big dose of humble pie being eaten now..there was me saying where was the official scorer..and you were there..so its oops from me! 7am meetings?Jeez couldnt be doing with that....must be pretty quick and to the point ones
Morning Lavande..big cup for you..reckon you need it what with that weather and grandkid patrol!!Toe is doing ok ..bit tender but we will get there.
Morning lifechange and how are you? did you survive? have you got a tv shaped window??
Keep going girl ..you can do it sod them .its you that you should be thinking about

Good morning Doggygirl nice to meet you.. great to hear success stories of beating the old alcohol..well done
Sausage you are doing ace keep it up
Hi sunflower..bye sunflower..Zoooooooooooooooom hope you are ok
Greeneyes..how are you? havent seen you on here for a while.glad all is ok
Guitarista...how you doing my friend all ok down there?
Right folks.. finishing off now..let you know pressed the wrong buttons twice so this was rewrite 2.. fortunately I had saved most of it...but you know that window Lifechange?..is there room for a laptop?
Wont be on till late tomorrow out at 4.30am..so we need a thread starter..
Take care enjoy the rest of this af weekend